Lets rp... LV style

"ok linds ive got to go" she said noticing greg waving the swab at her "ill phone in an hour to make sure theyve gone, call me if you need anything?"
Lindsay smiled. "k," she said. "bye!" when she hung up, she left to go see the people in her living room. "you guys got to go..." and from there, she cleaned up, scooted them out the door, and got a ride to the lab from one of her friends. She would do anything to stay as far away from homework as she could
"ok bye" she closed her cell, she walked into the lab
"doing some over time greg?"
"Yep, luckily for you otherwise this baby wouldnt be done for 2 days, you know i really should be given a raise for giving up my time like this"
"ok greg, what have you got for me?"
"well i compared the DNA on the swab to a print found on the door and it matches"
"looks like Mr. Rodriguez was lying then, thanks greg" she walked out the room
"what about my raise" called greg after her
"talk to grisom about it" she called back. her thoughts turned back to lindsay as she walked along the corridor, she really felt they were making progress and she smiled for the first time in a while.
Lindsay arrived shortly after cleaning the house, she got out of the car, and told the boy to leave. He left, and she turned to go inside. When she entered, nick was walking by, and he stopped to say hi.
nick; "hey lindsay! whats up?" he asked giving her a hug.
linds; "nothing, just here to see my mom uncle Nick" she said hugging him back.
nick; "is every thing ok?"
linds; *nods head.
Nick; "k, let me take you to her!" he said taking Lindsays hand and leading her to Cath. "Hey cath, someones here to talk to you." he said inturupting her conversation with Gill.
"Lindsey hey" she said giving her a hug "thanks for bringing her nick" smiling at him gratefully "didnt expect you to get here so soon, did you want to talk or have we done enough of that already today" she said laughing trying not to get emotional infront of Nick and Gil
(oh shit! gills in the hospital... now what? lets jsut say he's now out)

Lindsay smiled. "no, i actually wanted to talk to you for a minute, alone..." she looked at Nick and gill. Nick nodded his head and left.
"Gil do you mind" she said smiling at him, he nodded and followed Nick
"Ok linds whats up?" she said walking into her office, Lindsey following her
"God Linds no what is it?" her voice calm but her mind racing about what she was about to here, it couldnt be drugs she thought shes not that reckless
"ok..." *sighs heavey. "um... ya know how you were gone for so long the other week?" Cath nodded. "well, during that time, me and the guys all went down to jens cottage, and i've started..." she froze, she couldnt say it. She had made such a big deal about it. *sighes. "i've started smoking, and drinking..." she looked up at her mother. "but i didnt do drugs." *laughes. "i was so waisted!"
"Ok linds firstly thank you for telling me you have no idea how glad i am you told me. Secondly, im not gonna patronise you cos i know you know its wrong" she started to feel herself get angry again "its just that, well im just disappointed to be honest and its not funny Lindsey, i had to take you to the morgue once before do if have to take you again, i mean you could get raped or killed Lindsey" she started yelling a bit "im sorry but i want you to stay away from Jen from now on" she said after she realised she'd got angry.

(have to go now, bye!)
(aww thanks CSIwillows :))

"Uh how about providing underage kids with alcohol for starters and cigarettes lindsey, again underage" she said fuming "i mean where was her mom in all this?"