Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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^ I definitely want to send in my wishes too, I just have to find the time to write the note. School keeps me so busy all the time. But I love the idea of the birthday project, so I'll certainly send in mine too.

I love 'Down The Drain' too!
hello.. :D *waves*
i really like Ms. Sara Sidle... :)
She is one of my favorite character.. :D

shes smart and i just adore her.. ;)
luvincsi, glad you decided to come in and post! :D Yes, She is very smart.. I agree, and she's my favorite character as well :p
Of course you can! There is really no need to ask! :)

Also - if anyone wants to create any type of art of Jorja, feel free to and PM it to me! :) This is a scrapbook, afterall!
Just for clarification:
This project is open for everyone. Just PM me or E-mail me ( ) your birthday wishes (By June 1st) Clicking on my banner directs you to the page that explains more.

As far as the art goes.. Anyone can participate in that.. By choice :)

Also, if anyone hasn't voted in the TOP TEN SARA SIDLE MOMENTS, head to Page 17 to vote in the poll :)

Guys.. I just watched Homebodies.. Again, I cried at the ending.. I don't know what it is, but just the way she looks is so.. Teary :( Jorja was SOO awesome in that episode.
I have such a hard time watching Homebodies because it's just such a powerful episode, but in this episode it's one of the ones that gets under your skin, and Jorja's always been fantastic at portraying that. At the end when she's standing at the scene and looks at Grissom with tears in her eyes you're right there with her.
Your right.. She just stands there, you know how she's feeling, you can feel it (Well I can sympathize. SP?). Stands there, looking at Grissom.

My mom walked in the room, the episode just ended and I had tears in my eyes, and she goes "Don't tell me you watched that episode again?" and walked out of the room.

Jorja.. Man, she has a way.
She definitely does. And that reminds me of when my brother teases me for rewatching Committed all the time :p The scene in the nurse's station is just amazing in itself, I don't even know how to describe it. She looks genuinely terrified, and you're terrified for her as well, yelling at the screen once Adam lets go of her, "GO, SARA! GO! RUN!" :lol:

Jorja gives what some people have called a "Jorja Fox performance" :p In Memento, she was only in the movie... maybe about 3-5 minutes, tops, only appearing in Guy Pearce's flashbacks. There's a line in particular from the movie, where he's remembering her and says, "You put them together and you get the feel of a person." An article on the movie said that's exactly what she does, she creates the feel of a person. In 3 minutes.

Now that's amazing.
That is amazing. She's so capable of capturing every moment, and leaving you in awe.

Has anyone seen Memento? I haven't, I might have a long time ago, but I don't remember.. I've wanted to see it basically because she is in it. Infact, I don't think I've ever seen any of her movies :lol: I tried looking in video stores, but nope.. I might have to order online :confused:
^ Yeah, I've seen Memento. Amazing movie. I love the whole plot; it's so original. And of course I loved Jorja in it! I like the scene where 'her husband' (forgot his name) describes her, his wife. He says something like: 'She was very special.' I don't remember it exactly, it's been a while since I've seen it, but I do remember I loved that scene.

Oh, Ann, I know about Homebodies; I always have a hard time watching it too. It's a very heartbreaking episode; and the end is just so unfair. But I really, really loved Jorja's acting.
oh.. i haven't seen Homebodies yet. :( (or maybe i have but forgot about it. :confused: )

What i like about Jorja most is the way she acts. :D She does really good facial expressions.. You know what she's trying to express even though she's not saying anything.. ;)
Guy Pearce's monologue for the beginning of his flashbacks is something like this I think (yeah, I know, I'm a dork for remembering :lol: :p):

"She was beautiful; to me she was perfect." And then the character Natalie (played by Carrie-Anne Moss) tells him to close his eyes and really remember her: "You just... look at these extreme moments... the moments you never bothered to put into words. And you put them together and you get the feel of a person. You never realize how much you love someone until they're gone... and how much you hate the person who took them away."

That's probably not all correct but it's what I remember :lol: All the while, there's flashbacks of simple things Jorja's doing- washing her hands, brushing her hair, sitting at a table.
I watched clips of Jorja in Memento on PureJorja, and wow.. I do agree, for just a couple small parts, she was amazing. I liked the flashbacks he was having of her, the simple things brushing her hair, staring out a window.. She looked beautiful.. Now I just can't wait to get this movie on DVD if I can.
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