Lets rp... LV style

Nick shrugged his sholders. "na, i'd rather talk somewhere other then work if you get what i mean..." he smiled. Meanwhile, out side the door, Lindsay and the boy had begun to kiss 'passionatly' out side the door. Nick turned his head, "oh deer," he said. He looked at Cath.
"Oh yeah totally" she replied, she then turned to the direction that Nick was looking " you know what, i'm gonna tell them they can date, its her life i cant keep trying to control it for her. You know but if this plan backfires, i am so blaming you" she said laughing "Lindsay can you come in here please" she called
Nick laughed and looked out the window as lindsay continued with the smooching. Nick looked at her weirdly. "linds?" he said. Lindsay put her hand up as a 'wait one sec' sign. Nick sighed and stood up and opened the door. "Lindsay... your mother wants you!" lindsay and the boy broke the kiss instantly. And lindsay rose to go see her mother. "yeah mom?"
"you can date him as long as you promise you'll be careful and never do anything you dont feel comfortable with, your a smart girl and well ive got to let you live your life, so you can go with him as long as your cell is on at all times and you're back by midnight, fair?"

(have to go now - bye :))
(k, bye!)

Lindsay was shocked, just a minute ago, she was being shouted at for even knowing the guy, then she began to make out with the guy, and she get rewarded? "alright!" she said taking his hand. "lets go to Franks Diner!" she said. The teen smiled. "umph beer?" he mumbled. Lindsay laughed, "of coarse, your buying!" she said with a smile. Nick frowned. "it not right linds!" he warned. Lindsay shrugged her sholders, "mom said i could do what ever i feel comfortable doing! and drinkings one thing i dont mind!" she said cheerfully. The teen laughed. "umph beer!" he smiled at lindsay.
"dont forget i want you back here by midnight, thats about an hour, got it?" she barked, lindsay signalled that she understood and walked. Catherine looked at Nick "Sh*t" she said "what the hell did i just do" she let out a yelp of pain/anger but mostly of anger and put her head in her hands.
(o ya, oops! if forgot to PM the dudes that play gill and Sara, i'll do that and im sure they'll come on here again!)

Nick looked at Cath. "Cathrine," he placed his hand on her sholder. "i think we should tell gill that you cant work tonite, you have to go see a docter. And as far as Lindsay and the teen goes, i'll 'follow' them if you'd like. Or just check up on them like ever 5 seconds!" he smiled

"Thanks Nicky, i would love that" she said smiling at him. She got up and then fell back onto the chair again. "could you help me to my car please" i'll phone gil from the hospital and get linds to meet me there too"
Nick nodded his head as he held out his hand and helped Cath to her feet. He then took his arm and wrapped it around her waist, and took his other hand and held on to the hand she had wrapped around his neck. "i got ch'ya" he said smiling
"thanks" she replied quietly and smiled at him. She then realised she had been a bit too emotional lately "but dont think i owe you any favours" she said laughing, as she hobbled through the corridors to the car park with Nick. She could see people staring at her as she hobbled away and went bright red and gave everyone 'get back to work' glares.

(sorry v crappy post couldnt think what else to write)
(thank you, Gill and Sara SHOULD be in the game agian, i finnaly PMed them. i only hope they are gonna come back...)

Nick saw Cath giving everyone a look, almost like she was imberassed. He smiled, "who cares what they think, lets jsut get to the car!" he looked at her and smiled. "just ignore them..."
"yeah easier said than done" she replied as she clambered into the car with Nicks help "thanks for everything Nicky" she said putting her seatbelt on "ill call griss and linds from the hospital. Keep me updated on the case ok? will be back soon. is it ok if i still tell lindsey to come here, i dont trust that boy bringing her back home."