Laurence/Raymond: Man of Mystery

This is about Marg on "The Vew" talking about LF, [btw] she looked goregous. Whoopi Goldberg asked "How's the Fish doing on CSI" and she gushed about him. She threw her head back and laughed and goes "She adores him and that he had big shoes to fill with Billy leaving but he's a 'great actor' and "a class act" yes he is. She didn't talk about any of the other CSI's, just him. Nice going Marg:bolian:

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Thank's, according to his bio, she's two;) I did read that he likes to be close the the CSI studios which are in L.A. cause that's where he lives and doesn't need to go on location as in his films. So he can see her and the wife every night. And, BTW, his wife Gina Torres was in a CSI or two, one was "XX" in season 4, which she played the Warden in the womens prison~ how ironic, and now he's the star of the show:eek:


Here's a couple of YouTube viedos from "The Late Show", with Craig Ferguson and his guest Laurence Fishburne, he recites poetry and raves about CSI, he's really enjoying being on the show:bolian:He's so delightful~


I remember being a Langston hater but after awhile he's kind of grown on me. I still don't care for him the way I did Grissom but I'm willing to give him a chance and work with him as being the new lead. I hope more people give Langie a chance like I did and accept him as being a pretty cool guy. :)

Thanks for the videos from YouTube, Desertwind. I love listening to LF's voice.
I remember being a Langston hater but after awhile he's kind of grown on me. I still don't care for him the way I did Grissom but I'm willing to give him a chance and work with him as being the new lead. I hope more people give Langie a chance like I did and accept him as being a pretty cool guy. :)

Thanks for the videos from YouTube, Desertwind. I love listening to LF's voice.

I was always a LF fan and have a few of his movies, but when I heard he was coming on CSI, I said "NO WAY", I just couldn't imagine him in or on this show, but they had a poll back then and it was between John Malkovich, Kurt Russell and Laurence Fishburne and I voted for Kurt Russell, and swore I'd never record CSI again, if they picked LF.:rolleyes: when they did select LF, but did a 180 when he first walked out in "19 Down" with his cool smooth demeanor, his sexy, provcative, seductive voice and it is:p and was hooked immediately. I think he's such a positive force and a power house of strongness, which is gripping and enticing. And here we are, ending up S/10. I'm thrilled that he signed up for S/11, and this has nothing what-so-ever to do with the original remaining cast. It's just that he's fantastic, and bonds with all of them. So that's my take on this character/actor~Here's a cool pic. of him young and now~

I'm sure other people will come around to figure out that LF is amazing as Langie(should I stop calling him Langie?). He's not Grissom but he's got his own thing going on. I'm already trying to figure out ships for him.:lol:

Love the past/present pic. I remember watching him in in Boyz In The Hood. Does anyone remember that movie?
You wouldn't believe the flames I have been getting on this other site for liking LF :(. They positively hate him. I really think CSI has really picked up and that LF has something to do with it. He really is a good actor. :thumbsup:
I'm sure other people will come around to figure out that LF is amazing as Langie(should I stop calling him Langie?). He's not Grissom but he's got his own thing going on. I'm already trying to figure out ships for him.:lol:

Love the past/present pic. I remember watching him in in Boyz In The Hood. Does anyone remember that movie?

How ironic I just bought it. wow, he's 29 and so thin and so cute, It's a interesting flick Cuba Gooding Jr. is also good. And I got '"Bad Company" with Ellen Barkin and the sex scene is so hot it's almost pornographic:eek: I can't imagine him doing a hot love scene on CSI~ Lord have mercy. Don't think we'll ever see him doing this on CSI, and GSRiscool don't go on that horrible site anymore, what's the point. It's a cheesy site and they don't get it, that's all I'll say, we love you on here so come on and don't stress yourself out on 'bad news fans':scream: Our FILES is the best CSI site on the planet, the best topics the most easy to navigate and the best mods and fans why go anywhere else? & I've already wondered about who he'd be good with 'ship' wise, but he wears a wedding ring so maybe in S/11 we'll get to see his wife~

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