Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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Hmm. It's season 8.. the show has been running for quite a long time.. and she said in an interview a year ago that she has been on TV for ten years and that she'd like to take a break. Ah well.

No matter what Jorja's going to do, she'll always kick ass.

Has anyone seen Jorja's movie Food For The Heart?
MissRoosFox said:
Has anyone seen Jorja's movie Food For The Heart?

I'm such a girl, that movie makes me cry every time :lol: :lol: :p

And yup, she'll always kick ass! :D I'd be disappointed to see her leave CSI: but it's her decision and she's free to do whatever she wants. I'll stand by her all the way ;)
I love her in Food for the heart. There were some dull parts in the movie, but she was cool. I like the scenes when she's with her son. You don't get to see Jorja around kids a whole lot - and never in that "mother" way.
quoth_the_raven said:
MissRoosFox said:
Has anyone seen Jorja's movie Food For The Heart?

I'm such a girl, that movie makes me cry every time :lol: :lol: :p

It's okay to be a girl, Ann. Jorja's a heartstring-pulling hottie! She's totally fabulous! :p

I hope Jorja doesn't leave. It'll be a depressing day for me, that's for sure. But as well, she's great no matter what!

I'm still waiting to find "Food For The Heart" at my local video stores. It's so sad, some of them laughed at me and told me it was never made! Smell that? You smell it? Smells like bullshit. That's right.
Awwh, don't worry Alyssa, I was told the exact same thing :p I was going to see if our Borders bookstore could order it but they didn't have any record of it. They said there was a book named it (the movie's based off a novel) but no movie :p I just bought if of Amazon, and for a pretty good price, too!

I love going through old JFO news articles... you'll never know what you'll find... the interview with STUFF magazine is still probably my all-time favorite :lol:

STUFF: What's the strangest outfit you like to put on when nobody else is home?
JORJA: Well, my friend who works for the city left his uniform at my house one night and didn't come back, so I tried on this whole weird sort of construction thing with a tool belt. That's pretty kinky.
quoth_the_raven said:
STUFF: What's the strangest outfit you like to put on when nobody else is home?
JORJA: Well, my friend who works for the city left his uniform at my house one night and didn't come back, so I tried on this whole weird sort of construction thing with a tool belt. That's pretty kinky.

Dude...that's hillarious. :lol: I almost peed my pants. :lol: Where can I get the rest of this article?
Anyone else who wants the full interview can PM me so Destiny doesn't give us 'that look' that we've been given oh-so many times :lol: :p ;)

We've asked this before I believe but we have some new faces in here :p Which role is your favorite that Jorja has played?
I think I'm going to jump in on this thread...

My favourite role of Jorja's would be either Sara Sidle or Leonard's wife in Memento. She's a great actress, though, and all her roles are awesome!
4ENSIX said:
I think I'm going to jump in on this thread...

My favourite role of Jorja's would be either Sara Sidle or Leonard's wife in Memento. She's a great actress, though, and all her roles are awesome!

I would DEFINATELY have to agree. Sara ROX but she was also great as Leonard's wife...although she didn't have much screen time. But Sara has to be my favorite. :D ;)
Yeah, Memento is one of my all time favorite movies. It helps to have a great actress like Jorja in it as well. ;)
edog said:
Yeah, Memento is one of my all time favorite movies. It helps to have a great actress like Jorja in it as well. ;)

That was the entire reason I saw the movie... :rolleyes: Oh come on, don't give me that look!! :lol: I'm not the only one :p

It just amazes me that she had so little screentime and in that short amount of time she's able to captivate you and engulf you in this character that's central throughout the entire film.

Although that's her job :p
I'd like to say I watched Memento knowing she was in it, but that's not the case. I was actually pleasantly surprised to see she was playing the wife, which then made the entire film 100 times better. I mean, it was great before I knew, but once I saw her, that made the movie for me.
I don't mean to double post, but my time to edit has run out on the last one. I was just thinking about all the things that are canon and fanon in this fandom. So, does Sara really have a brother or is this fanon? It seems whenever there is a fanfic centering around Sara's family history, a brother pops up. I'm just curious. :) I can't seem to find out if this is true or not on any other CSI site.
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