'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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when you lived in edmonton for 13 years you lose the spark, thats why people were so excited when brad pitt came (well who wouldn't) and to me nothing interesting happens they naver say anything about it, mabey it's just me, mebey i just like going to new places, but i have to say i wouldn't want to leave edmonton, all my friends are here i would only leave if i were going to another city (im a city girl) or europe (all my family lives in scotland), but you have to agree everywhere you look there is a walmart :)
See, my new motto in life is "I need to get the hell out of this damn city" because I don't think I can take it for much longer. It basically shuts down at 5 o'clock (or at least seems like it). One of the many, many reasons I like CSI so much is for the cities themselves. It's like a glimmer of hope, that somewhere there's a city that is more suited to my natural time schedule. I'm nocturnal. I think the place that I've shopped the most at this year is 7-11, simply because it's open in the middle of the night. *le sigh*

Oooh, I get excited seeing Hummers too! Suddenly you see them everywhere now, and I've been looking and looking for a beige one like on CSI:Miami, and I finally saw one on Friday. :D It was while I was driving home from work at rush hour, and I got so excited seeing it I was almost going to let him in in front of me. Then I realized that I was going through an intersection with a green light, and figured it would probably be best not to do that. :lol:

Anyways since I have to work from 8 until 5 tomorrow, like every single person in this city, methinks I'll be going to bed now. Why oh why can't it be "Saskatoon: The city that never sleeps" ???

ETA: Now, this isn't to say Saskatoon isn't a nice city. It's really quite beautiful and the people are nice, and I use the term "rush hour" loosely, because traffic jams virtually don't exist. But I just don't think it's the place for me to spend eternity.
Your not the only one who gets lost in St. Albert, Speed. I once got lost in the Sherwood Park arena. The ARENA! Even I don't know how I managed that.

But I'm about... oh, 45 minutes away from Edmonton if my Mom's driving. 30 if it's my Dad.

And why Doctor? Oh um... I have no idea what you call Lawyers. I didn't want to write "LAYWER SHURIYU" because that just sounds.... um. Too realistic, according to the Internet. So I went with the better choice. "DR." Gives you that whole medical stand that we so sorely need D:
And if that sentence made sense, I again prove my fact that you should be called "Dr. Shuriyu".

And I hate being in the middle of nowhere. Whenever I see a Hummer, I flatten myself against the window and start to drool. Especially for the black ones... I hate the yellow ones. They make me cry.
Oh, hehe I've been called 'Speed' again. *gets giddy and slightly proud* :lol: ;)

I saw a Pewter Hummer on the way walking home from school. It was on the St.Albert Trail driving on the highway into Morinville. I almost busted a gut yelling HUMMER! HUMMER! HUMMER! My friend thought I was seriously disturbed.
quickbeam_cw said:
See, my new motto in life is "I need to get the hell out of this damn city" because I don't think I can take it for much longer. It basically shuts down at 5 o'clock (or at least seems like it). One of the many, many reasons I like CSI so much is for the cities themselves. It's like a glimmer of hope, that somewhere there's a city that is more suited to my natural time schedule. I'm nocturnal. I think the place that I've shopped the most at this year is 7-11, simply because it's open in the middle of the night. *le sigh*

Oooh, I get excited seeing Hummers too! Suddenly you see them everywhere now, and I've been looking and looking for a beige one like on CSI:Miami, and I finally saw one on Friday. :D It was while I was driving home from work at rush hour, and I got so excited seeing it I was almost going to let him in in front of me. Then I realized that I was going through an intersection with a green light, and figured it would probably be best not to do that. :lol:

Anyways since I have to work from 8 until 5 tomorrow, like every single person in this city, methinks I'll be going to bed now. Why oh why can't it be "Saskatoon: The city that never sleeps" ???

ETA: Now, this isn't to say Saskatoon isn't a nice city. It's really quite beautiful and the people are nice, and I use the term "rush hour" loosely, because traffic jams virtually don't exist. But I just don't think it's the place for me to spend eternity.

i really agree with you. I think Saskatoon is a beautiful city, and its a nice place to go to school, but i definately don't want to make a permanent residence there. it is kinda small for me. But Saskatoon is definately better than my 5000 population town, where i have to work for the summer. i'm dying of boredom. :(
:lol: Nice answer there, Palm. And okay, If you have to... :p

Ziggy, I won't start by saying Nanaimo is better.. so let's just said the whole friggin' West Coast is the best place to live. :lol:
Yay! Dr. Shuriyu has spoken! 8D
I am way to hyper.

I am so jealous of BC D:
With your Mountains, and your creepy spirit bears, and Totem Poles, and those eagles that sit on the Totem poles going "Back off my fish, bitch!" to all the other birds. Plus you have Whales, Salmon which try to kill you, Pretty rocks ....that train.

But then again, you do have PST which is a slap in the face, I think.
IlovemySNICKERS said:
But Saskatoon is definately better than my 5000 population town, where i have to work for the summer. i'm dying of boredom. :(

Ah yes, I understand that completely. I grew up in a town with pop. 1200, and now every time I go back there, or out to my parents' farm, it sorta creeps me out in a way. Just feels so empty and small. It's like being trapped in the middle of nowhere. It sure was nice moving to the "big city." :lol:
Shuriyu, the govm't doesn't always have to follow the Charter, because sec. 33 allows them to ignore Sec. 2, 7-15(fundamental freedoms, legal and equality rights), which are very important to a democratic society in my opinon. Even though they have the power to ignore the Charter, they often follow it, to avoid angering the citizens, since they need our votes.

I hate it how my friends in the States are like "Rasputin? Bloody Sunday? What's that?"
Like, seriously, why are we forced to learn about everything else in the world but our own history. Now, I know our history is horribly, horribly, HORRIBLY boring, but really. Why is it that we learn everything from the Russian Tsars grisly death in that room (on that horrible video) to the Napoleonic Wars, to EVERYTHING about World War II and yet when someone's like "Name a couple of Past Canadian Prime Ministers" Everyone pulls out there money and tries to pronounce the names.

Why are we forced to learn about Russia?! Yeah, we trade with them, but do we really need to know what Lenin wrote in his journal in October before the Bolsheviks attacked? Or how in China they make all of our clothing for less than dollars? Or in Japan how their smarter than us? Or how the freakin' States started everything, apparently. I personally HATED that stupid unit about the United States Business Economy in grade 9.

And why do we have to know the exact symptoms with pictures on what Foot Rot looked like?! How does that help me in life?! To gross people out at parties? To go up to some random stranger and say "Hey, I watched a video on Russia, and apparently the Tsar Nicholas' entire family was shot in a tiny room, and there blood was everywhere."

How does this make me a better person, other than making me cynically depressed about the future!? Eh!? Augh! D:
And when it does come down to stuff that's cool, like people in Holland every year sending us Thousands UPON thousands of Tulips every year for thanks on liberating them, we learn it in a "Did You Know?!" piece of crap blurb on the side of the book. Why don't we learn about important Canadian Victories other than half a day in class? And when I saw half a day, I mean about every victory we had crammed into half a page of notes (excluding doodles) on a piece of loose leaf?!

Why can't we ever be like "HA! We liberated Holland! We totally won Vimy Ridge!" and have extensive knowledge on that instead of "Did you know that technically the Russian and USA bombs will kill us if they ever start a was against each other from the North?"
Augh! D:

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