Laurence/Raymond: Man of Mystery

Well, I went ahead and made it Man of Mystery. I hope you all approve. :) I think it encompasses the fact that they've made the character mysterious as well as how he's trying to solve the Jekyll mystery. :)
Awww... haha.

Yes, last night's epi was good. But I'm afraid of
the fact that Ray might be Dr. Jekyll's next target.

You know what? I can't get enough "The Panty Sniffer" screencaps. Cause they're downright hilarious.


Quite an attentive student, ain't he?

And it was hilarious when he was walking around and one of the models was checking out Ray's backside :guffaw:
on the new title A MAN OF MYSTERY he certainly is at that~ thank's Smokey, he was phenomenal in ths episode. Sensational:bolian:

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If any of you fans can, see "Boyz 'n' The Hood" he's 29, from 1991, and is Cuba Gooding's dad the gangs in L.A. in the 80's. He's really thin and very sexy and his ex-wife is Angela Bassett. They've been in several movies together and play well opposite each other. So different then he is on CSI~

BOYZ..gun drawn

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^WOW, Hellooo Laurence. :thumbsup:

Lol, I remember Boyz n the Hood. He definitely looked good in that movie.
I recently saw him in the movie about Tina Turner. He played Ike. I have to admit, he plays a really good bad guy!:lol:
He was hilarious in last nights "Field Mice", not in it but two scenes, but showing his comedic side.:lol:

Him and Hodges.. Hodges: "What do you have for me? Ray: "What don't I have for you"? he was acting so giddy and silly, and talking a mile a minute. "I think you'll find the results amazing" and thrilling" Hodges:"That's just what I was going to say" and then babbling about "Star Trek" Ray" Is there any other":lol: and both cracking up:lol:

With Henry at his locker where his shoes got glued and when he pulled them off his face got stuck and Ray coming to the rescue. Acetone is the answer and then the GLUE jokes "Pranks, we're usually such a co-hesive group" and "A terrible injustice, because your the glue that holds us together" and Henry going "I have an idea who it is" and Ray goes "Stick it to him Henry" :lol:

Hi, I'm new to this thread.
I stopped watching CSI after Grissom left, I started watching it again and I'm very impressed by Laurence Fishburne. He's a fantastic actor. I LOVE HIM !!!!
With Henry at his locker where his shoes got glued and when he pulled them off his face got stuck and Ray coming to the rescue. Acetone is the answer and then the GLUE jokes "Pranks, we're usually such a co-hesive group" and "A terrible injustice, because your the glue that holds us together" and Henry going "I have an idea who it is" and Ray goes "Stick it to him Henry" :lol:
I thought this was hilarious too. The whole episode was seriously inconsistent with the drama from last episode, but I think these glue jokes totally made up for Ray's concussion :lol:
I was flabbergasted at his humor, I knew how great he was, but never knew he could be so funny:lol: He does have a few kinda of cute/funny lines in '"Boyz 'n' The Hood" but not ever on CSI. He's always so serious. Here he is chatting about CSI, and how he accepted this role and some 'pearls of wisdom' from WP, but that he can't tell them cause "he was sworn to secrecy":eek: He's so confidant and sure of himself, that's appealing to me~

Courtesy of FACEBOOK~
Great news, Laurence Fishburne has signed up for S/11:bolian:how fabulous is this for his true die-hard fans. I'm so happy and over-the-moon about this news. I was almost positive he wouldn't sign on for another season. Thanks Larry;)
