Just Trust Me - LV ; RP

(Cookies are yummy... :))

"Wow, so we get his coffee and give him a lame job? Sounds good," Warrick grabbed the file and started to leave.
"You guys coming?"
Catherine moved from behind Sara, if only to keep herself from wanting to hurt Grissom even more. As much as Catherine was liking the 'team time' that they were having, she knew that they had work to do.

Greg pushed Nick's hand away. "Na, you keep it. Just don't drink the coffee again..." He said, glaring at everyone but Nick, before moving over to the counter. Of course, he was slightly upset. But only because he had to do the scene scetch. "Why do I always have to do that?"
"You're with me," Grissom said, trying to hide the happiness in his voice. "Catherine, I believe you have that homicide you're still working on?"
"You sure, Greggo? It's expensive coffee.. Offer is still pending because I might just have to steal a cup later," Nick teased, motioning for Greg to follow him and Warrick. "But if you be good, I'll do sketch and you can take photos.. Need to touch up on my skills anyways." Nick followed Warrick down the hall, quickly stopping in the locker room to grab a couple things before meeting him out at the truck.
"Yeah, it's fine." He said, nodding his head slightly. "You can repay me by doing the sketch work." Greg said, a smile forming upon his face. That was fair trade, wasn't it? Coffee for ink? Yeah, he thought so.

Catherin nodded her head in a weary fassion, before draining her coffee and heading toward the door. "Have fun." She said light-heartedly, taking advantage of the fact that Gil and Sara would be working together...Alone. Of course, Catherine just liked making them slightly uncomfortable, but she meant it. And with that thought, she turned around, and headed out.
Grissom's tone immediately changed. "Four-nineteen murder-rape victim. Execution style murder," he explained, handing Sara the file. "According to Brass, it's pretty gruesome. Some young cop almost puked all over our evidence." He adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose as he continued. "Victim was a caucasian female in her early thirties. She worked at an insurance bureau in Henderson."
Grissom got in the driver's side after throwing their kits in the back and started the car up. Turning down the radio, he buckled himself in and backed out of the parking lot, heading over to the scene.
They arrived at the crime scene twenty minutes later. Sara got out of the car and grabbed her kit, then she waited for Grissom to follow.
"Nice place..." Grissom mused, looking up at the house they had parked in front of. "Two stories. She lived alone, didn't have a very high-paying job. Where would she get the money for this?"
"Maybe she likes casinos?" Sara suggested as they walked into the house. They were greeted by the wonderful smell of iron. "Yay, lots of blood."