Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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I totally agree. Jorja was amazing in tonights episode.


She so deserves one.

Her tears looked real. However, Sara and Cammie's scenes were wonderful.
PLEASE, SOMEONE HELP ME SAY STUNNING! :eek: Last night she was so ZOMG!

If this isn't an Emmy deserving performance, then none is. She was great, and she made her emotions so incredibly contagious... I was all like "Oh honey, let me hug you, it's alright, I'm here!"
I swear, I've never - and I say never - been so deeply touched by a fiction! There she is, folks, the most Emmy-deserving girl in the world!

She was touching and ass-kicking at the same time... I loved the "I'm gonna nail this son of a b*tch, and I don't want him to think for a single second that he's gonna get away with this" and the "I held his hand... Just like I held hers... And I lost perspective".

Emotional!Sara is Love!

Now, she didn't get a friggin Emmy for Nesting Dolls (and it pissed me off, really), what the hell are they waiting for to give her one? GIVE THIS GIRL HER DAMN EMMY ALREADY, SHE DESERVES IT more than anyone else!
_Calleigh_ said:
PLEASE, SOMEONE HELP ME SAY STUNNING! :eek: Last night she was so ZOMG!..............
Emotional!Sara is Love!

Yep, Jorja was amazig - just watched the ep and 3 or 4 times lol (doesn`t happen often, let me tell you. The funny thing is even Hodges moved me deeply). :lol:

Her facial expression at the hospital when she realizes "he" is the one who killed these girls.....awesome.
And let`s not forget the last scene *sigh*, they are so beautiful together. :rolleyes: Gotta love the geek love.

My favorite ep at the moment. :D Really hard to top that one, especially since Jorja cenrtic storylines are very rare these days.
Sad thing to say is that she will probably get one as fast as George Eads gets one for his role in Grave Danger. The supporting cast (ie not William or Marg) usually don't seem to get nominated unknown to me as to why.
Destiny said:The supporting cast (ie not William or Marg) usually don't seem to get nominated unknown to me as to why.

See, that`s the thing I hate about CSI ( all 3 shows, by the way - though I only watched a couple of eps of Miami and NY ). :eek:

We KNOW each cast member of LV is brilliant and can actually act his/her ass off if TPTB would let them (just remember Nick in GD and Gum Drops, Greg in Fannysmackin`, Jorja in last nights episode) , still we get two leading rols with all the sceentime - in this case Grissom and Cath. Now my question: why?

We`ve seen Sara like....what......3 minutes in most eps of season 7(and let`s not start with Warrick, hell, Wendy gets more screentime than this poor guy lol :lol:)? What`s wrong with the writers?

Sara has, at least , as many fans as Catherine out there (no offence Cat lovers, I like her ;)).
Yet we only see her handing out results, working at the lab, standing in the locker room or coming in from court. *shakes head* I just don`t get it.

I mean every season has 23 episodes, why not use them to give all of the cast members 3 or 4 centric/good ones?

And yes, I`m bitter....sorry, I just love Sara and they neglected her so much this season....and she still hasn`t signed her contract yet.......I`m just worried, if this is going to be her last season then they should at least have given us more of her.

Well, to sum it up and finally refer to Destiny`s post :p:
Why should they nominate the " supporting cast " , if we only get to see them really act once every season?*shrugs*

ETA: Isn`t it funny, I come back to this board after 3 month, just to rant and talk your ears off. Sorry....
And please ignore my grammar, since english is not my first language!
I've never understood, why, beings it's rated most of the time, as the #1 show, they DON'T get nominated.. stupid slugs.. how can these "people" watch these incredible performances and not go WOW :eek: their in!!!.. I was so ticked off when George didn't get one.. but back to Jorja..and he does deserve one as she did in "COMMITTED' STUNNING her timing.. is so precise, and her expressions just glue one to the screen.. not to mention her beauty.. and she amazingly still look's the same as she did in S/1.. she never ages.. I think she's up there with the " female greats" on the big screen.. guess you'd call me a "FAN" ;)
That's what I don't understand. Jorja's never even been nominated and she's one of the main strings of the show. If she were to leave I think the show would suffer a great deal, as it would if anyone were to leave. But she's the main reason I watch the show, Sara Sidle is what got me hooked.

