Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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Yeah, so do I. I keep hoping for some more interaction on the show between Cath and Sara. *hopes*
I liked 'Blood Drops' *at least I think that was what it was called* when she said 'I left her in the car. The windows are cracked.'. Total dry sense of humour, I love it.
WOW, this is a tough call.. so many, all of them :D I loved her in 'SUCKERS' her acting in "COMMITTED" superb.. and "NESTING DOLLS" spilling her guts about her parents. riveting..'EMPTY EYES' and well, right now I'm drawing a blank.. I've got to research and look through all my eps.~~~scratches head~~~
Uriel, I always laugh when I watch that episode. It's so Sara. And it's exactly something I would say :rolleyes: :p

Empty Eyes was so wonderful and refreshing; finally we get to see Sara's human side again. I just loved the raw emotion that Jorja portrays so well and I love seeing Sara's character develop more, mentally and emotionally. I also love Sara with a gun :p

Nesting Dolls is by far one of the best Sara episodes. You could just tell she was going to crack one day and she finally reached her boiling point. Like edog said, I also think Marg and Jorja are great together, the oil/water Catherine and Sara relationship has always been so interesting. Never a dull moment :p
UrielFalcon said:
I liked 'Blood Drops' *at least I think that was what it was called* when she said 'I left her in the car. The windows are cracked.'. Total dry sense of humour, I love it.
i love this eppie to.
Ohh that's such a hard choice. She's amazing in all of the episodes, actually. I really, really loved her in Nesting Dolls; especially when she shouted at Ecklie. Yay, I love her! :lol: Then I loved Committed, of course. I thought Homebodies was amazing, although that episode always makes me so sad. But I loved how Sara took care of the girl.

I haven't seen Empty Eyes yet, but I'm totally sure that when I do, it's gonna be added to my 'favorite Sara episodes'-list as well. :lol:
I think Jorja pretty much just nails any episode that is Sara-centric. She gives it her all, and does a fantastic job. SaraStar, where are you guys' in CSI right now? You will love Empty Eyes! :)
Just a note to those who want to participate in Jorja Fox's Birthday Project:

There is still two months (and five days) to get your birthday wish in.

If you do not want to PM me, you can E-mail me at:

Go here: to find out what to do (Please try to read it all, I find it pretty important).

I have spoken to two of her Reps.

I have yet to speak to her publicist, but will try to get that done sometime this week, or next.

So far it looks good that it will be forwarded to her.

Get yours in! The deadline is June 15th 2007, but I would like to get this started within a month! :D

(Sorry for the double post, but I just now had gotten some new information and wanted to let the fans know that it's still going on!)
Empty Eyes is by far my favorite episode. Jorja really deserves an Emmy for that. She made me feel her pain at the end. PHENOMINAL acting.

Also gotta put in there Committed and Nesting Dolls. Oh oh! Can't forget Butterflied either. 'Nother one of my favorites. :D
gsrLOVE said:
where are you guys' in CSI right now? You will love Empty Eyes! :)

I live in the same country as SS (that sounds so wrong). I don't know where we are, but somewhere in the middle of Season 7. I stopped watching but when Empty Eyes is on, I'll sure watch.

My fav Sara episode? That's going to be a hard one. I really really loved Nesting Dolls but you gotta love Blood Drops too. And Unfriendly Skies, happy Sara episode for sure.
What is everyone's top ten favorite Sara Sidle moments I made up a poll so you can all vote for ten! There are 15 choices. :D This should be fun, after you've voted why not come out of lurking and tell us why! :p

You don't have to choose ten, you can choose how ever many you want. Just no more than that :p
My favorites out of the poll were the Committed, Nesting Dolls, No Humans Involved, Empty Eyes, Blood Drops, Sex, Lies and Larvae, Fannysmackin', Homebodies and Too Tough To Die moments :) Although I love every scene Sara's in :D I just hope she would get some more air-time! I loved that Empty Eyes was a Sara-centric episode but in some episodes it just kind of seems like she pops out of nowhere for five seconds :lol: :p
Me too. She deserves it. She just blows me away with her talents. You can see a difference in her acting when it's a Sara-centric (Where Jorja has to do heavy acting) and when it's just snippets of Sara. She puts her everything into the ones that focus on her, and she does fantastic in the ones that don't. I hope that made sense, :lol:
I really liked Sara in "Nesting Dolls." I thought that was a great episode, but JF did a fantastic job! She was able to swing through a wide range of emotions, something that I'm sure isn't easy to do when you share a 45 minute episode with several other actors. But I was impressed, nothing about her preformance seemed rushed or off beat - like the writers were just trying to fit it in. It was a great episode that really helped develope Sara as a character.
I chose the scene with Ecklie and Scott Shelton because I just love kickass Sara. Then I chose the scene in 'Homebodies' because it's so heartbreaking and amazing acting from Jorja. I love 'Homebodies'. And finally because of my Greg/Sara heart I just had to pick the 'Fannysmackin'' scene... cannot help it. She was so sweet and comforting to him. :D

MissRoosFox said:
gsrLOVE said:
where are you guys' in CSI right now? You will love Empty Eyes! :)

I live in the same country as SS (that sounds so wrong). I don't know where we are, but somewhere in the middle of Season 7. I stopped watching but when Empty Eyes is on, I'll sure watch.

My fav Sara episode? That's going to be a hard one. I really really loved Nesting Dolls but you gotta love Blood Drops too. And Unfriendly Skies, happy Sara episode for sure.

SS.. :eek: :lol: Last Monday they aired 'Leaving Las Vegas'. So unfortunately there's some waiting for 'Empty Eyes' left...
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