"Leggo our Greggo!" - Greg/Eric discussion thread # 9

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Yeah I agree Dizzney I think especially because of the age thing, we've seen Greg through years of his life were a person would usally change alot anyway but because of his going from the lab to the field and the hard stuff that he has to encounter like everyday with his job, we've seen him change even more. The other chahrcters have also had chahracter development (its something that CSI does really well) but I mean as an audience we've seen Greg go from the 23 year old (is that right :confused:) goofy lab rat to the 30 something cool CSI !!! And that is such an amazing thing for an audience, especially when the charcter in question is as amazing as our Greggo :D
It has been great watching the characters grow. Like SwamiCSIaholic said, Greg has changed. He went through the explosion in the lab, then moved out in the field to actually work around the dead bodies instead of in the lab where he didn't have to see death every night.

It was a choice well made, because we now get to see a more emotional Greg, yet keep the lab rat humour we all love. As for age, Greg is 31, just like Eric.
I know my name says RyanAddict but I was in love with Greg years before dear Ryan came along. So anyway new to the thread and my name is Hayley :D

Anyway, the episode of FannySmackin' and Greg got beat up bad, on the break I kicked my bed. Hard. And it hurt :D Well yeah anyway, court was okay and he showed everyone how smart he is < Pats Greg's head > and kicked a** in that. I hope he is feeling alright now and back to normal and forgetting the past. I shall soon find out as CSI Las Vegas is on tonight before CSI Miami.

Labrat humor is one part of him I love alot! No matter what happens he still has it.

This is random, but, I LOVE HIS HAIR!!! It rocks my socks.

Anywayz talk to ya later!
Hey there RyanAddict (or do you prefer Halley :confused:) its allways great when new ppl join and spred the Greggo love! Welcome to the thred :)

RyanAddict said:
I shall soon find out as CSI Las Vegas is on tonight before CSI Miami.

So can I take it that means you are a fellow CSIer from the UK then?
Yup yup you can take it that it means I am a fellow CSIer from the UK :D I don't mind what ya call me. You can call me Haze, Banana, Fish, Hazel Nut anything, my mates call me those names though :D
Oh lol i thought for a moment that you were just spouting off random names :lol: And yay another UK CSIer :D Me too (I'm from Wales) *hi-five* soz I'll calm down now I'm just exited about tonights episode, Leaving LasVegas, should be good.

So ... what would you say is your fav thing about Greg?
My fave thing about Greg... this is gonna be a long long list but I'll cut it short :D ( I'm from Birmingham but live in Yorkshire ;) My cousins live in Wales though )
1. His Hair Rocks My Socks!!
2. His humor
3. The way he dresses rocks
4. How smart he is ;)
5. How he can recover from things just like that
6. He is smexi ;);)

O and I think Leaving Las Vegas is the one when Grissom goes away for a while.
Yeah you'r right it is, I have a horrible feeling thought that there won't be much Greg in this episode coz a)there never is enough and b)we're in between episodes concerning the whole demitries james thing :(

And I agree with all those things you listed there its very rare you get a charcter that is both smexi (love that word) and has a brillient personality that ppl like to watch on TV.
ok guys, i have to step in here - back off MY hair! :D
it's mine, mine, mine! and i will not share it! :D when we get married, i will force him to keep it "iced" like :lol: :D
:lol: Oh yes, I should have warned you RyanAddict monkey here is very protectice over Greggos numerous hair styles. But whyyyyy Iced noooooooo don't get me worng its lush but Snakes is sooo much better and who says he's marrying you, hes mine *okay i need to calm down, if us Greggo fan get all controlling over him things could get nasty :lol: :D*
LMAO Totally people I so sorry monkey you can have his hair if I get his eyes
< Pulls out gun > Touch his eyes feel my bullet ;) ;) You have been warned
Yes no controlling we just pic a part of him and be it's body guard :D
NO WAY MISSEY HIS EYES ARE MINE !!!!!!!!!!!! I've been here lnger that you and besides (que evil laugh) *wheels out a canon* ha ha ha :lol:
Hehe... I agree with Wojo... But he's mine as far as that goes. I lurve everything about Greggo. His voice, his jokes, the hair, oh god, the eyes *melts*, even the acne he gets every once in awhile.
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