Just Trust Me - LV ; RP

Warrick strode in, "Is that Greg's coffee I smell? I could go for some right now."
He walked over to to join Catherine, grabbing a nearby mug.
Catherine snuck a random glance up at the other CSI. "Where is Greg anyway?" She asked, turning back to the coffee as she poured Warrick and herself a cup.

Greg wandered by the brakeroom, obviously very busy with something. Though, knowing him, it probably wasn't much...
Nick looked from Sara and Grissom to Catherine, shaking his head no. Taking a sip of his own coffee his facial expression contorted some and his brow furrowed together. "On second thought.. Maybe I will. Why has no one called HazMat on this stuff? It's poison," Nick said, standing and rinsing out his cup in the sink. Looking up when Warrick walked in, he waved some. "Hey, Rick."

"Greg is.. he.. is.." Nick paused and looked out the glass wall pane. "He's there," he pointed out the window.
Warrick took a look at the tired Nick.
"Wow. You look like hell. Have you been getting any sleep or what?" He turned to Catherine and smiled, "Thanks." Warrick took a sip of Greg's coffee.
Nick quietly spoke to Warrick, rubbing his eyes. "I ran a double yesterday, up for thirty-six hours.. Only got two hours sleep and woke up forty-five minutes ago," the Texan replied, stifling another yawn. "Give me a day to recover.."
A smile split the older woman's face as Nick rinsed his mug out. "Because it's Ecklie's coffee, and people are afraid of getting fired..." She said in a knowing tone, before spinning around to see Greg through the window. Though, by the time she got a look, the man had already begun disappearing.

Catherine nodded her head in responce to Warrick's 'thanks'.
"That's tough man," He looked at his buddy sympathetically. They've all been there. "So, any new cases today, Grissom?"
"I think I'm going to have to will myself to live after that mouthful," Nick commented. "And I'm not going to take a sip of Greg's damned expensive coffee. 'Cause I sure as hell ain't payin' for it." Nick went over and sat back down, sipping on some water instead.
None-the-less, Catherine poured Nicky a cup of Greg's coffee. Placing it in front of the brunette, she stood next to him. "Come on, Nicky. You know you want some." A small smile was pulling up at her thin lips as she watched Nick.
"If I'm being honest here, am I the only person who feels bad for not asking permisson first?" Nick asked, looking around the room at everyone.
Catherine looked down at the mug of coffee that she had placed in front of the man. "Yeah, Nicky," She began, placing a slender hand on his shoulder. "You are..."
For some reason, the way Catherine said that made him crack and start grinning, chuckling a bit. "Fine, but I'm not takin' the blame. Grissom is," Nick stated boldly before he took a sip of Greg's coffee. He sure as hell figured out why Greg liked it so much.
Catherine was about to say, "There you go.". However, she was cut off when Greg entered the room looking rather bored.
The strawberry blonde stood up strate rather quickly...
"Hey guys." Greg greeted.
Nick was in the middle of swallowing when Greg walked in. The Texan ended up in a coughing fit, setting his cup down and turning away from everyone to cough. When it passed he turned to everyone with a smile. "I'm perfectly fine. My lung was successfully removed," he joked before looking to Greg. "Mornin' G."