Lets rp... LV style

"From a boy?" she said frowning, she never liked it when Lindsay got involved with boys especially not since Eddie died.
"what does it matter? leave me alone! god mom! im turning 14 soon, did you remember? o yeah, well, i am... and im still not allowed boyfriends?" Lindsay sighed. "god! even Uncle Gill was nicer then you have ever been!" it was scielent for a second.
"well maybe uncle gil wont be so understanding now he has his own daughter" she blurted out unintentionally "I meant its not that i dont want you to have boyfriends, i do, but not round the house unsupervised cant u see it from my point of view"
When lindsay heard that Gill had a daughter, she kinda freaked. "what? gill has a what? your not being sarcastic with me are you? OMG! i cant believe it! with who? whos the mom?" she gasped. "oh man, am i gonna have a younger sister?" she asked.
"Lindsey calm down. Oh god I shouldnt have said anything" she kinda hoped Lindsey hadnt heard that part "Yes its true Gil has a daughter but hes only just found out about it. I really cant tell u who its not my placem he'll tell u when hes ready. But Linds promise me you wont tell anyone about this and dont mention to Gil i told u"
"k, i will." Just then, the door bell rang. "cum on in!" she shouted. Then about 3 teens came walking in the door, one girl, two boys. Lindsay smiled as one of the boys came over and kissed her, "who is it?" he asked. "shh! its my mom." the boy stood there smiling, but remained quiet. Lindsay cleard her throat, "mom? i got to go, my... studying buddys just got here."
"Ok Lindsey, ill be home soon, so dont try anything and dont think i wont phone and check up on you either and remember your still grounded" she didnt believe that Lindsay was studying but she couldnt hear any male voices and she had to get back to the case .
"yup!" lindsay hung up the phone and turned around to face the boy. And from there, lindsay and the other three waited for some more to come.

Meanwhile, back at the hospital, Nick decided to Call Cath, let her know that Gill was ok. "hey cath..."
Nick smiled. "ok, and there fine too." he sighed. "wow, what a day..."

(hey, im not gonna be replying for a long while, cause i got to go for now... bye!)
(ok byee!)

"Tell me about it. Nick I could really do with some help on the case, now im not so sure if Gil and Sara can work on it - can u ask them while your there?"
(sorry didnt reply for ages)

"Dont worry about it you guys have had enough to deal with without worrying about a case aswell I can manage it. Has anyone told Olivia yet? God what a day shes gonna have had, lose one mum get another on the same day"
Nick nodded his head, just then. Olivia came in the hospital doors with an oficer behind her. "um, cath? i got to go, i think now is when Olivia's gonna find out that Gill and Sara are her biologicl parents. see ya" he hung up and walked up to the girl. "thank you officer, i'll take it from here." he looked down at her and smiled as the officer left. "cum this way" he said heading for Gill and Sara.
"sara, gill." he nodded and looked down at Olivia.
"Ok Nicky bye" she said colsoing her cell but as soon as she did it rang again "Willows" it was Brass "ok ill be right there" she said closing her cell again and walking to the interrogation room again, passing her office on the way and picking up some photos.

She walked in greeted Brass and sat down next to him facing the suspect and his lawyer. Brass filled her in and then she got down to some questioning.

"Well can I take that swab now please open up"
"Yeah I dont think so" he replied
"You know that by refusing the swab you're practically pleading guilty" the suspect looked at his lawyer, the lawyer nodded and he opened his mouth and she took the DNA sample.

She bagged the swab and then place the three photos in front of the suspect "Do you recognise these people" she said shoving the photos in front of him, they were of the mum in the morgue, the aunt in hospital and Olivia.

"Afraid not" he said "but she sure was pretty" he said pointing to the picture of the mum, Catherine visibly squirmed.

"Well we have an eye witness who heard you threaten these two women."
"Well whoever it was was lying" he replied
"Where were you two days ago, sir" she questionned
"At home"
"All day so you dont have anyone to back up your story then, thats good for us"
"I was with a lady friend" he replied
"and does this lady friend have a name"
"yeah but i forgot it" he said looking down at the floor
"so where did you meet her" Cath asked
"dont answer that" said the lawyer quickly "if you're not charging him with anything then we're done here"
"we're not, not yet anyway" (she said holding up the swab. She then left to pass the swab to Greg who was back in the lab trying to make some extra money.

(v long sorry got a bit bored :))