Lets rp... LV style

Nick sighed. He was about to cry, he had liked, mabey even loved Sara sometimes, but when he heard this, he felt pissed, and consered. He looked at Sara who was still in shock of the situation, then at Gill. How could he ever pull himself together again, to work or even talk to Gill? This was big! He ran his hand threw his hair, and decieded to walk out of the room to go sit in his car and think things over. But as he walked out, his cell went off. He picked it up and answerd, then left the room talking to the person.
Sara sighed and looked up at him. "I was scared we weren't ready. I wanted Olivia, but I knew I couldn't give her the life she needed, and I was scared you'd feel the same way, so I gave her up for adoption,"
Grissom saw the look on Nick's face. Pure astonishment, heartbreak, anger, and distress flooding his eyes, Nick ran his hand through his hair, and Grissom saw that look of unbelievement. His cell rang, perfect opportunity to leave the situation. Sara talked, and Grissom listened, fully intent on what she was saying, although it was for only a few seconds.

"Sara, I would do anything to take care of my baby, our baby." At this he slowly eased out of the bed, walking over to Sara and kneeling before her. "But now we have her back again, we have our baby back. And now we can give her the life she deserves." Nerves wracking, he placed his hand on her cheek and leaned in to kiss her forehead, when he jerked back. "Stupid wires." The IV with the seditives and hydration stretched as far as it could go, but he smiled, and raised her hand to his lips instead, her soft skin against his once again, no matter how small the squarage.
Grissom's face turned saddened, shocked at the same time. "Why, do you not want to? I love you Sara, I truly do and I love this girl. I would have pleaded, begged on my knees for you not to give her up if I'd have known."
Over hearing Sara and Gill, nick hung up his cell, and turned to face them. "im... really happy for you guys." he stood there with his eyes burning, he had been crying hard. He wiped his eye.
Grissom hadn't even realized Nick had come back into the room and backed off quickly and rose and went over to the IV machine and delicately, pulled the tape off and precisely removed the needle from his hand and coughed. Nothing was getting accomplished, he realized Sara was right. It wouldn't happen, Sara, the woman he dearly loved, could never be with him as long as there was a Nick Stokes somewhere nearby and vice versa for his CSI. If anything, I should just let Sara get with Nick, take custody of Olivia, and give her a better life than an old, scientific CSI single father can give her. He understood now. Coughing again his eyes flickered to Nick's eyes and nodded.

"No, you're not. You're depressed, Nick. And there's no use for two of us to be happy and the third miserable. Anyway, I'm her boss and you two are closer in age too. We've all had a stake shoved through our heart, but no matter what we'll have another one stabbed in whether of guilt or depression." At this he turned to Sara and nodded. "I'm feeling much better and need to get back on my case." Walking through the thick tension he felt invisible constraints pulling his heart through his chest and stitching it back in over and over again. 'So this is how Prometheus felt, eh? It's terrible, I don't think I've ever felt so much at a single time.'

Off down the hallway he strode purposefully to the elevators and presed the second floor button, the doors closing. The elevator area at the second floor was empty, thankfully, or they would have caught Gil Grissom sobbing into his hand, leaning against the side of the elevator. Five minutes after he entered the second floor, the doors slid open as he wiped the last trace of a tear and began searching for Room 214.
Leaving the elevators, he could've sworn he remembered something. A voice, someone calling him, Sara. Fighting against temptation, Gil walked another three steps, before groaning and running the opposite direction to the elevators and rode the elevator down to the ER again, where he got on. As the doors slid open, there was Sara. "You called?"
'oh great!' nick thought. 'what the hell grissom... what are you thinking...' sighed and began following Sara towards grissom.
Grissom sighed and ran a hand through his hair, on the brink of tears again as he saw Nick chasing down the hallway toward them. "I know we can't walk away, and I wasn't planning on it. If I need to take Olivia, which I most certainly will with my heart, than I will. But are you sure you don't want her?" His eyebrows lifted in that quizzical way and saw Nick come up from behind Sara, and realized that this was going to take more than a perplexing explanation and walking away. They both wanted her, but which, if either, did she want?
Catherine was left standing in the room in daze what the hell just happened here? she thought to herself, she was trying to work it out when her cell went off
"Willows" she answered "so hes in custody?" she said "Ok thanks will be there ASAP" she closed the cell, looks like your working this one your own Catherine, but I suppose thats the least i can do she tought, she then walked out of the room to get back to the Crime Lab.
"We could do it together," Sara suggested. "That way, we all win. She's safe, and everyone's happy. Plus, we do care for each other, and I owe you for not givin' you a chance to react before." She saw the flicker of a smile on his lips, but he'd fallen silent again.
He nodded and took her hand. "You're sure?"
She nodded, too, giving him a smile. "Of course."