Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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It's like I said in the "Leaving Las Vegas" Thread regarding characters on the show.

Some have a fav character, some have a character they dislike, and some well they may or may not care for the character but hey they are part of the team. Either way it comes down to the fact that there will be times someone is going to say something that someone doesn't agree with, hence the advice of agreeing to disagree and letting it go.

Its the best and only real advice I could give anyone on this subject. ;)
Yeah, well, accept and move on. Can't make everyone see things our let's just get back to what's awesome about Jorja/, when I type that it looks like someone with multiple personalities 'names'...
I agree. Some people may not like her (tho I don't understand them either) but she's all perfect in her own way. I think THAT is unexplainable.. My mother doesn't like Sara, because she's so oridinary, just like other people and she doesn't understand that everyone's different. Jorja is different, she's just herself.. Oh my, I admire her. :)
I really don't see why people don;t like Jorja.. Sara. Mymate the other night was soooo dissing Sara.. I flipped!!!!! She is absolutly awesome! And Jorja toatlly prtrays her well!!
Sometimes I think people don't like her becuse of Grissom... they're jealous :p
lea said:Sometimes I think people don't like her becuse of Grissom... they're jealous :p

I totally agree with you on this point.

I think she is a wicked actress and person and I love her character Sara. Why do people have to say she's not the nice one etc, it does get to me too.
Also in real life Jorja is a real inspiration to a lot of people with what she is involved with. She does a lot, so why to people slag her off with her beliefs etc. They are her beliefs and she can say what she wants about them.
Well, let's face it. Sara's a complex charicter...when she's nice it's light, well ment and sometimes sarcastic (kind of teenage-ish) but alot of times she trys to act that way all the time even when she's mad, sad, etc.... she has a lot of trouble channeling her negative emotions so when they come out they are overpowering and make most people completely overlook the nice things she's done or said.
And Jorja deserves major props for being able to play that charicter without over-acting or under-acting the emotions.
My my. Long time no post.

Just yesterday I called every videostore in my neighborhood and I was appaled to realize that not one of them carried "Food For The Heart". One man even said, "Sorry, but there's no such movie." I hung up on him. :p But anyway, does anyone know where I can find that movie? I've been looking for it for about 2 years now. It's supposed to be a wonderful movie, heartwarming, mushy even.
Mini_Catherine said:
My my. Long time no post.

Just yesterday I called every videostore in my neighborhood and I was appaled to realize that not one of them carried "Food For The Heart". One man even said, "Sorry, but there's no such movie." I hung up on him. :p But anyway, does anyone know where I can find that movie? I've been looking for it for about 2 years now. It's supposed to be a wonderful movie, heartwarming, mushy even.

I just bought my copy off of Amazon.Com. I looked at our Borders store here and they didn't have it, they told me there was a book called Food for the Heart (the movie's based off the book) but no movie. I asked if they could order it and they said they couldn't find it :lol: :p It's easy to find on Amazon.Com.
I got mine from Amazon a while ago. She's just so adorable in this movie.

Sometimes the movie is listed under an alternate title "Hungry Heart's Club" (or is it "hungry bachelor's club"? Can't remember).
Jorja was in a movie?!? good for her. Jorja would be a pretty cool person to meet- she seems to down to earth and shes not caught up in the fake stuff in the celebrity world
Hey, I'm Ship, in case you...yeah, my name is there. Wow. Anyway, I keep hearing that Jorja has a song she plays and sings to. I always thought it was kind of cool cause I play guitar too. Just wanted to hear what she sounds like. :)

Am I crazy or does anyone have any idea what I'm talking about? And if you do, do you know where I could listen to this song?

thank ya
I'm guessing you mean "Satellite"? There used to be a link on her official site, but I don't see it there anymore. I'll put it up on my LJ in a few seconds. Address in my profile.
Jorja sings and plays guitar and she also plays drums in a band with some friends of hers called Honey Pot (the same name as her theater company ;)). This is awesome to me because I play the drums (I can't play the guitar worth crap though :lol: :p I picked out one part of a song and I can't do anything else).

I thought Jorja looked lovely in last night's episode. I love it when her hair's curly :D

And Jorja actually also wrote and performed another song called 'Lullaby' that was used in a movie (I can't think of the name now) but in the clips on PureJorja.Net you can't hear it over the dialogue in the movie (it's playing in the background).
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