"Lab Rats" Discussion *Spoilers*

Oh I loved the Monkey ringtone Henry had too. That was so funny. :lol:

I still loved Rashorama more, but this one was definitely one to remember from this season.

Yeah so Hodges now owns (that we know of) The Dukes of Hazzard game and The Three's Company game. Wonder how many others he has. :)
I didn't really like this episode. Thought it was boring. Except for the handing out of assignments in the beginning (which they don't show as often as they used to) and the autopsy scene with Doc Robbins, Grissom, and the rat (shouldn't have laughed so hard at Doc Robbins I don't like rats either) I can't say that I actually watched even half of it. I finished one book and started another. After Nicks scene with Hodges I can't tell what happened and have no desire to go back and watch my tape.

I have also never seemed to enjoy any TV shows that rely on flashbacks to previous episodes too much. I think that it shows too much lack in the writers wanting to write new material.

I still couldn't get over this eppy... it's TOOO FUNNY!!~~ LOVED IT!!~~ This is my #1 from S7!!~~ :D

I thought the recaps was a good idea (the fact that I missed like 2 episodes of the Miniature killler!!) :cool:

There was just too much great lines and scenes!! :devil:

I say I will give it a 9.5/10 (the -0.5 was because not all the lab rats was involved through the whole eppy... I was expecting that... ) :rolleyes:
TobiDee said:
I was excited to see Archie's pimp hat. >.> It was pimp-erific.

Greg made me want to hit him this episode. You'd think that someone ewho was once a Lab Rat would have a little bit more respect for them. I use to love Greg, but more and more lately I've been beginning to dislike his character.

Also, Henry is the epitome of adorkable. I vot we see more of the lab boys, and less of the CSI's. And no more Wendy. >.> And bring me back the Jacquiness!

Greg and Hodges aren't excatly the best of friends. He was probably very annoyed because of the dumpster. Grissom was probably the one he should've mad at, but Hodges has been a pain in the ass to him on more than on occasion.
Well , the ep was good . Not the best , Rashomama was better in mu opinion . (not a big fan of Hodges ...) but it is the funniest ep of the season .
And the #1 of this season is Fannysmackin , no doubt .
This was a great episode.
I loved seeing the different lab rats (except no Bobby).
Henry's line "Red dog barks at midnight" was hilarious.
Mandy's line "James, this Moneypenny, M ..." was great too.

This show is not just about the main cast. There are other people in this show. This episode worked well (in my opinion) because it recaps the MCSK storyline in a creative way. Instead of just rehashing clips, they continue the storyline and it contributes to the overall story of the season.

The viewers get a peak into the lab rats' lives.
Lol.... reading all these makes me wanna watch it too *haha, I won't be able to for at least 6 more months haha*

W-wait? Archie's only on the first half? Bummer. But hey, any episode with Archie in it is complete haha.
NicknGrissom said:
Level 3 can go solo. Greg can't go solo, because he is still level 1, he has to do level 2 soon. Soon he is done solving 100 case he will level 3, now he can go solo. Grissom, Catherine, Warrick, Nick and Sara can go solo. Greg has to be with someone who is level 3. I hope I'm right. I could be wrong, but I do remember the pilot when Nick and Warrick was talking about when they was level 2, they have to solve 100 case to get to level 3.

Nick & Warrick did not get level three until they had 100 cases, Nick was on his 100th and he was SOLO according to the pilot.Then he made level 3.
I'm impressed that there weren't many negative reviews this week. I really am.

WHat was the show Three's Company about?
I think it is because this was a dream episode for CSI watchers. It showed the lighter side of everyone, and instead of cases and forensics, it was more of a comedy with all out favorite characters.

The Three's Company thing was the board game Hodges won on an eBay type site, I'm guessing he is a collector kind of like the Dukes of Hazzard board game he also has.

All in all I loved this episode, I thought some parts were hilarious and I loved what TPTB did with it.
pabzi said:
I'm impressed that there weren't many negative reviews this week. I really am.

WHat was the show Three's Company about?

I should probably be able to answer this, I was watching it the other night...

Three's Company is about a guy, Jack, that lives with two girls (Janet and Chrissy/Cindy/Terri, depending on the season). Janet and Jack had to tell their landlord that Jack was gay so that he would be allowed to live with them, even though he's not. They have constant misunderstandings about dating and parents and life in general. Sometimes their friend Larry pops in as does Mr.Furley the landlord. There's also a married couple that were the landlords before Mr. Furley, but I can't remember their names right now. If you want to watch it, it's on TV Land station at like 11 or midnight. (Can't remember which, I'm usually tired when I watch it. I think it's midnight.)

