Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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gsrLOVE said:

As far as the scene with Sofia and Sara went, I was thinking that at first "Oh - NO She did not just insult Sara"

But I think Sofia was trying to say that "I don't have many friends outside of work - just like you" which is why she talked to Grissom - because she has few friends outside. :D

I read that scene the same way. At first I didn't like the angst between Sara and Sofia and I'm really happy they get along now, but the more I watch the early Sofia episodes, the more I enjoy their interaction. Consequently, now I ship them. (along with the gazillions of other ships running around in my head. :lol:)
saraXsullivan said:
Well, I read somewhere, probably on a GSR fansite or board, that Jorja will be back in Seaon 8, but both her and Billy Petersen are leaving at the end of Season 8.

I don't know if it's true, or speculation, or a rumor.

For you who haven't read her interview here it is again.. I swear, I'll be devastated if she leaves.. but to me "everyone" means "everyone" ;)

I just wanted to give a little update regarding the Jorja Fox Birthday Project:

I have recieved 22 birthday notes.

I am beyond thrilled by all the participation from you guys' on and off talkcsi. I have recieved some very sweet messages, one-liners, and so on. I haven't had to edit any entries to a great extent (A couple were very long, so I did have narrow it down a few words).

You've all still got five weeks to get your birthday wishes in before I send them. I will be sending them June 1st or 2nd, since it will take about two weeks to get over to Jorja's publicist, and who knows how long it will take for her to actually open it.

I haven't had time to print out the notes yet, but I will be doing that either Monday or Tuesday, to begin on the project.

There is 24 pages in the scrapbook - so we will still tons of room for those who haven't sent in their notes.

Get crackin', tell your friends, spread the word!
desertwind said:
saraXsullivan said:
Well, I read somewhere, probably on a GSR fansite or board, that Jorja will be back in Seaon 8, but both her and Billy Petersen are leaving at the end of Season 8.

I don't know if it's true, or speculation, or a rumor.

For you who haven't read her interview here it is again.. I swear, I'll be devastated if she leaves.. but to me "everyone" means "everyone" ;)


Ok.. I read it.. and she made me laugh so hard at the following question

What is your favorite thing to do after you've finished shooting for the season?
Jorja: Sleep.
Actually add to that time frame alot of actors and actresses work sometimes 12 hrs, and sometimes 16-18 hrs a day.
I seriously have got no clue how they do it. I wouldn't be able to work 16 hours a day, five days a week (Or 7, however many they work?) just to do it again the next day. I'd be so burned out. They gotta love it, 'cause I can barely stand working 8.

But like Jorja once said, "I'm not in it for the money, I'm in it for the love of art"
I've read in some interviews where Jorja says some of her favorite things to do are stay up really late and sleep in really late. My type of schedule :p
^ Oh me too, that's been my schedule for as long as I can remember.. :rolleyes: I loved in the commentary for Committed during the scene with the surveillance videos in seclusion they talk about how her and Paul had somewhere they needed to be the day of shooting and were never in the room at the same time :lol: :p She says "I think I had something else to do that day other than sleeping but I can't remember..." :lol:
she really work that long... i remember working that long for about 1 months you start to get aggitated with no day off it will drain you.
she must have been in great shape working at least 18 hrs a day i admire her for that..
gsrlove i send you a pm for the bday project for jorja and it nice to hear that every one is participating hope that a lot will give their wishes for her on her bday.
Sleeping! That's my kind of girl. I love sleeping, haha.. I think, other than being so active, that's probably one of her most favorite past-times :lol:
^^ Haha, I participated too! :) Can't wait until she gets it... Oh my God, I just read the talk csi article again about Jorja Fox's contract. It's due to expire...

I swear, if she leaves--then I'll die
Even though I'm not a GSR fan, I find it pointless that if Sara leaves or dies, it'll be pointless to reveal GSR in that episode. I mean, it's like "Oh she's with Grissom! Oh my God! Oh, she's dead! Oh my God!" That'll be so stupid... But then again, she's time and time again been in some gossip (with George Eads) about leaving the show and once I remember TV Guide going "Sara and Nick. GONE! COOOOONFIRMED!" and they're still here!
I'd hate to think that CSI would stoop so low as to tease us with the possibility of Jorja's departure merely to create anxiety amongst us and force us to tune in to see what happens, you know? But it sorta feels like that! :lol: I <3 Jorja and ultimately will support her with whatever she decides, but yeah, she's the reason I kept watching the show in the first place. You know, way back when in Season 3 (when I started watching), when I couldn't decide whether or not to keep CSI in my schedule. Such a long time ago. Gosh, I'm old! :lol:
I don't think Jorja leaving right now would really make sense, actually. How would they resolve the season finale?? :lol: :p

Either way, whether she stays or goes, I'll stand by her all the way... I'll just follow her everywhere else :rolleyes:

Sara will forever to be alive in FanfictionLand, no matter what happens ;)
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