Laurence/Raymond: Man of Mystery

While at a barbecue this Memorial Day weekend, about 15 people attended, chit-chated about everything and finally CSI came up and many opinions. But I asked outloud, "What do you all think of Laurence Fishburne's character Dr. Ray"?, and a slew of [I might add all positive]. Every person had something upbeat and cheerful about him one girl said "He's so charismatic" and her husband said "He's still kind of a mystery to the team, and their a mystery to him as well" well put:bolian:. He goes "that makes the show ingriguing and interesting, and what a great actor he was" Also how horrified everyone was at the last scene where he got stabbed. Not any negative comments about him what-so-ever.., quite the opposite, " what a great addition he is to CSI", so I thought I'd share this with his fans:cool:

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Is anyone going to see his one-man play in Washington D.C? I can't because of college orientation but if anyone does could you tell me if it's as great as I think it's going to be? I'm superly excited for him and hope he does okay. I know I could never get enough courage to be on myself.
NO D.C. for me, I live in California, but would love to see him when he takes this play here at the Geffen Theater. A two hour drive at that, and I would want to go have a drink with him afterwards, and pick his brain, amonst other things, and I know that's not gonna happen, so probably not here either. I'm sure we'll all hear the rave reviews about this play. I would love to go though:evil:
A two hour drive at that, and I would want to go have a drink with him afterwards, and pick his brain, amonst other things, and I know that's not gonna happen, so probably not here either.
If only dreams could come true, Desertwind. I know if I met LF in person...I'd be unable to form complete sentences. He would look at me like "Who's the crazy girl that can't talk? and then he would walk away. It's very sad that I've spent valuable time thinking about how LF would reject me.:(:(
A two hour drive at that, and I would want to go have a drink with him afterwards, and pick his brain, amonst other things, and I know that's not gonna happen, so probably not here either.
If only dreams could come true, Desertwind. I know if I met LF in person...I'd be unable to form complete sentences. He would look at me like "Who's the crazy girl that can't talk? and then he would walk away. It's very sad that I've spent valuable time thinking about how LF would reject me.:(:(

I hear ya', I have a hard enough time watching him on the TV screen, without losing it, his penetration is overwhelming and powerful, I'd be a basket case if I saw him in person. The other night I re-watched "BAD COMPANY", lord have mercy, the two "sex scenes" left me gasping:eek:He's a real 'bad a.." in this & is arrogant, pompous, and has a real high opinion of himself, but soo sexy:wtf: After it was over, I couldn't get him out of my head:p he's so engrossing and scintillating and those eyes, they "could burn through steel" Every one who's enamored by him must have this movie. And GSRiscool have you posted your FAN-FICTION on that thread yet?

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good job, I'm headed over there right now;)

We watched "What's Love Got To Do With It" last night the un-cut version, from 1995. He's a force to be reckoned with:eek: He plays the brutal Ike Turner, and besides the powerful acting he also sings, dances and plays the guitar. Can any fan of his see Ray doing these different talents on CSI? His range of acting is overwhelming. He was nonimated for an Oscar for his portrayal of this character [Tom Hanks won for "Philadelphia"] but Angela Bassett won an Oscar for her role playing the fabulous Tina Turner. When he was a guest on 'The View" Barbara Walters, aksed him which was harder for him "doing the gory/gruesome scenes on CSI, or doing this abusive brute Ike Turner" he replied That doing Ike Turner was harder, "because I'm not a violent person" thus the powerful acting chops he has imbeded within his whole being~

Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

I agree, LF is a wonderful seasoned actor. There is none better than he. I have watch his career bloom since he was 15 and you know, he keeps surprising with his acting abillities. I love him. They could not have picked a better person to join the CSI team.
Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

I agree, LF is a wonderful seasoned actor. There is none better than he. I have watch his career bloom since he was 15 and you know, he keeps surprising with his acting abillities. I love him. They could not have picked a better person to join the CSI team.

He's pretty amazing, his whole aura permeates sensuousness. He's got a "quiet power", that captivates one, and we're lucky to have him on the show. Here's a link about his play in D.C. [note my icon] that's him with the 'grey wig' playing this real life character Thrugood Marshall:thumbsup:
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