Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

Not open for further replies. all seriousness...I can't post the quote that I want because, it's well, rated MA for Mature Content. :lol:

She makes me blush sometimes with the things she says!

It's not my favorite per say, but it does make me giggle....

"I'd have to say rocks. A couple of rocks, I was camping, it was dark, I was caught up in the moment and I got some rocks in my teeth."

:lol: :lol:
Those two are really good indeed. Especially the first one is so typically Jorja. :D

I know about Memento! I think it's a very, very original plot, but I don't understand everything. :lol: I can imagine Jorja had a hard time understanding it. :p
i have a lot of sara moments but one of my favourite is in "crash & burn" after she found out that hank cheated on her. it was so sad when she said:"i'll see you around". i really wanted to punch hank at that moment.
SaraSidleRules8 said: all seriousness...I can't post the quote that I want because, it's well, rated MA for Mature Content. :lol:

:lol: :lol: Oh I know which one you're talking about ;) :devil:

gsrLOVE, I couldn't choose between the quote I posted and that one :p I love them both the same, but the first one reminds me so much of my dogs :lol: :p Her dogs go everywhere with her.
She's such an animal lover.. It's so cute. Hehe. She takes her dog everywhere - I love it when people do that.. You know, spend some quality lovin' time with their babies. Hehe.

Her quotes are always so hilarious.. I mean, she tries to be so serious, but the way her words come out - you just can't help but giggle.
She's the definition of humanism, and that's one of the things I love so much about her. In the last interview I read the person who wrote it said the first thing they noticed about Jorja is how quick she is to laugh. They said it quickly felt nothing like an interview, and more like they were kicking back in a pub drinking a few beers sharing stories with eachother. :p
^^ Yeah, I remember that. I love that about Jorja. How fun and alive she is! I also love that she plays kickball with her co-star and is very close to the cast and crew. In the recent (and same) interview, she mentioned that she would walk on class (ouch!) for them. :) That's so nice for her.
She's like the epitome of beauty and care.

Yeah when I read her interview and she said "I'd walk on glass for them"... That was so sweet..

And tell me this girl doesn't want to stay on CSI:?

I do agree - but personally.. I 've noticed; she looks absolutely stunning in RED!
For some really.. REALLY odd reason; I can't EDIT my post. So I am truly sorry for the double post. I've tried for about five minutes, and every time I try to EDIT it goes to "Page Can Not Be Displayed"

Anyway; concering "Forever Fabulous"

I just spoke to the production company; they are sending me a copy of the movie.. Should be in the mail within a couple of weeks.

I am so stoked!!
:eek: :eek:

Dude...I'm jealous. SERIOUSLY.

Can you PM me the phone number or address? I'd really like to have that movie...

Just watched Post Mortem.She looks SO gorgeous when she's talking to Grissom...


::sigh:: I wanna be with her...just for a day....
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