'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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Man, I can get ANYTHING here at Talkcsi. This board just keeps on giving. :p

Thanks for the charter, now I know that we actually have one. :lol: *puts all doubt aside*
My Dad says in his household, his charter is the Charter of Rights. And whatever he says, goes D:

I can't pull any of that "The Charter of Freedom!" stuff because he retorts with "The Charter of you sleeping outside with the dog..."
I took law this semester, and we obviously learned about the Charter, and other Canadian laws. What I find most interesting is that in most laws they use the word "reasonable" but don't define it, which makes no sense, since what is reasonable to me may not be reasonable to you and vice versa.

My only issue with the Charter is Sec. 33 or the "Notwithstanding Clause", because what with the reasonable limits imposed in Sec. 2 the govm'ts have enough power, and Sec. 33 is used to circumvent the Charter, which is not a pretty situation. It leads to unfair laws ie. Ford case in Quebec, in which a store owner had a law preventing English signage from being diplayed overturned by the SCC, only to have that same law reinstated in accordance to Sec. 33 procedures.
Oh, constitutional loopholes, everyone's best friend. :rolleyes: The whole not-defining of the reasonable limits thing is a bit irritating. It's like an advertising trick, where you can say whatever the hell you want, as long as you throw in words like "virtually" or "practically." Or you can say that your product is "the best" even if there's 20 different products nearly identical to it... if they're all the same, then technically they must all be "the best"... :rolleyes:

"Our raw meat is virtually salmonella free!! Try some today!"

Anyways, what was my point again? Oh yeah, Constitution, right right...

The whole 'no-English-signage' in Quebec always kinda bothered me. Ok, so I don't have a problem with the 'protecting the French culture' thing, but what about the 'you get to choose whether you speak English or French' thing. *le sigh*
Would you mind taking Courdtsy back please. She is as annoying as a box full of monkeys playing the tambourine while singing "I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves" and it wasn't very nice to dump her in the United States, we have enough problems without her thank you very much.
^ Who? What? Where, when and possibly How/Why.

yeah, so it's raining here and a bird just hit my window.
I'm gonna ditto that remark .. Laetri, who are you talking about..?

It hasn't rained much, I kinda wish it would though my lawn is dying. But there's been Chicago-esque winds the last couple of days .. it's weird.
^^^ Um...Yes please explain.

-It's been raining here for three days. I saw these weird clouds outside my window and then white lightening, so I was a tad freaked out...*schooches away from window*
I understood!!!!! (Is immensley proud of herself) I took a law class in my final year of high school... it was a great class.
Then perhaps you could explain what Laetri was talking about because that one went straight over my head. :lol:
Don't worry....the last few posts about the constitution and charter, they went right over my head!....so yeah....if anyone wants to explain what Laetri says that would kick ass.

i think i might have to go reread the charter now.....
I THINK it's supposed to be Courtesy. I have no idea. All I know is it scares me.

And damn iTunes and it's "Give me your visa and your soul!" policies D:
^ :lol: I know how you feel. I hate their policy too but that's the only way I can get music so...

It rained just a couple of days ago here in Vancity. It was actually pouring out. Luckily I was inside watching the World Cup.
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