"Leggo our Greggo!" - Greg/Eric discussion thread # 9

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Yeah your prob right still I think he deffiantley deserves it and hes stil been a brillient CSI despite all the stuff he's been through. Grissom's always on about leaving personal stuff at the door before coming to work and Greg's really proved that he can do that.

Also question how do you put up a banner mines gone all wierd and wordy :lol:
I sent you a PM about your banner question.
I agree he does deserve a promotion and i hope he gets it. Greg has proven to be alot stronger than most, he has dealt with alot this season (and I'm sure he will deal with more)
Yeah I think Greg has shown to be a lot stronger in dealing with what has been going on with him then others might have.
Ok..I just have to ask this because it's been bothering a bit me since S6. It has probably been mentioned before, but I'm new to all kinds of CSI forums so... is "nana" a nickname for both grandmother and grandfather? I always thought it was for your grandmother, but Greg refers to his nana Olaf, which is a male name.. it's a silly question I know:)
I think Olaf is the last name of his grandparents...

I can't believe how good Greg is doing considering everything thats happened... after getting beat up and killing a kid then court... Im sure it's affecting him a lot more than we see, but I agree, he's doing a GREAT job of not bringing it to work....

I think he just needs a huge hug... who's with me?
I'm there with you on him needing a Huge Hug! ;) But he has dealt extremely well with the stress of all that he has to be under. I would not deal as well. :lol:

Yeah Olaf was the last name of his grandparents.
Oh yeah I will most definatly give Greg a much needed hug!!

And Lucia_Sogn Nana is a nickname for granddmother, Olaf is the last name. He refers to them as Nana & Papa Olaf.

I wonder what it would be like if Greg decided he wasn't going to take anymore crap and just explodes in anger like a bomb? I would love to see Greg really pissed off and stick up for himself. :eek:
Well what I do love about his character is he will stand up for things. I remember back in an ep in season 5 when Mia first came on, Grissom was making her retest things. Greg approached him and told him off to a point about believing in Mia and giving her a chance, like he was doing himself.
He really has been a bit too calm about everything going on with him this season. His little huff after Grissom told him this past week that "It came with the job" sort of showed it was starting to get him ticked off, I would say.
I would too, Wojo. It would be really interesting to see Greg, who is so self-controlled and hard to anger, really give someone a verbal tongue-lashing. Everyone has their breaking point, even our Greggo. Let's see some white-hot, but controlled anger from our guy.
Wojo yeah thatnks for the pm i've sent you one back

Thats one of the things I think i love most about our greggo, he stands up for ppl and isn't afraid to tell ppl if he thinks they're wrong (like with the Mia thing Dizzney mentioned) but when it comes to himself he hardly ever says anything, he just takes what ever he's given and gets on with it. I think thats such a great quality to have. Sometimes though I think ppl (especially grissom) take that for granted and make life hard for him at times coz they know Greg won't yell back and go all huffy. Like in Burnout when Griss is being sorta mean to Greg even though he had the corerners inquest coming up but instead of moaning about it Greg just carrys on, proves his theory and comes out at the end of it as the bigger man.

God I love that guy :D

I mean seriously how often has Greg yelled at anyone in CSI, there was the time where he says no to griss and brass when they igore him all for our country, when warrick kicked that thing at him in Grave Danger and ummmm is that it :confused: not bad for a series that been on for seven years now :lol:
Yeah Greg is overall a very calm guy, but a lot of that is due to the fact he can joke around and stuff. Even though lately he has not been joking around too much, but he is still dealing with things respectfully.
I agree. I've only seen Greg get mad once or twice, like in Grave Danger, and even then many people would do more than just yell back at warrick. I have never seen be disresectful, but he will stand up for himself while trying not make the problem any worse.
Well the thing I love about Greg is I think he is the one character on the show who has really shown the most growth. Of course a lot of that is due to him going from lab rat to CSI, but still he has really changed the most without really knowing much about his background. I think that is what makes him so great.
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