Lets rp... LV style

"I wont if you" she said half laughing half crying "I know how you feel linds hell i was a teenager once but you have to understand that when i bug the hell out of you its because im a mother and thats what we sign up for when we have kids" she felt like she was finally getting somewhere with Linds "Lindsey tell me honestly, is there a boy there with you, i wont be mad?"
"it depends on what? linds you have to be honest with me here, like i said im not going to be mad - i will not be my mother"
Lindsay sighed. "i guess, not so much though! i swear! just, a little bit..." everyone around her staired at her madly, knowing what she was saying. "mom, i cant talk now, if you want to talk like this, we need to do it in person."
"...k," she sat there quietly. "i really want to see you agian." she sighed, saying that infront of her friends was hard.
Lindsay thought, "mabey, i'll surprise you IF i do... i might jsut want to stay here with my friends..." she looked up at the guy she was sitting on, and smiled. He kissed her on the neck, but she pushed him away sucking her teeth. He looked at her wierd and did it again, she sighed. "stop" she whispered. But he kept on going as the other two laughed. "I SAID STOP!" he looked at her confused as she got up and left the room for some privacy.
"Oh great thanks linds" she said sarcastically "i want that cleaned up before i get home you realise" she really felt that her a Lindsay were actually having a proper conversation "ok linds ill make you a deal your friends can stay for another hour max then after that i want them gone and i want you to do all your homework ready for me to look over when i get back, deal?"
"mom, im not a kid... ok," she smiled. "and, will coke come out of the couch easily? and the carpet? and, is the TV broken if its covered in it to?" she smiled knowing what her mother was about to say.
"Lindsey get it cleaned up before i get back ok" she said losing her temper slightly "and if the tv is broken you and your friends can pool your money together to by me a new one got it?" she didnt mean to lose it but she new Lindsey was trying to wind her up