Lets rp... LV style

"No, ive been dealing with a troubled daughter for the past hour. You havent lost it have you?" she said impatiently, it was bad enough she was gonna leave him to run the case by himself let alone without a cell on him. she then realised she sounded a bit harsh "where'd you have it last?" she asked
Gregs face was still red "I dont know it must have fallen out somewhere" he sighed "I remember feeling it in my pocket back then so it must be on the ground somewhere." He felt useless, he was being left alon on a case for once and before he even gets started he already messed it up.
"Ok well i'll ring it for you and you can just follow the ring tone, it cant be that far away the parking lots not that big" she said getting out her cell and calling Gregs.
Greg listened closly to see if he could hear his ring and then he could hear the song 'I feel like making love' comming from the car not to far from him "I hear it" he said wit excitment. He started to walk around and he could hear the song closer and closer by each step. "Found it" he yelled as he bent down.
"Good" yelled Cath from the car, she closed her cell, she called him over. "ok i need to check, cos your only CSI level one and your not meant to be by yourself, you know whats going on with the case?"
"Alright then" she said smiling at him, feeling guilty for having to leave "basically, theres been a murder downtown, the mom is dead, the aunt is in hosptal and the little girl Olivia is the only uncompromised witness. She recognised gil and sara from a previous crime scene and said that the man she saw at that scene is the man that threatened her aunt and possibly killed her mom. Anyway the suspect Mr. Rodriguez DNA results came back from Mia and his prints were found on the door of the appartment where Olivias adopted mom died. Also, a part of Olivias moms pink nail varnish was found in a cut on the perps face as well as two guns being found at the scene." she paused for a breath and rubbed her ankle

"Anyway, hes currently in the interrogation room waiting for you, all lawyered up, so i need you to try and get a confession or if that doesnt work more conclusive evidence that he killed her cos at the momement we dont really have much. Got it?" she looked at Greg and laughed at him trying to take in all the information. "oh and Olivia is Grissom and Saras biological daughter" she added
"Yeah well it seems that Griss and Sara did actually know each other really well in San Fran before they came here and well, you know how it works Greg, and they have a daughter" she said chuckling at Gregs stunned expression.
"Greg are you ok?" she said noticing his expression "I know its a shock, but its not like shes your kid" she said trying a little humour to get that dazed expression off his face, it was unusual to see him like this.

"Anyway, ive gotta go this ankle is killing me, ill be back in about an hour. Im trusting you Greg, so dont miss anything and ill see you when i get back and keep me updated on any major changes" she said wondering if it was right to leave him to handle a case in that state then she figured he was a pro so he'd handle it. She then started the engine.
Sara knew this wouldn't be easy. Gil was quiet, and that wasn't a good sign. Before, it had always meant he was shutting her out. "Don't freeze me out now, Gil, please," she begged, her voice soft. "I know you're mad at me. I'd be suyprised if you weren't, but don't get quiet on me. That's never a good sign."
Gil was silent, thinking, trying to understand this whirlwind of confusion and lost love and disappointment as Sara grabbed his hand. Nick kept flashing that awkward smile he always uses when he's nervous or upset, or both. Olivia was being walked down that long hall stretching out before the three of them, flanked by two guards. "Don't freeze me out now, Gil, please. I know you're mad at me. I'd be surprised if you weren't, but don't get quiet on me. That's never a good sign." Blinking his eyes hard together, he sighed and gazed up at the slightly flickering lights overhead. "I was thinking, about the future and what it held, for all four of us equally." At this he put his hands in his pockets, glanced quickly at Sara, straight into Nick's eyes, and intently down the hall at his daughter.

"Nicky, I'm sorry, truly sorry this is the way it's going for you. I want you to be happy too. Just because of this...I want us to still be friends, all three of us. And Sara," At this he turned to her, eyes so soft as if they were felt, grabbing her hands gently inbetween his own. "Sara, I'm not mad, not at all. If we had her, lost her, and found her again, I think it's just meant to be. And you can tell me, and Nick the truth." At this he slowly removed his hands to his sides. "Neither of us, I'm sure, want you to be pressured or feel pressured into something you don't want or don't feel right with. We'll deal with what you want first and foremost, because it's what matters."

By this time, one of the guards reached their small circle and coughed, interrupting. "Mr. Grissom, Miss Parkersons was needed to be escorted from the patient she was visiting and she gave us your name." At this, the guard looked questioningly at Sara and Nick, when Grissom just nodded his head to okay them and looked strangely at the guard.

"Why was she needed to be removed?"
"The patient reacted negatively to a drug that was given to her, apparently causing a serious allergic reaction of sorts and her throat swelled, causing her to die of asphyxiation. Miss Parkersons was removed as the pulse rose, we were informed of the situation a few moments ago."

Grissom was frozen. Now, the three CSI's there were the last things that were as close to family as that poor girl smiling absently a few hundred feet away had.
Nick's face dropped and he looked at Gill and Sara. He didnt know what to do. He knew Gill and Sara now had to step in and take over the situation. He had to stop being so jelous and imature about the whole thing. He cleared his throat. "sara, gill, would you guys like to be alone? if you'd like, i could go"