"Leggo our Greggo!" - Greg/Eric discussion thread # 9

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Yay, all new CSI (well for moi,RyanAddict, Monkey and anyone else in the UK anyway) today, does anyone know if Sweet Jane is a good episode as far as Greggo is concerned or is it like Leaving Las Vegas and he only has a 'blink and you'll miss it' appererance?
Yeah during the Keppler days, Greg was not on much at all. Only in one of the Keppler eps did he have more than 3 short scenes.
*Falls on the floor* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO whyyyyyyy :( Poor Eric he's hardley been in this season at all, the only time he's on for anylenght is to be beaten up by a gang of teenagers and then all the ramifications of that :( Not fair at all
Ok, I am new to this thread, but just decided it was time to express how much I like Greg and how Eric has built the character :)
I love to think about his evolution towards the seasons, and how much Greg matured. He started as the funny easy-going boy, and now he is a bit more serious, more professional...But still so adorable, isn't he? :rolleyes:
I love the episode "Play with Fire", I love the way he is there laying on the floor right after the explosion, and his face while he is going through the corridor...Yeah, I am a totally angst whore. That's probably why I am so looking forward to watch "fannysmackin"(is this the right spelling? sorry, i just can't remember it well, it's such a complicated word. does that actually means something, where's the origin of the name of the episode :confused:). I also like a lot when he whispers to Grissom in the episode "The Accused is Entitled" and how he dresses himself up to prevent any contamination after being caught playing with the evidence :lol: Well, I obviously love lots of other scenes with Eric/Greg, but I am sure I will have the opportunity to discuss them anytime here with you.
SwamiCSIaholic said:
*Falls on the floor* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO whyyyyyyy :( Poor Eric he's hardley been in this season at all, the only time he's on for anylenght is to be beaten up by a gang of teenagers and then all the ramifications of that :( Not fair at all

For you the season just started, but trust me when I say there will be plenty of Greg in your future. IMO this has been the best season so far as far as screen time for Greg goes....relax and enjoy the ride. :)

And welcome CSI_Dani ,you'll get plenty of angst in FannySmackin - this means beating up fanny packers or tourists who sometimes are known for wearing fannypacks. Make sence?
I agree, this season has been a great Greg season, mostly for his character development. This year really shows how much he has grown up.

I am sort of an angst fan too and this year has been a really good one for Greg. ;)
welcome CSI_Dani! ;)

yeah.. fannysmackin does mean something but the definition i learned from a site is different from Wojo's definition..
(but i'll stick with Wojo's because my definition is... :confused:)

i agree that this season is where we see greg become more mature..
just like Dizzney's banner.. :D hehehe!!

but i still love Greg as a crazy labrat or a serious CSI! :D :)
I can't believe I've never posted in this discussion :lol:

Greg is hot. Seriously, drooling-crazy-kinda-hot. He's awesome. Yes.

His hair-do's back in the earlier seasons make me chuckle everytime. What a guy.

Oh yeah.. *waves* Hey everyone! Hopefully I can just jump right in here.
Yeah his crazy hair was fine when he was in the lab, but I do think the way he has his hair now is really more appropriate for being in the field. Plus I really like his hair "natural" as it is now.

Welcome, gsrLove! :D
hi greg is da best!!
if you're new here.. welcome! *waves* :)
if not then.. hello!! :D

yeah me too..
also in the "Swap Meet" and "Abra Cadaver" episodes.. ;) :)
I wonder if the pay cut caused him to adjust his hair gel budget. :lol:
Seriously, though, the crazy hair was fun but seasons 6 and 7 our Greggo is a bit more mature then that.
I love both looks, but the relatively normal haircut fits him better now that he is a little more serious.
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