Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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I think Sara is an only child. If she did have a brother, it's very likely a foster brother since she was taken into foster care after her mother killer her father when she was 3.
Axatullux said:
I think Sara is an only child. If she did have a brother, it's very likely a foster brother since she was taken into foster care after her mother killer her father when she was 3.

Actually, I think Laura Sidle killed her husband when Sara was 13 because Sara was born on September 16, 1971 and in No Humans Involved Sara looks up the trial and enters '1984' :)
raven, I bet you didn't even have to look that up. :p

She talks about playing Hide and Seek and finding a bag of weed under her brothers bed in ... One Hit Wonder? I think. She tells Grissom in a locker room, and her hair is blonde, so it's season three.

*looks around*

So? I know the seasons by what way Sara's hair is. Got a problem with that?

:lol: I checked Wikipedia just to make sure but September 16 is my grandpa's birthday, so... :p

That must've been such a hard time for her, though! I mean besides the obvious fact that she just lost both her parents and had to live with strangers :rolleyes: But being 13 ain't exactly easy... especially when you have a higher IQ than your parents and are misunderstood by your peers and superiors :p
Ahhh, thanks for all the replies. I just never knew for sure if she had a brother or not. At least now that won't bug me when I read fic. It used to distract me because I wasn't sure if it was fanon or not.

So what is this all about?

Well, I've decided to create a birthday project for the lovely Jorja Fox (Sara Sidle on CSI: Crime Scene Investigation [Las Vegas])

Please go here for more information!

Tell your friends, tell the other message boards you visit. I am hoping to get as much participation as possible! My goal is 100 people, but hopefully we can get more! Anyone who participates does NOT have to be a member of talkCSI.
Nicely done on the site, and for purposes we as mods tend to have to put up a disclaimer on the board.

Disclaimer: "CSI Files, TalkCSI, Moderators & admins are not in anyway responsible for this project or members participation in it, We do not advise for or against it, and any information you give is at you're discreation."

Okay moving on now. ;)
Hey peeps!
My name is egg! Nice to meet you. *shakes hands*
Apologies for not posting in here sooner, I post mainly in the GSR thread. ;)
I lurrve Sara and Jorja in equal amounts, and I think JF is hawt! *pants* So that is my mini intro, on with the posting:
I know the seasons by what way Sara's hair is. Got a problem with that?
I do that too!! We must have been separated at birth! Loving the Season 7 hair btw. ;)
Dude! :cool: That's awesome! I have to think of something to say though. I'm not very good with words. I'm nervous already! :lol:
Welcome eggbe4thechicken!!! I post myself mainly in the GSR thread as well. Maybe we can get this thread more popular, like the William Petersen one hehe.

JF is beautiful, I agree.

I have a question for everyone!

What made you first begin to like Jorja Fox? (As in, maybe it was when you first saw her as Sara Sidle. Maybe it was a certain episode of CSI? Maybe it was on The West Wing, or ER?)

Dude! :cool: That's awesome! I have to think of something to say though. I'm not very good with words. I'm nervous already! :lol:

Thanks, I thought long and hard about this, how I would do it, and if it would be successful enough to even try. After much consideration, and speaking to the mod/s I decided to write up some instructions. It got long, I put it to a webpage, and am now waiting for some birthday wishes. There is what.. three and half - four months until her birthday, so there are still a couple months, but the deadline is June 15th. Can't wait to get yours!
gsrLOVE said:
What made you first begin to like Jorja Fox?

Why, this is a very good question, because, hadn't it been for Jorja, I wouldn't have even started watching CSI, therefore no CSI:Miami, either.

Anyways, the first time I noticed Jorja was when I first saw Invisible Evidence. My mom was in the kitchen watching it, and I stepped in during the sheet scene (yeah, well, my GSR heart was born one sec before my CSI addiction :lol:), and I saw this awesome girl, so I decided to stay and watch until the end... And I ended up watching every single ep, of every single season, just because the pretty brunette playing one Sara Sidle was freaking good. So here I am now, completely Jorjaholic and proud to be. :D
Hm.. my story is quite similar to _Calleigh_'s. I watched CSI once and Jorja (or Sara Sidle) just stuck out among all the others to me. I thought she was so cool. And so, eventually, I became obsessed with CSI and Sara Sidle has always been my favorite character.

I think the birthday project is a really good idea! I'll definitely send my wishes. :)
Why made me first begin to like Jorja Fox? Oh what a question :p And there's so many answers :lol: :p I guess for me I started watching CSI: after a hard time in my life and after getting absorbed in the characters, I discovered how similar Sara Sidle was to myself. From there I wanted to keep watching to see her character progress, and I fell in love with Jorja during that period :D It's hard not to do ;)
well duh eggy, I've been seperated from EVERYONE at birth. And somehow I still have a twin sister.

Lindsey says hi.

Anyways, JORJA,

Well, when my one friend slept over at my house one night, we were bored and didn't have anything to do so we watched an episode of CSI, which I later found out to be Blood Drops. I was pretty young at the time and found the episode gross, disgusting, puke-tastic, and violating. I don't know why it is violating, but oh well. So, I didn't really watch CSI after that.

Then one night, probably over a year later, I was bored and I don't know why but I started watching CSI. The episode was my now favourite episode Committed, and I fell in LOVE with it.

So I'm a drama-whore.

gsrLOVE said:
I have a question for everyone!

What made you first begin to like Jorja Fox? (As in, maybe it was when you first saw her as Sara Sidle. Maybe it was a certain episode of CSI? Maybe it was on The West Wing, or ER?)
oh this a very nice question.
for me the it would be in cool change in csi i like the way she smile and how she dress and from then on i keep look for her and watching every single eppie i can watch.
Jorja was absolutely amazing in tonight's episode. I love Sara-centric episodes in general but this one took the cake :p In an interview she said the hardest thing a director could ask her to do was cry. In tonight's ep it looked like the tears wouldn't stop falling.

Someone give her the f*cking emmy already.
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