Learning German

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yes, i'm here! :D but i couldn't come up with helpfu sentences :rolleyes:
yours were pretty good. i am still amazed how difficult that 'you' thing is in german. in one case it's 'du' and in another case it's 'Sie'. that's always a problem for english-speaking people.
Brinchen, there's a typo in "ich spreche nur ein bisschen Deutsch" ;)

Also, it's not "Wie viel Uhr ist es?" but "Wie spät ist es?" ;) At least the first one sounds wrong to me.
Jorja_Rain said:
Brinchen, there's a typo in "ich spreche nur ein bisschen Deutsch" ;)

Yes, that's right, sorry, I tipped to fast. :lol:

Also, it's not "Wie viel Uhr ist es?" but "Wie spät ist es?" ;) At least the first one sounds wrong to me.

Yeah, I found it in my guidebook. There they say Wie viel Uhr ist es?. I thought that Wie spät ist es? is much better, too. So everyone, "Wie spät ist es?" is better!!!!! :)

Btw, everyone has an avvie here. I want one too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( It looks so boring without one.

Edit: I'm out again. I shouldn't be here, but I couldn't wait until evening. So, I hope you'll be still here in, a few hours. See you!
i read about the du and the sie and if i am correct, you use du when it is to friends, kids, and animals (improper) and sie when it is adults, people you dont know (proper)
lizanator112890 said:
i read about the du and the sie and if i am correct, you use du when it is to friends, kids, and animals (improper) and sie when it is adults, people you dont know (proper)

That's it! Very good! So, see you in the evening!
ok so i have been learning my numbers, colors and things around the house. and how to say i/we would like and i/we have

ich möchte ...
wir möchten ...

ich habe ...
wir haben ...
haha i remember when i had only a few more. i was posting like crazy!! the mods came and told me to cool down. hehe that is real exciting though!! i loved lookin at all the icons and stuff for what i was going to use. what do you want to have as your avie?
So, here we go (hope, I don't make mistakes again):

Okay, I'll use a guidebook again. And here are things you can say when you go out for a dinner (correct me if I'm wrong with something please):

The menu please = Die Speisekarte, bitte

bread = Brot

coffee = Kaffee

tea = Tee

... with milk/ sugar = ... mit Milch/ Zucker

orange juice = Orangensaft

I'd like to have some more coffee please = Ich hätte gerne mehr Kaffee, bitte

soup = Suppe

fish = Fisch

seafood = Meeresfrüchte

meat = Fleisch

poultry = Geflügel

sidedish = Beilage

vegetarian food = vegetarische Gerichte

salad = Salat

dessert = Dessert

fruit = Obst

ice- creame = Eis (it's easy, Eis sounds like ice)

wine = Wein

white/red/rosé = weiß/rot/rosé

beer = Bier

aperitif = Aperitif

water = Wasser

mineral water = Mineralwasser

sparkling/still = mit/ohne Kohlensäure

lemonade = Limonade

breakfast = Frühstück

lunch = Mittagessen

dinner = Abendessen

a snack = ein Imbiss

The check please = Ich möchte bezahlen

It was very good/not so good = Es war sehr gut/nicht so gut
Some more coffee please = Mehr Kaffee, bitte
Sounds a little rude to me, "(Ich hätte gern) etwas mehr Kaffe, bitte" sounds nicer
( (I'd like to have) some more coffee please.)

Very helpful vocab though.
MiaCharlize said:
Some more coffee please = Mehr Kaffee, bitte
Sounds a little rude to me, "(Ich hätte gern) etwas mehr Kaffe, bitte" sounds nicer
( (I'd like to have) some more coffee please.)

Yeah, that's true. It's funny what they are writing is this books. I like your sentence, it really sounds better to me, I'll change it.
One thing I've learned over the course of the years is do not relate to books for everything. They are often right but also most of the time lack intricacies. We've learned Italian from an old teacher and a book at school. When we arrived in Italy tehy laughed at our Italian...

Write what you think sounds right, not what some obsolete books tell you.
I didn't say that, I just said I had lessons. Let's say I was physically there but my mind was absent :p

Same with Latin and Greek. I'm such a loser with languages :(

Anyways. Here are some more useful sentences:

Sorry I'm late - Entschuldigen sie meine Verspätung (formal)/ Entschuldige meine Verspätung (with friends)

Could you tell me where to find... - Können sie/ Kannst du mir sagen wo ich ... finde?

Where do I find the restroom? - Wo sind hier die Toiletten (pronounce it without the i)
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