OUTSTANDING... I loved it.. and as much as I thought I'd be bummed out by Grissom leaving, this seemed to be a minor/B role in the big picture, that was Catherine/Nick based ep. which is good, the story was excellent, she knew he did it, and got him,and as far as her un-buttoning her blouse, I'm kinda of used to Cath's shenanigans, so nothing she does really surprises me any more, if she think's it's "cool" to do this and try and turn on some low-life prison scum bag, oh well,then go for it!! not classy, Sara would never so this, thus the difference in the characters!!!Nick I love him he's so darling...always so up-beat, and also her real life hubby Alan Rosenberg, was awesome, he's such a good actor, "that we have to pay for the sins of her father" good line

and Hodges, another obnoxious role, he really thinks Grissom likes him

and one of those people who doesn't get it, that no one can stand him :lol: and the Nick hug, Grissom, "I'm only going to be gone for 4 week's, stop hugging me"

I LOL.. and the good advice he gave Greg, and the Warrick moment, and the poigant final scene, with him saying "goodbye" and 'I'll miss you" and his great expression, and her smile, "see ya when you get back" I'd have loved to have seen a big smooch, but maybe they did that earlier

and theat creepy little eye and the minature house is back ~~~~ screams~~~~ OMG is that ever going to end!!! great epsiode too me
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