Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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quoth_the_raven said:

No one else in my family's a vegetarian either ;) I have to watch my mom fix up raw ground beef because my entire family is full of meat-eaters. There are tons of brands out there that are alternatives for meat. Morningstar Farms and Gardenburger have some good stuff (Gardenburger have the best veggie burgers ;)). And like I said, soy milk is da bomb :D You can also check out <a href="" target="_blank">GoVeg.Com</a> for recipes and ideas on what products you should buy. Just make sure you still get protein! That's important.

MissRoosFox said:
(I love your Loc, btw, Ann :p).

second that.
i have a girl in my class which is really loaded. and last month she told my best friend that her fur dealer is coming next week ( i mean .. what the hell? who has a fur dealer ??? :eek:) well exactly one week later she came to school with a fur scarf and jacket.
my friend and i were really shocked. i mean how can you wear that? that's so cruel. well i talked to all my classmates about it and somehow the girl noticed that and now she doesn't wear that horrible thing anymore. which doesn't help the animals who had to die for it ..
Good bugs me, it really does, to the point that I can't stand to think about it, but here in the south it's pretty hard to be veg, I mean especially in rural Arkansas...we don't have too much variety in meat, let alone meat substitutes...oh and soy milk does rock, I'm lactose intolerant.
I'd love to become a vegeterian, actually. sarax knows, lol. I had a little incident with skinned rabbits the other day. Mom was cooking them.. I setteled for chicken, and have come to the conclusion that I am a borderline vegeterian.

Actually, it was Jorja Fox who inspired me. I've always wanted to be a vegg, but I've just never had the go-to for it. So I watched Jorja's interveiw on andwhen she said it "clicked," I've realized that's how it has to happen for me. I can't just give up meat, because, unfortunatley, I do like it, and it's in my culture. So, when in Jorja-land, do as the Jorjeans do. LET IT CLICK!!
Wow...there were a few made-up words in that, yeah? Ewww...I can't eat rabbit! I already made that choice at Global Village, us Appalachians were vegetarians for the day...thanks to me and my on-again-off-again veegetarian friend, Amy. (It's a long story that I only tell per request)
My family is straight-up southern so I've grown up in a family of carnivores :p My grandpa is a hunter, too, so... he has a bunch of trophies up in his basement and they're disgusting. I can't bare to look at them. But once you've started eating less meat I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how easy it becomes ;)
Yeah, mounted animals make me sick. So you can end a smaller animal without a weapon's life, big deal. It really makes you a bigger person...
I am a hardcore meat eater and a week without it wasn't that bad. I have a lot of respect for people who change over but I don't have respect for the few who have been vegetarians their whole lives and not eaten one piece of meat. It's impossible.
Sonds like almost as much fun as midnight bicycle drag racing and sparkling grape is going on at the Baker residence...(aka where I'm at)
Okay, so today I went to brunch with my family. And we were waiting to be seated when a lady and some other people came in. I glanced at the lady, SHE HAD A FUR COAT ON. If I wasn't so shy, I probably would have screamed at her. I can just see it now...

You have a dead animal on your back. Doesn't that make you feel great? I'm sure it does. You spent money on murder. Are you feeling better now? So, you're going to go eat roast beef, eh? How many animals do you kill a day? And this is only breakfast. Do you like having dead skin keeping you warm? I'm sure you couldn't find ANY other coat to satisfy your disgusting taste. Let's have someone skin you and have them wear your skin and let you watch them walk around the store looking at all these other coats that no one had to die for in order to make, let's watch as they pick your coat that they use for less than a year. Then we wait until next year, and watch them do the same thing, only this time, your sister's skin is on their back. But don't worry, they could be just as warm with any other coat in the store, but NO, they picked your sister's freshly shaved skin. Still want to keep that coat?

Lady: Uhm.. Fred, let's go.

Okay, that helped, I don't feel so mad anymore. :)

If I never watched CSI, and never found out about Jorja, I probably would have thought that having a fur coat was an everyday thing.

Jorja is one of those celebrities that isn't stripping and shaking her ass on stage to get attention, she's standing up for an actual cause.

saraXsullivan said:

Jorja is one of those celebrities that isn't stripping and shaking her ass on stage to get attention, she's standing up for an actual cause.


This is one of the main reasons why I admire her so deeply. I was a vegetarian long before knowing Jorja, and when I found out one of my fave actresses was as involved as I was in defending animals, she immediately became a model for me.
I've never had such a sincere respect toward someone I don't personally know, but Jorja deserves it.

Jorja Rox, hands down. ;)
Sara, remind me to never, ever talk about meat in your presence EVER again.

Jorja's one of my favorite actresses because she stands up for what she believes in. She's a rolemodel for people of all ages, including young children, because as sara, she's not stripping and acting like a $**+ to get herself noticed. She has her ways of getting her point across and still looking like a total sweetie. I admire her, and her belifes. And I can't spell. :)
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