Lets rp... LV style

Nick smiled. "glad to see you two getting along... now Olivia will have a good mother and father." he smiled. "...and gill, i am REALLY seriously happy. Sure im a little, weirded out. But who isnt?" he began to cry slightly. He put his hand on Gill's sholder. "congrats!"
Back at the crime lab Catherine sat down with Brass to interrogate the suspect, he matched the description of the man Olivia saw running. While Brass told the guy his rights etc. Catherine studied the man closely, she couldnt see any resemblance to the aunt or the mother but she did notice a fresh wound on his face.

"Sir i notice you have a cut on your face can you tell me how you got that?"

The man rubbed his face

"I fell over and cut myself thats all I havent done anything wrong" he said wringing his hands nervously

"Yeah" she replied unconvinced, she then noticed something pink sticking out of the wound "Well then you wouldnt mind if i had a closer look at the wound?"

"Go ahead, Ive got nothing to hide" She pulled out her tweezers and picked out the pink piece

"Nail varnish" she said looking at Brass "Looks like the same colour as Olivias mum was wearing the day she died, know anything about that?" she said to the suspect and bagging the nail varnish chip

"I think i need a lawyer" he answered back

"I think so" she said "and when you come back Ill get a DNA swab and get you for a double homicide" she then walked out the room to call Lindsey, she just really needed to talk to her after findng out about Grissom and Sara. She wanted to call them after Lindsey but thought she should give them more time, her thoughts then wandered to how Nick must be feeling as she made the call.
(can i play her? ...lets just say you said ok)

Lindsay heard the phone ring. She ran down stairs and picked it up. "i was wondering when you where gonna call back! so, are you comeing?" she tried to catch her breath. Lidsay had thought that cath was a friend. "hello?"
When lindsay heard that it was her mother on the other end of the line, she laughed. "oops! i thought you were someone else... so? what do you want?" she stood there playing with her hair.
Lindsay rolled her eyes. "im fine, and im at home. Dont have a cow!!!" she sighed. "why? are you comeing home early?" she asked.
"doesnt look like it, the lab is a bit short staffed at the moment. Who were you going to invite round Lindsey i thought we agreed you were grounded" she said sternly
Lindsay bit her lip in anger. "im not mom!" she said rudly. "i know im grounded... im not dumb!" "like you..." she said under her breath.
"Lindsey Willows I heard that, you can make it 3 weeks. Lindsey" said Cath exasperated "why can we never have a conversation, is it me or is it you, have i done something wrong?" She realised she shouldnt have said that but it was too late, her thoghts then turned again to Sara and Grissom and if they would ever have this trouble with Olivia.