"Leaving Las Vegas" Discussion **Spoilers**

Cath bugged me slightly but I'm sorta ambivolent about my feelings.

I called the MCSK thing a long time ago, I didn't think it was over yet.

LOL at Gris and Nick..."stop hugging me!"

I got a little of my ships too *bounces*

Yay for Greg continuity :)
csilovegrissom said: I have been wandering for AGES if catherine inherited anything off Sam and unfortunately that clip wasn't shown on the website
Nick mentioned that he thought catherine didn't have to work because of her fathers money, to which she told him that it was tied up in business deals and that she wasn't going to be seeing any of it.

I loved how Nick and Catherine addressed Grissom, Shaving his beard, losing weight, and changing, even to the point that he might be seeing someone. As to the GSR part (Since I don't ship anyone) I found that grissom's looking around before he told sara he would miss her was really a good idea.

Hodges was too funny in grissoms office, and we know that he went to Williams college, interesting tidbit for the hodges fans, and that he gave Grissom away to get free drinks by talking to this girl he knows. :lol:
Destiny said:

I loved how Nick and Catherine addressed Grissom, Shaving his beard, losing weight, and changing, even to the point that he might be seeing someone.

i agree that made for good TV. they are starting to catch on to Grissom, it's only taken 7 seasons but thats okay.

i thought it was funny when nick said the thing about catherine not working and than her going why because i shaved my beard? :lol:
I agreed with the poster about Nick's very hasty hug of Grissom. Even Grissom seemed surprised by Nick seemingly too eager to see the last of Grissom.

True, Grissom supported Nick in the most dire of times, but he really has never been much of a support for Nick most of the time most of the time treating him like a dufus of sorts. Never giving him the praise that he needed and wanted.

So that's my take and I'm now mute on the Catherine top scene.

And to the poster who says maybe we'll see more of Nick's hair. Gosh I do hope that happens. I miss that man's hair.
Ya know, I thought so at first too, but then I thought about the earlier conversation he was having with Catherine, that Grissom lost a little weight, was leaving on time...must have gotten himself a girl...and the fact that Nick told his parents he'd come back after college and didn't, and I think he was looking at it from that angle and not the 'sadness' that would have come from saying goodbye to a friend/mentor. I think we saw someone that knew Grissom wouldn't have wanted a sappy goodbye, but wanted to say it all in a single gesture.....and I laughed my butt of (if only that were true we wouldn't need diets....LOL) but I did enjoy all the Nick time tonight...
I'm going to miss my Grissom fix for the next few weeks....and I'm still a little disturbed by the method in which Catherine would have chosen to get answers in prison.....
i didn't think nicks hug meant he wanted grissom to leave, I took the hug to mean nick was afraid that Grissom is going to leave and not come back! That is what I am afraid of...seems like something is up, they are making a big hype of him only leaving for 4 weeks...
sorry to disappoint but GE said that b/c of all the ruckus over last year, he was going to keep his hair shaved all season so no one could complain about anything.

myfuturecsi said:
I agreed with the poster about Nick's very hasty hug of Grissom. Even Grissom seemed surprised by Nick seemingly too eager to see the last of Grissom.

True, Grissom supported Nick in the most dire of times, but he really has never been much of a support for Nick most of the time most of the time treating him like a dufus of sorts. Never giving him the praise that he needed and wanted.

So that's my take and I'm now mute on the Catherine top scene.

And to the poster who says maybe we'll see more of Nick's hair. Gosh I do hope that happens. I miss that man's hair.
Key character takes a break from “CSI"
By Ron Wynn, rwynn@nashvillecitypaper.com
January 04, 2007

Few observers thought some six years ago that a show largely based in a crime lab would become one of the most influential properties on television.

But from its opening episode, CBS' CSI: Crime Scene Investigation emerged as a huge hit and helped the network take over Thursday night supremacy from NBC. It also turned graphic shots of bullets exploding through bodies into production staples and made audiences overnight experts in fingerprint and handwriting analysis, trace samples and autopsies.

