Just Trust Me - LV ; RP

Sara nodded and stared in the direction where the assailant had come from. She eyed the counter that he had probably hid behind nervously. Then, her mind switched from being paranoid to what Grissom had said. Did he just say 'stay with me?' Sara asked herself. She looked at Gil for a moment and her question was answered without Grissom even noticing. He did...
"Stay behind me, I'm going to try and phone Brass," Grissom told her, walking off in the direction the guy had disappeared in, his gun held in front of him.
(BOO! Nah, I'm kidding. :lol: Hope the guy doesn't get Sara...)

Nick smirked at Greg's comment before waving for Greg to follow. "Come on before I leave you here," he said before disappearing out the doors to the parking lot. Nick climbed into one of the trucks and started it up, waiting for the younger CSI.

"You guys can probably do this without me. I think I'll go help out Cath." Warrick told Nick and Greg.
Hopefully, they wouldn't say anything about how much he wanted to be near Catherine. His excuses were getting silly, but so far, she didn't call him on it.
"Let's see what's in here...if there's a window, the guy might've been able to get out," Grissom said, walking through the door. As soon as he walked through the door the cat hissed.