wanted negative - well here comes
They so know theyäre losing audience. Ha ha ha. All the flashback's were there for one reason only, they know their story is not making sense; this is damage control, big time. Didn't the brother of the tharapist confess to the murder? That's the impression I was left with. And now it turns out that it was the MCSK after all? WTF?
Delusional psychosis causes instant outbursts of rage/desillusion/paranoia, not prolonged planning and plotting to kill with elaborate schemes when devoid of immediate triggering factors. Oh I forgot, this is the show where "classic pasychipats" have remorse and try to kill themselves.
And pnline payment for the disposable phone? On-line? that leaves traces, folks! You can't pay online without someboy knowing your identity, any online payments can be traced to the payer for crying out loud!
And a CSI 1 solo on a 419 while 2 seasoned CSI (Nick and Warrick) together? Either Grissom is playing some seriious favoritism or the secret of my boys is out in the open *g*
Hodges totally saved this ep - the writing is still inconsistent and shaky, way too shaky and apparently it has to be remedied with verbal slap-stick humor. Oh they so know their MSCK is not thought out, they've thrown things in as they went along.
Nicky's beyong cute thou' the entire 30 sec he was in this ep.And Rick's always hot in the 20 secs he has in every ep.
But the entire MCSK is opting to be a total flop with plotholes bigger than the Grand Canyon.