Season one is where Jorja really shined, IMO. Blood Drops, Too Tough To Die, Sex, Lies and Larvae and The Strip Strangler are some of my favorite episodes simply because of her acting in them. The tears are real, she's said herself she has to go into the corner and psyche herself up for those scenes (she has to get "super actory" :lol: :p). I can tell the tears are real though (I'm an expert fake-cryer :lol:).

I've just never been able to see another actress like her before and the fact that she's never even been nominated urks me.
quoth_the_raven said:
That's what I don't understand. Jorja's never even been nominated and she's one of the main strings of the show. If she were to leave I think the show would suffer a great deal, as it would if anyone were to leave. But she's the main reason I watch the show, Sara Sidle is what got me hooked.

Sara Sidle/Jorja isn't what got me hooked, but the episode "Butterflied" did. :D

Although I do agree, if Jorja left the show would suffer more than it bargained :devil:

I loved the episode "Too Tough To Die", it's in my top five! She was remarkable in the episode.

Although, I do believe Empty Eyes has gone to Fav. episode number two :p

She was so awesome in it. From beginning to end, man. I loved her expression when she found out the guy was the murderer.. "Let me go.. LET ME GO" adorable.
quoth_the_raven said:
she's the main reason I watch the show, Sara Sidle is what got me hooked.
I totally second this. Sara is, in my opinion, one of the best and most complex TV characters ever. She's real and human, strong and yet frail, she makes mistakes and learns from them. She's a beautiful person and I'm not surprised at all she had me fall for her since the very first minute.
Besides, the fact she's so gorgeous fuels the interest even more. :p
^^ Agreed. She is so... real. She has been through hell in the past and from that, she is a very strong and caring person. She is passionate and gets emotionally involved sometimes, but that's exactly why we love her.

Hey gsrLove! I'm really happy about the project! I'll send something to you soon.

Edit: I've just done my part and it's here if anyone wants to see it.
Fan Project.
i so envy all of you that you got to watch sara/jorja perform/act on this eppie that i so want to watch.
i cant wait to see this eppie here in asia. hope there will be more sara story to come.
Jup, these are from EE. I loved the scene Nick was like "Wooohoo" when the cop cars drove quick!
Oh my God. Sara was absolutely AMAZING this week. She played it out with subtleness and was absolutely perfect.

Damn it, give Jorja the EMMY or better, a Globe!
Well, I think this is my first post in this thread...I never posted here before, but since I first started watching CSI that I admire Jorja's work, and her character, Sara Sidle :). She is definitely a great character, different and so amazing...Jorja makes her like perfect! I can't imagine anybody else playing Sara, it would be too strange. And well, I haven't seen much of Jorja, out of CSI or ER, like in interviews, but she seems a very nice person...

Two of my favorite episodes, Nesting Dolls and Committed, especially when Sara is attacked.

Oh, you make me jealous. I also want to see these episodes. You have said such great things about Jorja, I need to see them...But that will take some time to happen, sadly :(

As about the birthday wishes project, I want to participate for sure. Not something really special, just a little birthday wish as asked, anyway.

And here it is my post...Hope you don't mind me joining!
CSI_Dani said:
As about the birthday wishes project, I want to participate for sure. Not something really special, just a little birthday wish as asked, anyway.

And here it is my post...Hope you don't mind me joining!

Of course you're welcomed to join :D The more the merrier, right? And you're also welcomed to send me a PM of your birthday wish.

It's beginning to pick up some speed, which I'm glad to say!

And, kissmesweet I got it, replied to your PM, Thanks :D
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