But this year CSI has been dethroned many weeks by its ABC challenger Grey's Anatomy, though it remains comfortably in the Top 10n (most weeks it's at or near the top locally). Tonight the show moves into a new area with the temporary departure of longtime squad leader Gil Grissom (William Petersen).

He's off on a teaching sabbatical to Williams College, a device that's both plot-driven and personally requested (Petersen is doing a play in Providence, R.I.). It's also being billed as a turning point, something that's going to affect Grissom's relationships with his squad members for months to come.

The network will most certainly also be watching to see how much ratings will be affected during his absence, especially since the Grey's Anatomy/CSI face-off results are critical to whether CBS or ABC ultimately win the ratings battle by season's end.

Not sure what I will do, my son was to have taped the show for me - but he put in the wrong tape, and it did not record - so I MISSED OUT ON MY SHOW.....needless to say, was/am upsent - but at least I know that Gil will be back (hopefully) soon.
My LLV recap:
I liked the scenes where Gil is telling each of them goodbye. The one with Hodges at the beginning was cute - especially when Catherine arrives and Hodges says "he's a little busy".

Catherine's reaction to Gil giving her 1 day of notice before he leaves was just so normal for the relationship they've had throughout the years. Catherine was in her usual "WTF? Haven't I taught you anything in all of these years?" And Gil's reaction to her response was also so normal. He knew he screwed up by not telling her earlier.

I liked the return of Adam Novack. I'm glad they had him sober up and not as much as a sleeze. There was a cute scene between them when Catherine was getting ready to leave:

Novack: Which pissed you off more - that Finch went free or that I won?
Cath: I'm 50-50

The Warrick/Gil scene was so heartwarming - Warrick telling Gil that he's still willing to be taught more... then Gil asking Warrick to keep an eye on Catherine to make sure she is ok.

One scene that really made me smile was Catherine and Nick driving in the vehicle and talking about Catherine's financial situation and that everything of Sam's was tied up in a "hole in the ground" and "I don't have any dogs in that fight". It was so nice after 6+ years to finally see them actually have a normal conversation about real life.

I liked the small town sheriff. I'm really glad that she didn't get pissed off at them for proving that she had been wrong. She took the opportunity to right a wrong.

It was nice to see Gil's encouragement and advice to Greg about getting his own lawyer. It's nice to see him still teaching in his own way. I hope the sabattical will lighten him up a bit.

Speaking of lightening up - Nick hugging Gil has to be the most adorable scene in quite a long time. "I'll be back in four weeks. Stop hugging me." LOL!

I'm not sure how I stand on Catherine's visit to the prison with the little strip show. I know it's bringing back a reference to her stripping days and that she's not ashamed of her past, but that scene just didn't flow well.

I like Nick's conversation with Novack and Nick sticking up for Catherine. Novack's comment "She's a man hater. No surprise, but how long do we have to pay for the sins of her father?" and Nick's response that he & Catherine get along just fine and it may be that she just hates him brought a chuckle.

The young boy did a great job. It was a nice performance. He encouraged his father to enter the house, then told his father to "say goodbye" to them - and basically let go of the pain. I liked his little conversation with Catherine:
Danny: they're waiting to fly up to Heaven
Cath: what are they waiting for?
Danny: to say goodbye.

It was funny to see Catherine avoiding Novack's phone call.

Jay's composition book full of "there's no place like home" was really creepy.

Cath's parting comment to Novack - "Everyone deserves justice - if not the first time around, then the second. maybe a little clue that she might think of giving him a second chance to prove himself a decent guy?

In all, I'd consider this a fairly decent episode. It was nice to see scenes outside of Vegas. Reminded me a lot of Gumdrops - especially in how the local sheriffs were involved and helpful, unlike in Jackpot where Lt Brooks was uncooperative.

