Learning German

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Yey, I see this thread was a fantastic idea, Liz!

Okay, now I want you to learn some grammar (yeah, it's getting boring now :p so don't read if you just want to learn words, grammar isn't interesting) So, well, here are so many people who can speak German. Now I want to be a teacher too!

My first German lesson:

Well, I think I'll start with the word-endings and I'll use regular verbs.

Simple present
word: go = gehen

English: go German: gehen
(the bold letters change)

I go / ich gehe
you go / du gehst
he/she/it goes / er/sie/es geht
we go / wir gehen
you go / ihr geht
they go / sie gehen

So, now it's your turn! :lol: Have fun!

stand = stehen
swim = schwimmen
paint = malen
write = schreiben
draw = zeichnen
erm... little mistake there, Brinchen - it's to swim, not swimm ;)
I'm glad I don't have to learn German grammar, must be difficult to learn, English is much easier...
@Brinchen i never realized german was that easy! (i AM german) :lol: everyone says it's so difficult to learn, but it's only the ending that changes...i thought it was more complicated somehow. i know that those were only regular verbs but nevertheless i thought there was something more tricky about them :lol:
btw i don't like german too much, i prefer english!
irregular verbs:

to be: sein

(I) am: ich bin
(You) are: du bist
(he/she/it) is: er/sie/es ist
we are : wir sind
you are : ihr seid
they are: sie sind
SandleDL said:It's not easy, but is not too complicated. Thank you for helping us brinchen!

Yes, of course! I hope I don't teach you something wrong :p That would be very embarrassing (peinlich)!

cathwillows said:@Brinchen i never realized german was that easy! (i AM german) everyone says it's so difficult to learn, but it's only the ending that changes...i thought it was more complicated somehow. i know that those were only regular verbs but nevertheless i thought there was something more tricky about them
btw i don't like german too much, i prefer english!

Yes, the regular verbs are very easy. But I have to say that I had really problems to find enough regular verbs. :lol: I never realized how many irregular verbs the German language has! And yes, I prefer English too, but I think I'm better with reading. I'm always unsure when I'm writing. Mistakes are so embarrassing when everyone here sees them!
i never really understood german grammar. i mean there are so many rules but i never got them. if i had to teach someone german grammar, i would screw it up!
but then, i never managed to memorize the rules of english grammar! if we made a mistake in a test at school we had to write the correct version including the rule why it had to be that way. i ALWAYS got them wrong! :lol: i just talk and when it sounds okay, then it's right - that's the way i do it :p
oh and yes, mistakes are sehr peinlich! but hey, nobody is perfect!

i can't believe that sometimes i don't know the correct form of a word. for example 'niesen' (to sneeze)...what's the past? ich habe geniest? or ich habe genossen? i'm tending towards the first cause the second would have another meaning wouldn't it?

or 'backen' (to bake)...one of my mom's colleagues always says 'ich bug' (i baked) i'd never heard that word before!!!
You are right, cathwillows. When I started posting here (last week) I was so carefull not to make mistakes. But, hey, it doesn't matter. Now I talk what I want. In German I do the same! And I think I often make mistakes. As you say, I often don't know the correct form of a word, too. And what's with the German continious form? Do we one anyway? Or is it just, well, Umgangssprache? :lol: When I hear me talking I think, wow, what are you talking about? Anyone who knows how to speak standard German would laugh at me! (My German is better when I'm writing, I'm from the Ruhr Valley and you know how they are talking :lol:) But hey, as long as anyone knows what I'm talking about? By the way I love English! Especially when I'm talking about CSI. Talking about CSI in German sounds wrong for me. Well, I'd say English is my CSI-language! :D And I love talking English, because German is boring, I'm talking German for nearly 21 years now. That's enough, I think! :D Okay, back to the topic! Sorry! :lol:
i understand!! yay! i remeber from spanish that the verb endings were different. now i just have to memorize these German ones. thanks guys for helping!!

Brinchen your a darn good teacher! ;) :)
Thanks Liz. And now try the words. I want to see if you got it! :lol: Btw, only 3 more posts and I'm one level higher! yay!
I'm from the north. We speak German the way everybody else writes :p

And please, don't ask me about German grammar. I know I do it right when I write or speak, but I have no idea what the different forms and cases are named. But I don't know that in any language, which is probably why I suck at learning languages. The only one I'm good at is English, but well... does it have much grammar?

The thing with German is I never know the right terms but I can tell you exactly when something is wrong and what word it should be, only by intuition though, I have no idea about grammatical rules, we learned those back in grade 7, back then I was 13, how am I supposed to remember? :p
Brinchen said:
You are right, cathwillows. When I started posting here (last week) I was so carefull not to make mistakes. But, hey, it doesn't matter. Now I talk what I want. In German I do the same! And I think I often make mistakes. As you say, I often don't know the correct form of a word, too. And what's with the German continious form? Do we one anyway? Or is it just, well, Umgangssprache? :lol: When I hear me talking I think, wow, what are you talking about? Anyone who knows how to speak standard German would laugh at me! (My German is better when I'm writing, I'm from the Ruhr Valley and you know how they are talking :lol:)
me too! i'm from Essen, mitten im Ruhrpott :D i can live with that and i wouldn't say that my german is too ruhrpottisch (is that a word?) :lol: okay i say 'datt' and 'watt' and 'schlawanzuch' (schlafanzug) or that's how it sounds :lol: and some other stuff but that's all.

i LOVE english and CSI in german just isn't the same. something's missing. i HATE the german voices of the CSIs! and sometimes i think 'hey wtf are you talking about? the original script was different' or something like that :rolleyes:

in english you say 'i have been to my grandmother's' (for example)...i hate it when people say the exact same thing in german: ich war bei meiner oma gewesen :rolleyes: it's enough to say 'ich war bei meiner oma' isn't it?

@MiaCharlize agreed 100%! it's exactly the same with me! i can tell you what's wrong but i have no idea why :lol:
cathwillows said:
me too! i'm from Essen, mitten im Ruhrpott :D i can live with that and i wouldn't say that my german is too ruhrpottisch (is that a word?) :lol: okay i say 'datt' and 'watt' and 'schlawanzuch' (schlafanzug) or that's how it sounds :lol: and some other stuff but that's all.

i LOVE english and CSI in german just isn't the same. something's missing. i HATE the german voices of the CSIs! and sometimes i think 'hey wtf are you talking about? the original script was different' or something like that :rolleyes:

in english you say 'i have been to my grandmother's' (for example)...i hate it when people say the exact same thing in german: ich war bei meiner oma gewesen :rolleyes: it's enough to say 'ich war bei meiner oma' isn't it?

Yes you are right, you are right, I don't know how to agree with you more! You are stealing my thoughts!!!!!! :lol: Oh, I'm a D/L fan and the translation and synchro drives my crazy!!!!!!!!! There are so many mistakes. The grammar rules. Yes, I'm 20 now, so I remember some of them, but most of the time I write what I think could be right and I'm always lucky because it is right. But the rules are very stupid. So, lets talk what we want! :lol:
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