Learning German

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haha well here in Texas it is a BLAZE!! ahh and i am retarded i guess because i walked home for my lunch break so gee i was sweaty, but oh well. the co-workers got a good laugh out of it. :lol: and i got a free frosty so i guess it is ok :D
so there is different words for hot?
what would it is hot outside be? and then what would be different if i was like damn he is hot!!
Jorja_Rain said:
Actually you'd rather say 'glühend heiß' if you're referring to the weather. Or use words along the lines of 'damn hot' or 'f***ing hot'
:lol: 'glühend' didn't come to mind!!! :lol: i tried to think of it but it was gone...

'hot' is 'heiß' in german and it always is the same. 'es ist heiß draußen' (it's hot outside) and 'er ist heiß' (he is hot) - still 'heiß'
ok. thanks cathwillows i think i am actually learning something :D

i think i am going to look around the school for a German textbook (work at my highschool) << LAME!!
This is a great thread. I'm from the Netherlands, but live in the tail of Holland, 3 kms. form Germany.

But when I first heard about 'Ins Grünnen gehen' I was wondering where they're goning? It practically means 'going into the nature'. I just laughed my but off. Those Germans are too funny.
It's actually "Ins Grüne gehen" (grün meaning green) And it does make sense, seeing how nature is usually green :p

More CSI vocab:

blood spatter : Blutspritzer

homicide : Mord / Totschlag

murderer : Mörder (female: Mörderin)

suspect : Verdächtiger (female and plural: Verdächtige)

fingerprint : Fingerabdruck

shoe print : Schuhabdruck

bullet : Kugel

blunt force trauma : Verletzung durch einen stumpfen Gegenstand (yes, German is complicated sometimes :p)

bug : Käfer

abuse : Mißbrauch

lab : Labor

shoot : schießen / shot : Schuss

violence : Gewalt

okay...think that's enough for now :p
Ha, speaking of homicide: In German we have thsi wonderful phrase "Das gibt Mord und Totschlag", meaning that there will be a real fight over something - how could that be translated into Englsih, as there's one word ("homicide") for "Mord" and "Totschlag"?

What about some lab vocab?

(lab) coat - (Schutz/ Labor-)Kittel
gloves - Handschuhe
goggles/ glasses - Brille
sample - Probe
test tube - Reagenzglas
evidence - Beweis (pl.: Beweise)
to label smth - etwas beschriften
to take photos - ein Foto machen/ fotographieren
love it. and i totally got a German textbook so instead of working i am reading this book. yay! i love the CSI vocab. it pretty much is AMAZING!!

ooo ooo i learned something

Wie gehts?
gehts ganz gut.
kommt aus Texas

am i correct?
It's not really the same, although both words mean roughly the same.

Generally you could say "Mord" requires intent (Absicht) and "Totschlag" can be the accidental killing of a person, e.g. in self defense.

I'm not a jurist, I don't claim that this piece of information is correct :p

You're almost right, Liz

It's "Mir geht es gut" / "Es geht mir gut"


"Ich komme aus Texas"

German grammar is hard
well as long as i am gettin closer... yalls help is really helping... haha wow i am retarded. :p

eins plus zwei ist drei* :)
Ich bin der ganze zeit überrascht das der Hollandische sprache viel auf das Deutch scheint zu sein.
(I am still surprised that the Dutch language looks al lot like the German language)

with a little help form babelfish since my writing isn;t what it used to be. I knew how to say it all just not to write :p

1: Eins
2: Zwei
3: Drei
4: Vier
5: Funf
6: sechs (pronounce: sex :lol:)
7: Sieben
8: Acht
9: Neun
10: Zehn

Lake - See
Sea - Mer

pretty funny since German - Dutch:
See = Meer
Mer = Zee
Oh I love this thread! We could make some more, I should really work on my French and Spanish again, I've forgotten nearly everything, and I always wanted to learn Italian *lol*

Yeah counting in German is difficult, especially when it comes to big numbers like 1984. In English it's nineteen-eightyfour, in German it's neunzehn(nineteen)hundert(hundred)vier(four)und(and)achtzig(eighthy). So you start with the 9, then add 10, then 100, then the 4 and the 8 in the end (as 80). Confusing, uh?
ahh way confusing!! lol i can count till i get to thirty. i always forget what thirty is... lol *remember what thirty is!* :D
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