Just Trust Me - LV ; RP

Right-o, Steve_Jobs, if I ever want to give him up, I'll tell you. And it's perfectly fine if you make mistakes.

Oh good Green Goddess on a cracker! Raven is Sofia. This may be frightening...

Gil Grissom - quoth_the_raven
Sara Sidle - SaraSullivan
Warrick Brown - Hestia
Catherine Willows - BurnedToast
Nick Stokes - ShuriyuCSI
Sofia Curtis - quoth_the_raven
Greg Sanders - BurnedToast
Lindsey Willows - csiadict11
Jim Brass - Steve_Jobs
Okay, I'll start. The relationships are JUST starting, so nothing big has happened yet. Like pretty much they've gone on one or two dates. : )

I'll PM everyone so that they know we're starting.


Sara walked into the break room and sat down at the table, she watched as Grissom did a cross-word puzzle. "Hi Griss."
"Hello," Grissom said, barely looking up from his puzzle. Raising a brow in thought, he asked, "Where does Greg keep that fourty-dollar stuff of his?"
The slender, if not slightly bony, form of Catherine Willows appeared at the door. "You know your not supposed to drink that stuff, Gil." She said, a small smile cracking her face. The strawberry blonde leaned against the door frame, half in and half out of the room.
Nick walked into the break room, a tired, sleepy look about him. The Texan was loosely holding a cup of coffee in his hand as he made his way to an empty chair, sitting down. It looked like he'd been up for thirty-six hours, but really, he just woke up a half hour ago and couldn't wake up fully. "'Mornin.." Nick mumbled quietly.
"But I already got some..." Nick replied sleepily to Grissom, his Texan accent a little more distinct. Setting his cup down on the table, he raised his hand to stifle a yawn. "Wha's so funny?" he asked, looking at Grissom and Sara.
Catherine tossed Grissom a puzzled look, before she moved to get the coffee. 'What? Can't get it yourself?' She asked herself, as though she was talking to him.

The strawberry blonde CSI was in the middle of fixing the coffee when Nick walked in. He looked horrible, he really did. Catherine cringed at the thought of drinking the murky water that the lab tried to pass off as coffee, and continued making Greg's stuff. The woman tried to mask her laughs as Nick spoke next, especially after glancing over her shoulder at Sara and Gil. "You sure you don't want any of this, Nicky?" She asked, looking at him now.