Just Trust Me - LV ; RP

"Hi Greg!" Sara said. She looked around at everyone who was drinking Greg's coffee, then waited for Greg to burst out of his shirt like the hulk.
Greg narrowed his eyes, obviously oblivious to the fact that everyone was drinking his coffee. Or, at least, he was...

Catherine had to fight off the urge to hit Gil in the back of the head. It really was will power which kept her from doing so.
Nick watched Greg curiously, his eyebrows raising some at Grissom's comment. He was ready for a full out 'spaz attack' from Greg when he found out everyone was drinking his coffee so Nick spoke up next. "It was Grissom's idea.. And the lab's coffee is poison, you know that."
Greg held his breath, trying not to expload in front of his boss and co-workers. Finally, the man simply shrugged. "Yeah, I know. It tastes like murky water."

Catherine retreated back behind Sara and Grissom, if only in order to protect herself from Greg. Also, it would line her up perfectly to nail Gil in the head...
Nick was impressed. Greg didn't yell at anyone, and it was doubtful anyone was going to step up and pay right off the bat, and he was the one that actually felt guilty. Standing, Nick withdrew his wallet and pulled out thirty dollars, walking over to Greg and holding the bills out to the younger CSI. "Take it before I feel guiltier."
Sara was disappointed that Greg didn't yell. She was bored and wanted something interesting to happen. She wondered what Catherine was doing behind her...
(Exactly! Something interesting should happen! :D Maybe it's time for Grissom to hand out the assignments...)
(Just what I was thinking ;))

"...An eleven-letter word," Grissom said, looking up at everyone in the room, adjusting his glasses that were resting on the bridge of his nose. "Can anyone of you guess what it is?"
(Oh I know! 'Assignments' :lol:)

Warrick just gave him an amused look. "Is this for a cross-word puzzle or something?"
"I can think of an eleven letter phrase," Nick said quietly. "Time to do job." It took a moment for Nick to realize they hadn't gotten their assignments yet. "Aww, Griss, do we have too? I was just getting comfortable."
Nick reluctantly took the slip of paper and read it. "Double at the Bellagio," he mumbled before looking to Greg. "Greggo, today is your lucky day. You're doing scene sketch." Nick stood with a grin.