Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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I bought "Memento" for just one reason.. The movie sucks but my Jorja is in it..
I still wanna buy the ER seasons in which she played Maggie :D
SaraSidleRules8 there's a Pic thread for your pics. :) Gosh, haven't posted here in ages and I immediately start whining. lol.

I really like Memento. I think the movie was very good, very confusing but it's brilliant. Christopher Nolan is a very good director and got me all confuzzled. Only after watching it for a couple of times I got the movie. And a plus is that Jorja played in the movie. I have the DVD somewhere..

ETA; Zsó, I haven't been onto the internet that much lately, so I might be a little behind but as far as I know she hasn't signed yet.
SunsetBoulevard, everyone's kind of really in the dark about it.. In an interview she stated everyone will be back next season; but we still have no idea if she has signed or not :)

Hopefully she does - I'd sure miss our Sara Sidle.
Yeah, I read that interview too. But... did she count herself in "everyone" or not? Daaamn, I'm actually not a very big fan of Jorja, but I'd definitely like to see her in season 8. I calmed down when I read that Ausellio (whatshisname) interview, but then I heard some spoilers. Well, I think we'd better trust the interview, not the spoilers. At least I hope so. She had better sign up.
I'd stand by her decision either way, but I really do hope to see her in season eight. I don't think they could find anyone to replace her. The way she's played Sara Sidle can't be mimicked or replaced. To me though, I highly doubt she's not going to be in s8. The storylines are heating up and it just seems like an inconvenient place to leave off, you know?
If Jorja leaves they better not replaced her character with another actress...that would be a sure way for the show to commit suicide.
OMG, don't say such thing. Well, I think she'll stay. If no more seasons left (after season 8 of course), she MUST stay for this one.
I will of course, support Jorja either way she chooses to pursue her career.. It would really stink if she did leave though.

But she seems so thrilled about the show that I just can't see her leaving (Denial!)

Also - Ausiello, as we all know isn't that big of a Sara fan. He's rarely right unless CBS GIVES him spoilers.

Last year he said "There would be no GSR at the end of the season".. Well, we know the answer to that one.

So, unless we hear it from her mouth - I think we should keep this as speculation, and try not to talk about it too much.
Sorry I have to share this, I nearly jumped off my chair and slapped the TV (Sorry cant remember the ep name :p) When Sara said something about friends outside of work when she was fighting with Sofia and Sofias like "Oh? And how many friends do you have outside of work, Sara"? I was like "OH NO SHE DI-INT"!

Haha sorry. Had to share.
Sarahh, I had the exact same reaction to that scene :p (I love Sofia, but I was shocked :lol:). I like seeing angst between the ladies but I like it even more when they all get along. Everyone on the show has such great chemistry.

And I don't even want to think about another actress trying to fill Jorja's place :eek: Oh my gosh I think that would give me nightmares :lol: :p

Right now I strongly believe that the rumors Jorja's not coming back for s8 are just rumors and nothing else. I won't believe it unless it comes out of her mouth, the media just lives off rumors like that nowadays. And like she said, as far as she knows everyone's coming back, so I'm assuming she means herself, as well :)
I agree quoth. She seems way too pumped (From interviews) about CSI: that I just can't see her leaving.

People love to start rumours :)

As far as the scene with Sofia and Sara went, I was thinking that at first "Oh - NO She did not just insult Sara"

But I think Sofia was trying to say that "I don't have many friends outside of work - just like you" which is why she talked to Grissom - because she has few friends outside. :D

Sara, doesn't need friends.... She has us. Mwahaha. We love her. (Haha that made no sense!)
jorja should come back for season 8 cause she's the reason i watch csi in the first place. love how she potray sara's character and she delivers it well.
and yeah i dont think i can stand it if someone took her place in will be weird.
Whatever she decides, I'll be supporting her.
But they shouldn't pull an X File on this and replace her with some other woman. The moment Mulder was replaced by Dogget sucked! And it never was the same again.
Only one woman can play Sara Sidle and that's Jorja.
Well, I read somewhere, probably on a GSR fansite or board, that Jorja will be back in Seaon 8, but both her and Billy Petersen are leaving at the end of Season 8.

I don't know if it's true, or speculation, or a rumor.
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