Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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Ch! (sound effect) Spelling. Who cares, you got your point across didn't you? (I thought you did.) Nice censorship, by the way, very clever. Oh, and remind me never to mention my favorite foods on this thread. Speaking of which, that brings another point to mind about Jorja (or at least my mind). She strikes me as a very understanding person. She doesn't appear the type to press you to share her beliefs. Unlike that certain friend of mine who sat and told me and Nick about how much torture the pigs had gone through to make the bacon bits for our salad. Nick promptly took a big bite of becon bits and smiled at her and I busted his bubble by informing him that they were artificial bacon bits...not made of meat, but the ever mysterious (and often used in lunchroom food) Substance X.
well I am a vegetarian for a long time now but I have to say that I never tried to convince someone else to become a vegetarian as well. Because that's a decision everyone has to make for him/herself. I enjoy being a vegetarian because it's just great (IMO) but it's not like I'd talk someone into it if I'd know that for them it's not the right thing...
I am a vegetarian too and I HATE fur. It pisses me off so badly. People just don't get it.. Innocent animals die because of their huge need for attention.
I say they go to hell with their anorexic asses and fur. I really hate that kinda people. :mad:
Okay guys this isn't a PETA board or whatever, while I understand that you all might hate the use of fur, or meat, ect. Lets move the conversation along there are other aspects of the actress/character to discuss, in which other folks might feel comfortable joining in on. Thank you.
Haha, thanks Destiny, I suppose our animal right's activist sides are starting to shine through, and we got a little carried away ;)

Oh, I love how no one wants to post after a mod. :lol: I'll be the brave one.

Like _Calliegh_ said, Jorja Rox, hands down. I agree hold-heartedly. Like I've said countless times, she's a rolemodel for people of all ages. I think that's something to be admired in a person, expically a woman. P.s: How do you spell that word? Expically, espically? Anyway, Jorja Fox must know that there are too many young girls with perfect bodies and perfect hair and perfect make-up in our pop culture society today, and she doesn't need nor want to be one of them. And these girls who are trying to be rolemodels for young children of 4-16 end up plastered over magazines with porn videos and pictures of them kissing someone else's boyfriend at a club while she's there or something. Jorja's not that kind of person.

I haven't ever seen Jorja in a magazine, or tabloides. I only time I ever hear of her is when I hear talk of CSI:. But really, that's all she needs. She does her interveiws and stands up for what she believes in, and gets heard and noticed in a good way. She also know that she doesn't need anyone else to get her famous. She has her PETA and CSI: and she's happy. So, More Power To Independance - Jorja Fox and Sara Sidle. My true idols. Was it Roka4CSI who said SidlePrideCarvedDeepInside?
Okay, Destiny, we'll stop :D
I love that kinda celebrities. Like Jorja. People who think they are perfect are actually NOT perfect.. some of my classmates are like that and it makes me wanna kill them! Okay, back to the topic. She is so tough and kickass and plus, so pretty^^
I'd love to share thoughts with you all, but I gotta go.
jorja is the person i look up to. really. i can't say that about my mother or family. but i can say it about her... she is the kind of woman i want to be later .. just the way she is ... without that whole glamour sh***
Yeah, of corse I don't want to be just like her, I want to be myself. Because that's what Jorja's inspired me to be...and I think free-willed self cloning to an image that is way off from your own is a little weird...not that I'm saying that about any of y''s just...ummmm.

She's awesome and non-conformist but doesn't do it to say, 'Hey, look, I'm being different.' She does what she wants because she wants to, not because it gets her attention...that's what I admire most about her and that's how I want to be like her.
Yay, I am glad to have found a spot where people actually like Sara/Jorja. Most forums I go to (with the exception of YTDAW) just rip her apart. I don't know what it is about her, but I just love her. She seems like a really great person. And I like that Jorja is an animal lover, both in character and in real life.

On a side note, I was reading the editorials in the Philadelphia Daily News today and one of the letter writer's name was Jorja!
Yeah, some of my family was talking about the charicters they liked and disliked on CSI. My whole family was telling how they disliked Sara (the charicter, mom said, 'I don't know, Jorja Fox might be the nicest person in the world. I might really like her, but I can't stand the person she plays') and I was setting in quiet frustration when my OCD-spaz uncle, David, said, "Is that the brown-headed one?" "Yeah." "Well, I kinda liked her..." Yay, Dave! So he's the only one in my family that likes Sara other than me...of course he's also the one that had us make pictures of him wearing crazy hats and doing stupid stuff like setting in Santa's empty chair or leaning off a balcony...but who cares, I'm not alone in my family anymore!
Actually ericisacutie, this is the discussion thread, you want the "Jorja/Sara Pic Thread 4: A Beautiful Soul" thread. You can leave that link but for future reference, all picture threads carry either the work "Pic" or "Picture" so that people can see the difference.

Don't worry you're new little mistakes are fine until you get to know the place. ;)
I don't understand why so many people don't like Sara. I really don't. A lot of people say she's too dramatic or too whiny... she's not. I think she's a perfect balance of everything, and she may have seemed that way in the past seasons but it was because so much was going on in her life, practically every week something traumatic happened to her. There was always another case, or another victim that was able to work its way into her heart and I totally understand that. She's human. And that's why she's such a real character, because she's not exaggerated and she's not unusual.

And as for whiny Sara was the new addition to the team in the first season and pretty much everyone had it in for her because she was the 'new person'. Catherine and Sara butted heads, Warrick and Sara pretty much hated eachother's guts, Nick was still on the fence and Greg just wanted to flirt (little Greggo :p). Sara had to adjust to a lot of things- she had just moved from San Francisco into a new environment with people she didn't know. The only person she knew was Grissom, so obviously she felt overwhelmed. I don't think she was whiny at all. Maybe she talked to people about adjusting their attitudes but it was because she knew that if she was going to be an addition to the lab they all needed to work past their differences.
Destiny said:
Okay guys this isn't a PETA board or whatever, while I understand that you all might hate the use of fur, or meat, ect. Lets move the conversation along there are other aspects of the actress/character to discuss, in which other folks might feel comfortable joining in on. Thank you.
Sorry again, I'm trying to get better here
Sara had a lot to deal with when she first came... and even more during the next few seasons. Out of all the CSIs, she's probably had the most traumatic childhood. Though she wasn't a stripper or anything, you have to think of the years. 1984. Sara would have only been 13 at the time of the trial. That's YOUNG to be witnessing. Sure, it's traumatic at all ages, but what kind of effect would it have on her psyche? For her to come out even SEMI normal is a miracle, let alone a fully functioning contributer to society.

They should get off of her back for being emotional. HUMAN NATURE IS LIKE THAT. Sides, she barely complained about the issue, it just showed through. She didn't go to anyone for help for a long time, and even then she only went to a councellor and Grissom (who she's known for over 10 years, something like that) along with Brass, but that was sort of a touch and go thing, like 'watch my back'.

Growing up in foster care would have made her very guarded, and that showed through, too. All her life she's had to work hard for everything she does, and when someone is handed something, it just doesn't make sense to her.

All in all, she's a great person who is actually warming up to the gang. Too bad everyone except for Greg sort of gave up on her. :(
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