Laurence/Raymond: Man of Mystery

I am really happy he is going to be on for season 11.
I can't wait to see the final. I wonder which CSI are going to be hurt.
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Please remember to use spoiler tags when discussing upcoming episode information in a thread that is not designated as a spoiler thread. :) Thanks!
Yes mamn;)

Well since LF signed up for S/11, we know he isn't the serial killer. I knew it wasn't him, due to the fact her was so adamant on finding him

GSRiscool its really easy to use the *spoiler* tags, here's how~

I hope this helps:thumbsup:

A photo of Laurence last October at a "Pumpkin Patch " in L.A. where he lives;)

GSRiscool I don't think I put the *spoiler* explanation clearly, so I'll try and break it down for you, first put a [..then write spoiler then = and another ] then NEWS and polish if off with a [/spoiler] This is probably better then the other one. I hope it helps you;)

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I just watched A movie I ordered with Laurence from 1995, [wow, 15 years ago], called "Bad Company" he's magnificent and so young, he plays a double agent, and his performance is riveting. Also starring Ellen Barkin, and Frank Langella. The sex scene with him and Ellen is really "hott", I won't give away the ending for those who haven't seen it. But, it's alot of twists and turns and corruption on the highest level. A good flick:bolian:

Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

Thank God for L.F. So glad they are back on track with the eps after the bomb two weeks ago. He was about the only thing good about it. Hodges and Wendy, I could gag. Sorry if I offen anyone, just my opinion. Take care all.
He's pretty amazing isn't he? What I really admire about him, is he's so comfortable in his own skin. Confidant and self-assured, without being smug or conceited. Nice combination~

I found this really cool YouTube vdeo with Laurence on the "George Lopez Show" from back in Nov. 2009. He comes bopping down the aisle giving the audience high 5's. What a charming, happy person he is. He talks about doggies, his fish and cracks up at everything George says. Totally likeable and appealing:bolian: ENJOY~
