Learning German

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Vocabulary list:


Welcome = Willkommen.

Hello. = Hallo.

What's your name? = Wie heißt du?

My name is ... . = Ich heiße ... .

How are you? = Wie geht es dir?

I'm fine. = Mir geht es gut.

Best friend = well, if it's a girl: beste Freundin, if it's a boy: bester Freund

Mom = mother: Mutter, or say Mama

Dad = father = Vater or Papa

Sister = Schwester

Brother = Bruder

Good morning = Guten Morgen

Good evening = Guten Abend

Good night = Gute Nacht

Happy birthday = Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

Merry Christmas = Fröhliche Weihnachten

A happy new year = Ein glückliches Neues Jahr!

Jorja Fox rocks = Jorja Fox rockt

Jorja is pretty= Jorja ist hübsch/schön

I love Jorja= Ich liebe Jorja

I'm so stupid and do not have a life= Ich bin so dumm und habe kein eigenes Leben

Du bist soooo witzig = You are soooo funny

schwein = pig

hund = dog

Season = Staffel

episode = Episode/ Folge

crime scene = Tatort

investigation = Untersuchung/ Ermittlung

corpse = Leiche

dead = tot

knife = Messer

Hot = heiß

it is hot outside = draußen ist es heiß

Jorja Fox is hot = Jorja Fox ist heiß

blood spatter = Blutspritzer

homicide = Mord / Totschlag

murderer = Mörder (female: Mörderin)

suspect = Verdächtiger (female and plural: Verdächtige)

fingerprint = Fingerabdruck

shoe print = Schuhabdruck

bullet = Kugel

blunt force trauma = Verletzung durch einen stumpfen Gegenstand (yes, German is complicated sometimes )

bug = Käfer

abuse = Mißbrauch

lab = Labor

shoot = schießen / shot : Schuss

violence = Gewalt

gloves = Handschuhe

goggles/ glasses = Brille

sample = Probe

test tube = Reagenzglas

evidence = Beweis (pl.: Beweise)

to label smth = etwas beschriften

to take photos = ein Foto machen/ fotographieren
cathwillows said:
this is a great thread! i am from germany and have been teaching someone from this forum german...it went pretty good :lol:
but i always love it when someone who's first language isn't german counts cause that's tricky. in english you say for example thirty one and in german it is the other way round, one thirty...one and thirty to be exact.

You know what I do? I read so much English since I'm a member of all this forums and now I can't count German anymore!

Btw. for all CSI:NY fans. "Messer" is the German word for knife.
:lol: great! but it's almost the same with me. i read english books, watch CSI and movies in english...i even think in english. and it happened quite often lately that i didn't know a german word but the english one :lol:
Oh I know that! I wanna say something, and suddenly there's this English expression in my head and I want to say it exactly this way and don't find the right words in german, and it sounds so wrong... Now after HP it's even worse, my thoughts are now a nice mixture of both languages! :D And I'm not used to German fanfiction anymore, because I mostly read at ff.net, so I hardly read the stories in my German NCIS forum becuase... dunno... it doesn't sound right somehow. Sounds weird to people who don't know this feeling, but as I've just seen, I'm not the only one!
LOL I remember when I was learning how to count in German. It was so confusing. :lol: Okay so in English it's thirty-one, but in German it's einunddreißig (one-and-thirty). I think counting this way is quite challenging to a lot of people. :lol:
and it is kinda funny that the letters 'ü', 'ä' and 'ö' don't exist in english. so if you tell someone to say (or write) 555 in german, it's always worth a good laugh :lol:

Yes, counting is different, I don't know why we count in this way. And yes, sometimes when I'm reading post here and someone asks me something my answer is in English.

I only learnt English at school, and that's not much in my eyes. When I first started posting here, I was unsure, because it's easier to read than to write or talk, because I don't want to make mistakes. But posting here is a very good training for me. So, please tell me if I make too big mistakes! :lol: And I teach you German! Yay!
Father is Vater in german?? :lol: :lol:

Now I understand why that kid looked at me that weird when he asked for Vater and I accompaned him to the bathroom (vater here is WC).
cathwillows said:


:lol: LMAO!! that is amazing!! hehe i love German, so funny, and i love listening to it, haha good times

we have got some great vocab words here. and thank you for the CSI vocab. that is very cool. excited to start using some of it around my friends. hehe :lol:

Hot = heiß
es ist heiße Außenseite << it is hot outside!! :eek:
Jorja Fox ist heiß << Jorja Fox is hot :p

could i use Rauchen as in "es ist rauchen Außenseite" ?

CSI ist das beste Erscheinen auf Masse
'rauchen' means 'smoking'

and 'it's hot outside' is 'es ist heiß draußen'

but the Jorja sentence is correct (and true) ;)
lizanator112890 said:
es ist heiße Außenseite << it is hot outside!! :eek:

could i use Rauchen as in "es ist rauchen Außenseite" ?
the first is not correct. it would be 'es ist heiß draußen' or better 'draußen ist es heiß'.

and nope, 'es ist rauchen Aussenseite' doesn't make sense at all :lol: if you wanna say 'smokin hot' maybe you could use 'brennend heiß'
dang i suck. i am going to this English-German translation website and seeing what that gets me. obviously wrong... :(
but i found the right word now, and i got you amazing people to help me out! :D thanks guys.
Actually you'd rather say 'glühend heiß' if you're referring to the weather. Or use words along the lines of 'damn hot' or 'f***ing hot'

It's rarely that hot in Germany though, so usually it's just "heiß" :p .

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