"Lab Rats" Discussion *Spoilers*

goldnhart said: I've been on this board for a year now, and I still don't know what "unsticky" means. I've never heard of it on any of my other boards. :confused:
Basically what gsrLOVE said, a its also called Tacked like a thumb tack (as you will notice the push pin icon) on the threads at the top of the forums. -- When we release it, it will then free float just like this is doing now, or any of the regular thread.
ZeroCreativity said:

Just because no one has said anything about Greg becoming a level two or even three doesn't mean he hasn't advanced. Did they ever mention Warrick actually advancing a level? He and Nick were tied, Nick moved up, Warrick was suspended, etc. Did they ever make a big deal about Warrick moving up? Greg has been a CSI for two years, now. They work a lot. He's probably actually pretty close to being a level three if they only need to solve one hundred cases to reach that level. What we see on the screen isn't all that is in the CSI universe!

Actually I was thinking that too. We do not see everything that happens. Days and weeks pass on this show without showing it. It is very possible he has been promoted but just never mentioned it on the show.
it might have been a filler episode but it was really funny and relaxing. i enjoyed it and it put a smile on my face. :lol:
S_Bright said:
pabzi said:
S_bright, was there ever an ep that you liked?

I adored most of S1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (except when the team got split up. I loved the Keppler ones of this Season. Why do yo ask? Isn't it allowed to find CSI new route (because there is a new route) lacking?

The ratings tell me I'm not exactly alone with this sentiment.

No, not alone, of course. However, in terms of this episode...

CBS took the honors on Thursday night with a 10.4 rating / 17 share. The Eye network remained in the lead as CSI’s 13.4/21 was the most watched show of the night, easily defeating a clip show of ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy with 8.6/13. NBC took third with 30 Rock and Scrubs, each drawing a 3.4/5.

At least this night, our Ratties managed a little bit of a "coup". :cool:
that was a fabulous ep. we got to see how the lab rats felt when they got handed work by the CSIs.... but i have to ask, what happened to the cocoon thing? isnt it supposed to hatch sometime this season? anyone kno anything about that?
edog said:
Honestly, I loved it all. Oh, Jim pinning the clown into the door, with Catherine on the other side just watching on in complete amazement: also hilarious. "Whose the big clown now?" Or something like. I can't remember what he said. I just remember laughing.

I, came this close to p*ssing my pants at that, I did actually fall off the couch, scare my puppy half-to-death, and my friends, all sitting on my couch hogging the popcorn, and thanking Gawd my parents werent home to watch me go insane.

Yeah I forced a few friends to watch it with me, and all in all, they ACTUALLY liked it. =) My work here is done.

Of course, they loved it, but not one of them understood it.
Haha, when the labrats were saying "Maybe there's a connection" I screamed out "BLEACH!!!" my family looked at me, and I said.. "Well.. I analyzed the scenes..." (I don't tell them I read spoilers, because I want to them to be surprised when they see the episodes)

When they saw Hodges' say "Bleach", they looked at me and laughed.
I loved EVERYTHING about this episode.

Sure there were re-caps, but I didn't think there were as many minutes of re-caps as you would think based on some of the comments. There were lots of brand new scenes.

I like Hodges and the other lab rats and I really liked how they were written into this episode. And to me it made sense that the others would stop working on the case with Hodges before the end of the show. This way it was him that found the coupon for bleach in the one minature scene and only he was in Grissom's office so he could have the conversation with Grissom alone.

I loved his "Lucky Day" scenes - they were priceless.

I loved the short scene with Brass and also the one with Greg and Hodges.

I loved the morge (how the heck is that spelled?) scenes with Grissom and Doc Robbins.

So, to re-cap: I love this episode. I've liked all the minature scene episodes (my husband doesn't like them too much though) and thought this was a great next to last episode about the MCSK.
*laughs at gsrLOVEs outburst of "BLEACH!!" from eppy last night...can just imagine the looks from the family*

MARYSE - but of course....anything to do with Hodges and I am happy. Doesn't take much to please me....just to see him...lol!! So I may be a little crazy, but oh well!! I AM a HODGE-o-HOLIC!!
I am looking like a little savage for them too...lol...can't find them anywhere yet and I don't have the proper tools to make them myself....
i think hodges has a thing for wendy

and that for a second..in this epi...wendy actually thought about it....lol