Laurence/Raymond: Man of Mystery

I think I've got Bad Company in my DVD shelf. I'll definately check if you say there is a semi-pornographic scene with LF in it. If CSI did have a sex scene with LF...I'd probably have to be taken to the hospital. :)
As much as I love GSR I think that a LSR(Langston Sara Romance) would be just too cute. Don't worry about his "wife", Desertwind. Nick was supposed to have April but we never heard from her again either.
I think Raymond might be cute with Catherine :drool:

And Desertwind the CSI site I was on really used to be cool until Raymond came on then it just went to :censored: (Although GSR was kind of a controversial topic) That being said I like this sit better and it is not so much doom and gloom :)
Some photos of him from last nights "Doctor Who" he rocked, and my daughter called twice while this was on and said "OMG he's fabulous and seems in this episode to be wiping out the rest of the cast with his sensational acting" He was phemomenal:bolian:


I'm watching season 9 and just saw "19 down" and "One to go". I like how Langston was introduced, it was nice to see him and Grissom work together.

Thanks for the pictures Desertwind.
Langston's intense look might have been for Nick but it was really for me, Desertwind. His eyes were practically saying, "AFIS, I know you care. And I love that you care that much." :lol:
Langston's intense look might have been for Nick but it was really for me, Desertwind. His eyes were practically saying, "AFIS, I know you care. And I love that you care that much." :lol:

Nope they were for me,:p talk about intense WOW, those eyes:eek: His acting range as Carol Mendolshon said is so "wide" he's an actors actor. And your welcome city_hunter my pleasure. Here's a quick little video of that movie "Bad Company" the 'sex scene' I spoke about is a tiny snippet, but lord have mercy he's so SEXY in this movie~
Hey all Raymond lovers, I am now write a fanfiction on how Raymond is slowly starting to see the CSI as his family. I could really use some ideas :confused:. I will post a link to my fic here when I am done. (If I can figure out how:wtf:).

I am really disappointed by the lack of Raymond fics I decided to write my own, so please, I could use some advice. :cool:
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That's a great idea GSRiscool how neat and fun and he is bonding with them and they all adore him. I'm not a fan-fiction person, I've got enough trouble keeping up with these fictional characters as it is, but on the family idea here's a few. He's bonded exceptionally well with Nick so maybe they could start a bowling team, beings they all seemed to enjoy that. And with Cath, him and her could go out for a drink and maybe he'd share some of his mysterious background issues with her. And with Greggie, he could help him with his on going Vegas book, as he's also written his own book. With Sara, he could share ideas about her long distance marriage begins he seems to have one as well. With Doc, some medical expertise. Brass I'm not sure about him, he seemed to doubt Dr. Ray in last week's ep. and Hodges, who trusts him? He's always hovering about spying and listening to other peoples conservations, and probably blab if Ray told him a secret. Wendy really likes him so they could share some tender moments. The rest of the Lab Rats he also seems to have bonded them, with so many different scenerios there. So you go girl, good luck and I am waiting in anticipation to see your first try on the fan-fiction pertaning to our wonderful Dr. Raymond Langston:bolian:

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LF was in Apocalypse Now? No way, I've seen that movie 2 times and I've never seen him once. It's so cute to hear that LF almost, "lost his cookies". I've never heard that expression before. :)
LF was in Apocalypse Now? No way, I've seen that movie 2 times and I've never seen him once. It's so cute to hear that LF almost, "lost his cookies". I've never heard that expression before. :)

He was very very young, 1977, but here he is in"Apocalypse Now"

Hey all Raymond lovers, I am now write a fanfiction on how Raymond is slowly starting to see the CSI as his family. I could really use some ideas :confused:. I will post a link to my fic here when I am done. (If I can figure out how:wtf:).

I am really disappointed by the lack of Raymond fics I decided to write my own, so please, I could use some advice. :cool:

Gsriscool, if you haven't already found it, we do have a Fan Fiction thread here where you can ask for help, post your fic, etc. :)
That's a great idea GSRiscool how neat and fun and he is bonding with them and they all adore him. I'm not a fan-fiction person, I've got enough trouble keeping up with these fictional characters as it is, but on the family idea here's a few. He's bonded exceptionally well with Nick so maybe they could start a bowling team, beings they all seemed to enjoy that.

Thank you for the support and ideas. I have a good beginning, but it's a lot eaiser to start a story then finish one :confused:
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Oh man :( I am just getting in to trouble all over the place :shifty: I'm sorry. I will be good :angel::angel:

You're not in trouble. :lol: I just thought you might like to visit the thread if you needed ideas for your fic. :)

Althoughhhh....remember not to double post. ;)