As for the mini crime scene in the box at the end ---- I don't think I'm really up for another one of those episodes again. They keep getting more boring as they go on. I sure wish they'd wrap that up soon. At least with Millander & the other serials, they spread out over a few seasons. This one just drags more each time out.
Destiny said:
csilovegrissom said: I have been wandering for AGES if catherine inherited anything off Sam and unfortunately that clip wasn't shown on the website
Nick mentioned that he thought catherine didn't have to work because of her fathers money, to which she told him that it was tied up in business deals and that she wasn't going to be seeing any of it.

I loved how Nick and Catherine addressed Grissom, Shaving his beard, losing weight, and changing, even to the point that he might be seeing someone. As to the GSR part (Since I don't ship anyone) I found that grissom's looking around before he told sara he would miss her was really a good idea.

Hodges was too funny in grissoms office, and we know that he went to Williams college, interesting tidbit for the hodges fans, and that he gave Grissom away to get free drinks by talking to this girl he knows. :lol:

You have me curious...why was it you thought the looking around was a good idea? Just wondering.
Because I think by looking around he wanted to make sure what he was going to say wasn't going to be misconstruded or overheard, but then changed his mind about what he was thinking about saying, only to say that he would miss sara.

It shows them being responsible about the effect it could have considering most police departments and alot of work enviroments frown on employee/employer relationships. Therefore him looking around before he even attempted to say anything remotely sounding over any line they might have was a good idea.
I have to agree with xfcanadian about Nick scared of losing Grissom for good. Nick hugged Grissom because he afraid that Grissom won't come back, but Grissom will be gone for 4 weeks. I love Nick hugging Grissom and I like when Grissom said to him, "Stop hugging me."

I got a feeling Grissom like that but he is not people person and he not use to hug anybody.
Hodges had me laughing in the beginning. I am definitely liking him this season.

Catherine's scene at the prison was a little disturbing.

I felt bad for Nick when he was giving Grissom a hug and Grissom was like "okay, Nick!". Poor Nick! :lol:

And I went absolutely ape at the end when they showed what was inside the box. I really cannot wait to see what else happens from now on.
OUTSTANDING... I loved it.. and as much as I thought I'd be bummed out by Grissom leaving, this seemed to be a minor/B role in the big picture, that was Catherine/Nick based ep. which is good, the story was excellent, she knew he did it, and got him,and as far as her un-buttoning her blouse, I'm kinda of used to Cath's shenanigans, so nothing she does really surprises me any more, if she think's it's "cool" to do this and try and turn on some low-life prison scum bag, oh well,then go for it!! not classy, Sara would never so this, thus the difference in the characters!!!Nick I love him he's so darling...always so up-beat, and also her real life hubby Alan Rosenberg, was awesome, he's such a good actor, "that we have to pay for the sins of her father" good line ;)and Hodges, another obnoxious role, he really thinks Grissom likes him :( and one of those people who doesn't get it, that no one can stand him :lol: and the Nick hug, Grissom, "I'm only going to be gone for 4 week's, stop hugging me" :D I LOL.. and the good advice he gave Greg, and the Warrick moment, and the poigant final scene, with him saying "goodbye" and 'I'll miss you" and his great expression, and her smile, "see ya when you get back" I'd have loved to have seen a big smooch, but maybe they did that earlier :p and theat creepy little eye and the minature house is back ~~~~ screams~~~~ OMG is that ever going to end!!! great epsiode too me ;)


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this episode was not a dramatic as it was in the commercials

Nicky and Catherine rocked! They do work well together

she followed her instincts (which makes her the perfect perosn for Grissom to have put in charge) and she got him

I think my jaw hit the floor when I saw Adam Novak in the court room cross-examining her
she is great,she didn't faulter once even after what he did to her in Weeping Willows
He tried to make ammends but she wasn't having it...
Great job on her part

I figured it out when the boy was reconstructing the scene
**his comment about his mom and Grandma going to heaven was very touching**
when the voice said "it's my house" from the comment Cath said earlier about how that house looked the same as the first house he was living in

and the final scene... well...
he said "I'll miss you" and she said "I'll see you when you get back"
That spared us from a long drawn out conversation between the two of them

Again it was good, but not as dramatic as they set it up to be