Lets rp... LV style

Lindsay rolled her eyes. "oh cum on mom! You never, ever drank when you were my age? its vegas! everyone drinks!" she sighed. "im getting a feeling i should never have told you..." she looked down at the grownd.
"no linds you have no idea how happy i am you told me, and to tell the truth i did drink at your age and i did some stupid things that hurt me and other people and i just dont want you to go through that, ever" she said giving her daughter a half hearted smile.
Lindsay frowned. "yeah, and your still alive! There is no good reason why i shouldnt drink, or smoke for that matter..." She sighed. "why did i come here anyhow? just to get another long and boaring lecture from you?" she stood up, "i think im gonna go... with my friends, and dont bother reaching me, cause my cells off!" she turned and headed for the door.
"Lindsey stop please" she cried trying to grab hold of her but missing "crap" she said as she watched her daughter leave the room.
Lindsay walked out of the room, and bumped into nick, causeing him to drop all his paper work on the ground.
"s-sorry..." she said as she bent down and picked up the papers. Nick smiled. "its ok, it was an accident!" he helped her pick them up. As Lindsay was crouched down, a cigarette back fell out of her back pocket. -only she hadn't noticed. She got up and handed the papers to nick, about to walk away from the cigaretts until nick pointed them out. "uh... linds?" he picked them up and looked at them. Lindsay blushed. "oh, um, those are mine..." she took them from his hand. Nick took Lindsay's arm as she tried to walk away, leaving the topic untouched. "lindsay..." he looked at her waiting for an explination. Lindsay sighed. "what?" just then, cath came walking out of the room. Lindsay sighed and rolled her eyes. Nick looked at the two, and backed out of it.
"Oh my god linds, cigarettes with you, now?" she said exasperated, he grabbed hold of lindseys arm to make sure she couldnt run out of the building then turned to Nick "Nicky, lindsey is know going out and getting hammered and doesnt seem to realise that both those, and these (she held up the cigarettes) could kill her. Could you try and talk to her" she said looking at lindsey and letting go of her arm, she new Lindsey like uncle Nick so she hoped she would listen to him.
(ah! double posting!!! i know, it was probaly an accident, so i'll let it slip. *sliped!)

Lindsay's face turned red as she could see everyone in the lab looking at her. She thought she was about to cry! she looked at her mother and frowned as nick held his hand out, ready to hold her hand and take a bit of a walk into Cath's office. "bitch..." she said under her breath. She took Nick's hand, not taking her eyes off her mother. Nick could hear what she said, he kinda got scared. So he stood there and looked at Cath, wondering if she heard.
(oh yeah, sorry, have deleted one - oops!)

"What" she said "I heard. Lindsey apologise now. Look how many times do I have to explain im trying to help you and so is Nick" she said looking at him to back her up.
Nick looked at Lindsay trying to find out what to say, "uh... yeah! we dont want to see you hurt, we also dont want to see you learn the hard way. So please, just listen to what we have to say." he looked at Cath and smiled. Lindsay looked at Nick as he spoke, but when she turned to her mother, she sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. "what-ever!" she said begining to walk away. Nick took her arm and looked at her. Lindsay looked at his hand on her arm and pulled away. "stop! your not my dad..." Nick stood there not knowing what to say, he looked at Cath.
"You know what Lindsey I have had enough" she yelled "What do you want from me, I have tried to give you everything, I send you to a good school, you have nice clothes, everything you want but its never enough. Maybe i deserve this but you apologize to Nick this instant" tears streaming down her cheeks
Lindsay jumped at her mothers voice. Everyone in the lab was looking at them. People had left what they were doing just to see what the comotion was all about. Lindsay stood there with her mouth open, she was in shock. Normally her mother would try to disapline her, but she'd walk away and the whole thing would be forgotten. Lindsay realized just how serious her mother was this time. She looked at Nick and began to cry. Her face turned even more red. Lindsay was confused, and imberrased, She was also hurt. Lindsay closed her mouth and swallowed the spit that had been gathering in her mouth, she looked down at the grownd as she said. "im... sorry uncle nick." nick nodded his head. "its fine," he looked at Cath and back at Lindsay, the two were now crying.
"Nicky, can you please handle the case just for now, the suspects in the interrogation room, Greg has the swab that matches the perps DNA" she said noticing Greg joining the amount of people wathcing them, trying to hold back her tears, after all she was a supervisor she had to stay in control "and dont the rest of you have jobs too do" she said addressing the onlookers irritably "Ill join you when im done here Nick" she said trying to smile at him.
Nick nodded his head as he turned and left for greg. Everyone else turned around slowly and continued on with what they were doing, quietly though, so they could here what was going on. Lindsay looked at her mother as her eyes continued leaking. She stood there speachless.

(sorry! i g2g now, mabey just one more post, then im gone!)
(ok, last one then, bye *waves*)

"Lindsey honey please dont cry" she said "You know I love you and all I want for you is for you to be happy, but for me to do that you're gonna have to tell me what you want, and we're gonna have to learn to respect each other, otherwise we're gonna end up hating each other and I really do not want that" she said looking down at the ground kinda embarrassed.
Lindsay didnt know what to say, she sighed. "im, sorry that im... such a bitch to you all the time mom." she smiled. "But its really hard to just open up, even though you wernt there when i needed you the most." she stood quietly. "I dont know what else to say..."