I thought that there would be more negative reviews, too. That's just a testament to how well the writers can handle a clip episode, I guess...

I'm going to be quoting the ep for a long time.

"Red dog barks at midnight!"
wanted negative - well here comes

They so know theyäre losing audience. Ha ha ha. All the flashback's were there for one reason only, they know their story is not making sense; this is damage control, big time. Didn't the brother of the tharapist confess to the murder? That's the impression I was left with. And now it turns out that it was the MCSK after all? WTF?

Delusional psychosis causes instant outbursts of rage/desillusion/paranoia, not prolonged planning and plotting to kill with elaborate schemes when devoid of immediate triggering factors. Oh I forgot, this is the show where "classic pasychipats" have remorse and try to kill themselves. :D

And pnline payment for the disposable phone? On-line? that leaves traces, folks! You can't pay online without someboy knowing your identity, any online payments can be traced to the payer for crying out loud!

And a CSI 1 solo on a 419 while 2 seasoned CSI (Nick and Warrick) together? Either Grissom is playing some seriious favoritism or the secret of my boys is out in the open *g*

Hodges totally saved this ep - the writing is still inconsistent and shaky, way too shaky and apparently it has to be remedied with verbal slap-stick humor. Oh they so know their MSCK is not thought out, they've thrown things in as they went along.

Nicky's beyong cute thou' the entire 30 sec he was in this ep.And Rick's always hot in the 20 secs he has in every ep.

But the entire MCSK is opting to be a total flop with plotholes bigger than the Grand Canyon.
Idk what impression you are under, but let me explain where I am coming from. The brother of the psychotherapist killed his sister, but not the cop. The Mini Killer killed the cop, which makes sense. And like Grissom said, Greg's 419 wasn't much of a 419, he ended up looking through a dumpster the entire time instead of dealing with the actual murder.

They already traced the credit card used to buy the cell phone minutes to Ernie Dell, that is how they caught him in the first place.

IMO, they made the Mini Killer a bigger deal in this episode then it already was. They figured out that the murders connect together with the bleach, which will come back again down the road, trust me on that. They probably also gained more viewers for the final stretch of the season, by recapping everything that has happened so far. For example, my friend had only seen 2 of the 4 episodes with the Mini Killer, but now that he saw last night's episode he feels up to speed with everything. I think TBTP did a great job with this episode, and everything is making sense to me.
I think it is because this was a dream episode for CSI watchers. It showed the lighter side of everyone, and instead of cases and forensics, it was more of a comedy with all out favorite characters.

Exactly what I think. This has been a solid season, but it's been a dreary season. CSI absolutely rules at comedy when it does it right - much better than Grey's attempts this season, I must say (and that's supposed to be their forte). Add to that the fact that Sarah Goldfinger is their best character writer (IMO - she did Gum Drops, The Unusual Suspect and Roshomama last year) and it was just a fun, fun episode. A clip show? Yeah, but it hid it very well.
The brother of the therapist confessed to killing his sister, yes, but the MCSK had still originally targeted the therapist and actually ended up killing the undercover cop, so that is still very much one of the main mini killer cases.

Just because Grissom's current theory of delusional psychosis was mentioned doesn't mean this is what is actually happening. The whole MCSK thing has been all about finding out bits and pieces as we go along and revising old theories when new evidence comes to light. Now, obviously bleach plays some kind of role in all of this, but just because Grissom *currently* believes it is some kind of trigger doesn't mean it actually is.

You cannot always track things done online. There are ways to hide. Ever hear of proxies? Remember in Grave Danger where they were trying to track the webcam feed but were having a horrible time of it because it kept bouncing around and all that? The closest Archie was ever able to get it wasn't that close at all, IIRC. It was only when they put it together with other evidence that they were able to find Nick's location.

EDIT: And, I had completely forgotten that they HAD already traced the credit card used.

Just because no one has said anything about Greg becoming a level two or even three doesn't mean he hasn't advanced. Did they ever mention Warrick actually advancing a level? He and Nick were tied, Nick moved up, Warrick was suspended, etc. Did they ever make a big deal about Warrick moving up? Greg has been a CSI for two years, now. They work a lot. He's probably actually pretty close to being a level three if they only need to solve one hundred cases to reach that level. What we see on the screen isn't all that is in the CSI universe!

Overall, I felt the episode was a bit clippy and didn't seem to flow too well, but it was pretty funny and you know what? Hodges' "Lucky Day" scene more than made up for any shortcomings this episode may have had. And I don't even like Hodges!