"Leggo our Greggo!" - Greg/Eric discussion thread # 9

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Yeha Eric has those amazing eyes that can convey so much and that was the one thing I always noticed about him. I am a total eye person. :lol:
Everyone, I noted a few posts back you all discussing Greg's grandparents last name as Olaf, but I remember in the episode with the mildew Grissom asked Greg if 'Hojem' was his mother's maiden name and Greg said yes. So I've always seen his grandfather as Olaf Hojem, and Greg simply refers to his Nana with his grandfather's name.
I think he had a tiny one, mostly he sort of flirted with her, but it was different from how he was with Sara.
Thanks Dizzney.
I kind of read something(from somewhere i forgot)about Greg having a crush on Mia so I was curious if that was true. Thanks again! :)
^^ Mia's pretty, but Greg has had feelings for Sara since a the first season and darn--I hope that's a setup for perhaps some Sara/Greg in the future. Because it's so unfair that he's had a crush on her for so long and--and then not to have anything for him.
C'mon! Eric is right. Greg should get the girl!!! :) Sorry for the S/G shipper in me though. POINTS TO THE SARA/GREG THREAD ON THE SHIPPER FORUMS!!!
But he is a good boy * Pats Gregs head * If you think about it, if he hadn't run that kid down he would probally not be here with us now.... He plucked up the courage to do it even though you could tell he didn't want to
Absolutely. :) Greg is a good person. He cares about others and he didn't deserve what happened. I wanted Demetrius James' stupid, mean brother to go to jail. :p Anyway, Greg is a brave person for defending the tourists to begin with.
He's a damn hero!--He saved someone's life and he is so caring and wonderful!
kissmesweet said:
Sorry for the S/G shipper in me though. POINTS TO THE SARA/GREG THREAD ON THE SHIPPER FORUMS!!!
Hi kissmesweet!That's okay.
I asked because it made me think that if Greg has a crush on Mia, how about Sara? Well, I'm a sandle shipper too. ;)(points also to the sandle thread on the shipper forums :))
[but i guess we can talk about this back to the sandle thread ;)]

He's a damn hero!--He saved someone's life and he is so caring and wonderful!
He sure is! He is indeed a hero... I very much agree that he is so caring and wonderful... but don't forget cute. ;) :lol: Greg really is a nice guy!
I think Greg asked the DA to go easy on Aaron more for his mother then Aaron, because of what she said to him in the hallway.

He felt bad for her and felt guilty about what happend to Demetrius, even though it wasn't his fault.
Greg was just trying to stop mob from killing Stanley.

And on a related noted, Post Mortem is on tonight. :D
^^ I think that Greg definitely felt guilty. It's most definitely not his fault... but he stil can't help but feel guilty. Poor boy. He doesn't deserve this! He's a good guy!

I love how they're trying to dig deep into Greg's character, but I'll miss the fun and humorous side of him now!

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Leftyguitar said:
He felt bad for her and felt guilty about what happend to Demetrius, even though it wasn't his fault.

[Maybe] The event is still haunting him. Poor Greg. Remember in Post Mortem, when he told Sofia that he just wanted to be able to sleep again. Maybe he still have nightmares. :(

I agree kissmesweet. He doesn't deserve this beacuse he is such a nice guy. And i love that pic. I think he said in that pic "Two Words. Paw Prints." Is that it?? What episode is that from?
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^I think it's from "Justice is Served" season 1, episode 20 They were trying to figure out what kind of dog attacked and killed a jogger.
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