Lets rp... LV style

(am bored again so will write some more)

As Catherine walked to the lab she thought she'd better check up on lindsey she tsill didnt quite believe she was with her study buddies.
Catherine dialled the house phone but noone picked up so she dialled Lindseys cell, let it ring for a while and finally Linsey answered.

"Linds where have u been why didnt u answer the phone" yelled Cath down the phone
"Lindsey what are you laughing at this isnt funny i thought you'd snuck out again. Hows the study going? ill give you a pop quiz when i get home" she said that was the only way she could make sure Lindsey was actually studying.
Lindsay chuckled. "uh, studying... right." she looked at the boy and smiled as the two laughed. "k, i'll be waiting for a 'pop quiz'. Not like i have any choice do i mom..."
"No you dont and it is not funny" she suddenly thought that it was a bit strange that Linds found what she was saying funny, she tried to think of a way to catch her out but nothing came to her "so what topic are you studying I need to know to think of some questions on the way home" she hoped that Lindsey would ask the other person for help while she was still on the phone.
Lindsay quickly thought up an easy topic and said "um... lunch." she laughed. She looked at her friend who sat across from her and mouthed the word "Science!" lindsay thought about what she had just said and laughed. "super tough stuff mom, wish you were here to help!" she smiled. She thought she was doing pretty good at covering the truth. Until one of the boys there took a coke, shook it, and sprayed it all over her friend who laughed histaricly. "SHIT! why the hell..." she cought herself as she spoke. "...didnt that work? ...Stupid Science!" She laughed as her friend went to clean it up.
"Lindsey Willows theres a boy there with you isnt there, and dont you ever let me catch you swearing again - you are in so much trouble young lady, get him out of there now thats an order" she said as she shouted down the phone so loudly that Greg heard from the lab and stared at her weirdly.
"MOM! chill out!" she shouted back. The other three froze and looked at her. "yeah theres a boy! who cares!? Get off my back!" she sighed. "geez mom! what the hell did i ever do to you? you use to shout all the time! mostly to Dad! F*** this, F*** that!" she stopped talking a froze. 'did i just say that?' she wondered. By the scielence, she could tell she did. "mom... im sorry. I didnt mean it..."
Catherine kept silent for a long while trying to hold back her tears, she never cried when Eddie beat her but Lindsey shouting abuse at her always did it

"You know what Lindsey" she said trying to hold back the tears "I was going to give parenting advice to uncle Gil but you what i suck at being a mother, i should have protected you from seeing the things that your dad did but i didnt. You can have the boy there Linds I cant come and stop you, yet another example of my bad parenting skills, just promise me you wont do anything that you dont feel comfortable with" she let out a cry but then held it back in again
Lindsay sat there begining to cry as she heard her mother weap. "...mom, dont say things like that... im sorry i said what i said." she sat there. And looked at everyone around her. "just... dont cry mom, please?" Lindsay was still very uspset at her mother, but at the same time, she so bady wanted to see her. She sighed.