Just Trust Me - LV ; RP

"Welcome," David greeted, hunched over the body. "She's been dead for about 12 hours. Throat was slashed, sliced through both carotids and severed her trachea. From what I can see at least," he sighed. "Definite signs of sexual assault, we'll know more after the autopsy."

"Wow...thanks, David," Grissom said.

(lol had to take David...and I just saw Butterflied again, what can I say? :))
(lol. Ya know what's weird? I understood what you just said, wow I have no life.. :lol:)

"Okay." Sara said quietly. "I'm going to take a look around the house."
"Have fun." Sara commented and laughed. Then she walked around the house, taking various pictures and collecting bits of evidence here and there.
Sara came back into the room to find Grissom talking to himself. "Do you always talk to yourself? Some people would think that you're crazy." Sara joked.
"Crazy is as crazy does," Grissom shrugged, bagging the evidence he had collected. "What did you find? Anything probative?"

(Haha! Stole the Sara line from Committed!)
(Bwahahaha :p)

"Well...that could be our murder weapon," Grissom mused. "Alright...so we have blood...hair...semen, and a murder weapon. This guy is obviously asking to be caught."
"Yeah, it's fine." He said, nodding his head slightly. "You can repay me by doing the sketch work." Greg said, a smile forming upon his face. That was fair trade, wasn't it? Coffee for ink? Yeah, he thought so.

Nick smirked at Greg's comment before waving for Greg to follow. "Come on before I leave you here," he said before disappearing out the doors to the parking lot. Nick climbed into one of the trucks and started it up, waiting for the younger CSI.
"...So we run the prints through AFIS, give the samples to Wendy, cast the tool marks...and we're set," Grissom shrugged. "This was easy. Almost...too easy, even."
Sara got up from the ground. The guy who attacked her was already gone. "Possibly the killer?" Sara asked. "Here's some of his hair I pulled out." Sara said, handing Grissom the hairs.