Learning German

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cathwillows said:
i figured out a pattern :D isn't that great?
the ending is ALWAYS the same!!! it's always


and if there are irregular verbs it's just a little different...

if the word is written with an E, like helfen the first E becomes an I in 2nd and 3rd person singular, but the ending is the same as the regular verbs.

ich helfe
du hilfst
er/sie/es hilft
and so on....

if the letter is an A, it becomes Ä in 2nd and 3rd person singular, e.g. gefallen.

Yey, that's a good rule, I think.
okay there are a few really irregular irregular verbs :lol:

lesen (to read)
ich lese (okay nothing new...)
du liest (very irregular)
er/sie/es liest (the same)
wir lesen
ihr lest
sie lesen

it's the same with sehen btw (to see)

nehmen (to take)
ich nehme
du nimmst
er/sie/es nimmt
wir nehmen
ihr nemht
sie nehmen

SEIN (to be) very important!!! without any rule!!!
ich bin
du bist
er/sie/es ist
wir sind
ihr seid
sie sind

ich weiss
du weisst
er/sie/es weiss
wir wissen
ihr wisst
sie wissen
cathwillows said:
i figured out a pattern :D isn't that great?
the ending is ALWAYS the same!!! it's always


and if there are irregular verbs it's just a little different...

if the word is written with an E, like helfen the first E becomes an I in 2nd and 3rd person singular, but the ending is the same as the regular verbs.

ich helfe
du hilfst
er/sie/es hilft
and so on....

if the letter is an A, it becomes Ä in 2nd and 3rd person singular, e.g. gefallen.

that is GREAT help!!! that actually makes it easier, cuz before it just was weird looking words but that pattern is understandable! :D thank you!

So grammar, grammar, grammar! My brain is bursting now! BANG! Uhhhhhhh!
^^ NOOOOOO i need you!! :p
so i would say we got a new task for all the german learners out there :p

please try it with treffen (to meet), sprechen (to talk) and verlassen (to leave) (all irregular btw)
lizanator112890 said:
^^ NOOOOOO i need you!! :p

I'm still here honey! ;)

Yeah, try the words. Go, go, go! :D

Btw, my name is Sabrina. So perhaps one of you can find a better name than Brinchen for me! :D
I had a friend named Sabrina when I was little, we used to call her Brina... very creative, I know :p

Moving along well, I see. But what about pronounciation? That's hard to teach online and we don't say everything the way it's written... apart from that, do you know how to pronounce "umlauts" (the online diczionary said it was that word, sounds strange in english :p) for those who don't know what I'm talking about: the letters with the funny dots on top: ä ö ü :)
Oh that's hard with ä,ö and ü. How to teach? I have no idea.

Well, I have to leave in 10 minutes! I'll miss you all! :( See you tomorrow, cute, little CSI family! :lol:
alright here is my attempt...

ich treffe
du triffst
er/sie/es trifft
wir treffen
ihr trefft
sie treffen

ich spreche
du sprichst
er/sie/es spricht
wir sprechen
ihr sprecht
sie sprechen

this one i am SOOO confused on
ich verlasse
du verlässest??
er/sie/es verlässt
wir verlassen
ihr verlasst
sie verlassen

ok i tried the rule, dont know if i did it right though...
and i noticed on wissen the i changed to ei. does it do that for all the irregular i
Wow, you are soooooo good. The only one: it's du verlässt. Very, very good!!!!!!!!!!

The thing with the i: sorry, I don't know. I'll check it out. See you tomorrow! *big hug*
man i was almost right on that one!! so both du verlässt and er/sie/es verlässt are the same??

well luckily i will make my Oma teach me the pronounciations. so i am not so worried about that right now. lol i will know how to write and understand some of it right now :D

thank you everyone for your help!!

Be back in like an hour (lunch break) yay!!
yep du verlässt and er/sie/es verlässt are the same. weird huh? :p

and right now i can't think of another verb where the i changes to ei...

it would be great if we had Lautschrift keys on the keyboard, that would make things way easier! i learned lautschrift at school.
because it is difficult to say 'it is pronounced like this and that'...for example ä doesn't exist in english so how am i suposed to explain how it sounds? :lol:

i'll think of something :D maybe i can come up with an explanation that will come close to the actual sound...
ä doesn't exist in english so how am i suposed to explain how it sounds?

Well, you could say ä sounds roughly like the a in 'bad'

ö can be pronounced somewhat close to ea in 'early'

but ü is difficult, can't think of anything that sounds remotely similar.

other typical German pronounciation rules:

sch - similar to sh

ß - ss

r is not rolled

eu - like oy

au - like loud

ei - like I

y - not often used in german language but it's pronounced like ü mostly (doesn't help though, seeing how we can't explain ü)

st - not like the english st but rather like sh + t

sp - same as above, sh + p

well, think that's enough for now. I imagine it's very hard to keep up with all of this.
hey that was great! very smart :D

ü is really difficult though. i don't think there is any word in english that sounds similar to ü...when i hear british people talk to each other, i always think the way they pronounce 'you' and 'do' sounds somehow as if it was written with an ü, but that's just me i think :lol:
Mia that is really helpful! and it isnt too difficult... lol i just write it all down. :D but thank you on the tips on how to pronounce them. i have been going to websites with autio so i can listen to some.

and i remember my Oma trying to teach me how to say the ü and i could never get it right like she says it. i feel retarded when i say it but it can only get better right?? ;)
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