Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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Sara/Jorja was brillant in Empty Eyes, especially with both Cammie and when see found out that she held the killer's hand. The scene with Grissom at the end was also great, and that's saying something, as I wasn't much of a GSR fan before this episode.

I will proabley send a happy birthday message for the fan project. Sounds like fun.
Leftyguitar said:
Sara/Jorja was brillant in Empty Eyes, especially with both Cammie and when see found out that she held the killer's hand. The scene with Grissom at the end was also great, and that's saying something, as I wasn't much of a GSR fan before this episode.

Yay. I totally agree with you. Brilliant scenes she did. Jorja shined in this episode. But, the actress that portrayed Cammie was quite good herself. I do like how they played us a clip that seemed as a flashback, where Sara was holding Cammie in her arms, and called out "Somebody help me" or something along those lines.
I have to ask something, is Jorja Fox pregnant?? I'm sorry if this has already been asked, I'm just slower on keeping up these days. And also, I would like to be in on the Birthday project if that's okay, what do I need to do?
Nope, Jorja's not pregnant. ;) If you are asking because you noticed her not so flat tummy, then it's just her adorable beer belly, and has nothing to to with babies on the way (though I admit i would love to see Mommy Jorja, one day). *melts*
ericisacutie said:
I have to ask something, is Jorja Fox pregnant?? I'm sorry if this has already been asked, I'm just slower on keeping up these days. And also, I would like to be in on the Birthday project if that's okay, what do I need to do?
As far as we know, Jorja is not pregnant. She has said in past interviews that her tummy the cause from her love of Heiniken (sp?), and that she can't seem to get rid of it unless she quits drinking it (Which she wont :lol:) That belly is her absolutely adorable beer belly.

And for the B-Day project, the instructions are on Page 15 :D
i saw a the clip at youtube cause i envy all of you that you can watch the full story. i must admit she doesnt only look absolutely beatiful and she is brillant actor even if i saw like 2mins of the clip.
and gsrlove i think i would like to join your birthday project for jorja.
cocoa_girl18 where do you live? Where is it, Australia that is behind? And the UK? Or have you just not been able to watch the episode yet? She was awesome in it :D So beautiful. And I'd love for you to join in :)
gsrlove i am from the philippines we just barely at episode 8 tonight i dont know the episode title though. thats why i havent seen the whole eppie of sara for empty eyes. yea thanks i will join and pm you soon.
Hi everyone!
I don't think I've ever posted in here before... *searches around for previous post by me...* nope. And I haven't seen a lot of you before so, nice to meet you :D

I should slap myself for not coming to this thread before, Sara is my BIGGEST tv role model, she gives me something to look up to. I like the fact that even though she has a tough outer shell, she's really sweet on the inside... like an M&M...


so Sara reminds me of an M&M..... is that weird?
gregslabmouse said:
so Sara reminds me of an M&M..... is that weird?


Welcome :D An M&M eh? I literally laughed out loud at that.

Haha how about "Jorja/Sara "The brightest M&M" Thread 5" for a new thread title :p
hey guys i'm back (in case anoyne noticed i was gone ^^) .. real life sucks .. and some really mean board friends on msn caused me a heartattack by april fooling me with some horrible jorja fox information (so mean!!!!)
but anyway .. at least i had time to watch the new episodes and i gotta say i loveeee empty eyes!! i love how sara-centric it is and hot emotional jorja plays it ... at the end of the episode i was like what the f..? it's already over?? and then the scene in the end when she cries ... so sad ...
gsrLOVE said:
gregslabmouse said:
so Sara reminds me of an M&M..... is that weird?


Welcome :D An M&M eh? I literally laughed out loud at that.

Haha how about "Jorja/Sara "The brightest M&M" Thread 5" for a new thread title :p
yeah it would be a nice thread title. its every chocolate that you can't get enough of it ;)
sienna and i envy that you could watch every new eppie she's in. i so happetence and she only have the last scene for like 1min or less and welcome back.
Hay, what about smarties, if you want to name a Sara thread after a M&M like chocolate you should go for smarties, besides they’re way yummier then M&Ms (who ripped off the design) and there actually called smarties (I’ll let you connect the dots on that one)

Ok, back on topic.
thanks cocoa_girl18

sooo smarties or m&ms that's the question huh? so would jorja/sara would be more like a m&m or a smartie? i think m&ms taste better *hides from flying pillows thrown by 88Blackbirds * and they have a different form right?
okayyyy i'm talkin' crazy ^^
But Jorja is a smartie :]

I don't know which one I like better, I eat smarties more than M&M's so I'm probably more bias towards smarties.

The Jorja buying a dirt bike video is so funny. I love it.
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