"Leggo our Greggo!" - Greg/Eric discussion thread # 9

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Hmmm... When i have come to think about it when greg was asked if he had a weapon when he was attacked, he sad "No". So, i guess he really doesnt bring a weapon on the job. I dont know if i said it right though.
Greg is not a violent person. Absolutely not. That's one of the things I admire the most in him, I guess :rolleyes: Well, a admire a lot of things in him, anyway :p But he probably took this option because he felt it was not necessary, as someone said before, there are already lots of people carrying a gun in a crime scene. Maybe he is not just used to the fact as the other CSIs, because he used to work in the lab, he just more recently started going to the field, and he never got used to use a weapon, and do not even want to, anyway.
And Greg felt guilty enough over killing Demetrius with his Denali, He couldn't sleep. I can't imagine how he'd react if he had to use a gun on someone too.
Wojo said:
And Greg felt guilty enough over killing Demetrius with his Denali, He couldn't sleep. I can't imagine how he'd react if he had to use a gun on someone too.

Exactly. I think he doesn't carry a gun because he didn't ever want to be responsible for taking someone else's life *irony*.
Same with the non-violence. You can tell that Greg never thought he would hurt anybody, and certainly never wanted to, if not from the way he acts then from the shocked expression on his face when he hits Demetrius and realizes what he's done.
*huggles Greg* poor boy.
But he is a good boy * Pats Gregs head * If you think about it, if he hadn't run that kid down he would probally not be here with us now.... He plucked up the courage to do it even though you could tell he didn't want to
I loved the way his fellow CSI's rallied around him too. He is the baby of the family so to speak. You could tell Grissom was proud of him for saving a life, Sara comforted him when he needed it most, Nick got angry and hit someone (because he cares) plus he and Warrick helped with his coroner's inquest trial. Catherine showed concern for his well being in Double cross and Sara again in Burn out. He's well loved.
Maybe that is why they had him involved in that Demetrius story, showing that it is not only guns that can kill people.

Yeah they all do look out for him. He is the little brother of the group. Just watching Chasing the Bus on Spike now, the first time Greg ever ventured out in the field and watching again how shocked he was just to see blood in person. My, how he has grown. :) I am proud of our Greggo. :D
i love that epi when he goes out in the field for the first time and thinks he screwed up. he has come a long way since then.

but i have to say the Kiss my ass line to hodges was so well put during the last epi. i was so very proud of him and pleasently surprised.
Yeah he thought he screwed up but Grissom did not say anything about it. That was when he gave his first inclination of wanting out of the lab and into the field.

Still loved him saying that to Hodges. Been waiting for that for about 3 years now. :lol:
Dizzney said:
Still loved him saying that to Hodges. Been waiting for that for about 3 years now. :lol:

I am not a violent person - honest, but the next step for Greg (and the icing on the cake for me) would be for him to deck Hodges the next time Hodges makes a snarky remark to Greg. I think I'd actually enjoy that, except it might mean a suspension for Greg, and I definitely wouldn't want to see that part.

By the way, for those of us who love to watch old CSI episodes on Spike TV, the episode "Play with Fire" will air next Wednesday, April 18th.

The episode following that one is the one where Grissom notices Greg's hands shaking as an after-effect of the bombing. And that episode has several of the cutest Greg looks in the history of the show. I can't wait. :cool:
^Agree with that, Dizzney and Toots. Though you could tell by my sig, no? :lol:

And thank you everyone for the welcome, especially the kind words on that poem that was literally thought up in 5 seconds!
As for why Greg doesn't carry a gun, I'll go with the consensus that he would never want to hurt anyone and if he has to carry a gun, he hopes he would never use it. Actually, for all we know his Papa Olaf advised him on avoiding violence and such. :)
Yeah I just always wonder if there is a deeper reason for him not carrying a gun, that is all.

Just saw one of my favorite Greggo moments. Cats in the Cradle is on Spike right now...Greg jamming out to Marilyn Manson when he gets caught by Gris and Cath. :lol:
i really love that scene Dizzney.. :D
I havent seen the episode but i saw the clip in youtube. I really laughed. I also love it when Greg said the "Im like a sponge" line and "I could have been a rockstar".. :lol:
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