Lets rp... LV style

"Lindsey, i'm sorry i know i should have been there for you sepecially when eddie died, but i had to work honey to make ends meet i mean we were really in debt, and i did ask ecklie for the day shift so that i could spend more time with you, but you know ecklies eckklie and well, im sorry" she said smiling hopefully at lindsey
Lindsay nodded her head. "i get it." she smiled. She wiped her tears away. "so... whats up with, gill?" she asked quietly, making sure no one could hear but her mother.
"linds come into my office we'll talk there" she said and walked in with lindsey following her "Gil has just found out that he has a daughter, with Sara, this was from way back before they worked here together and i think they're planning to re adopt her" she said smiling
Lindsays face grew wide as a smile grew across it. "really? wow! thats so cool!" she looked at her mother. "how do you feel about it? i mean, i know you like gill and all, it must be kinda awkward."
"lindsey!" she said shocked "i do not like Gil, we're just friends, he's with Sara and i'm happy for him" she said lying through her teeth
Lindsay looked at her mother and raised her eye brows. "uh hu?" she said smiling. "mom, please..." she laughed. "you like Gill and you know it! even i can see it!"
"and i can see that you're crazy" she said laughing "we're close, i mean he was always there for me when your dad and i argued and when he died and he always has my back at work, but he's with Sara now and hes deliriously happy so whatever i feel, which is nothing, is irrelevant" she said feeling like a teenager again
Lindsay laughed. "mom, your making it complicated." she smiled. "you like gill, but the thing is, Gill cant like you because he has a kid with Sara, -even though, he did like you. I mean cum on mom, you just said it yourself, 'gill was always there for me' and in fine print your saying 'gill has always loved me' " lindsay smiled as she watched her mother begin to talk again.
"lindsey, ill make you a deal, i'll admit that i like Gil if you tell me about your boyfriend, cos honest to god i actually would like to meet him make sure hes good enough for my little girl" she said half smiling half laughing.
Lindsay smiled. "um... are you sure you want to do that?" she asked. Lindsay didnt want her mother to find out that the boys she had been going out with were much older. She smiled. "cause... their -i mean he's, so busy, studying for upcoming tests and stuff, i dont really want to bother them -i mean him..." she said trying to make it seem like they/he wasnt so bad.
"yeah i mean im your mom i dont want secrets between us ... wait a minute, them? how many boyfriends have you had?" she said looking confused but staying calm she hadnt had fun with lindsey for years and she didnt want to spoil it just yet.
Lindsay's face dropped, 'i hoped she hadnt heard that' she thought. "i didnt say 'them'... did i? ...wishfull thinking is all." she wondered if her mother was gonna buy it. As Lindsay sat there, she began rummaging thru all the boys she knew, and tried to rememeber one that was young, smart, and a total geek. Someone her mother would really like. -no one! 'what about the guys in my class?' she wondered. 'yes! bingo!' she thought as she remembered a boy who was totally into Lindsay, and wasnt that bad. She smiled.
'oh shit! this kids not that popular! cum on, think...' she thought. "Matt!" she practicly shouted the name. She laughed. "i mean, Matt. Matt Fandrich" she cocked her head to the side, wondering if her mother was buying it.
"that keen on him huh?" she said laughing "so whats he like, when do i get to meet him? come on i need details, hair colour, eyes you know the drill" she questioned