Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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ahaha. A few days ago, at school, my friend asked me what monologue I was going to say for my audition in the school play that's coming up in a while. I was going to tell her, but she'd think I was more of a csi freak than she already knows. :p

Anyway, I know what monologue, type-thing I'm doing.. Sara's Speech about her past in Nesting Dolls. I think the Drama teacher will love it. I'm hoping she will anyway, cause last year I totally messed up.

But this year, I won't, cause I'm doing something csi :p Hopefully I get a good part. :p
Many thanks for the explanation Destiny ! I didn't know about this "offset" system. I always believed shows aired in the same time in all four time zones. That's worth knowing :D.
Destiny said:
That would be correct, while the show airs around the US at 9:00 pm we are offset by the time zones. Basically the time zones go something like this when airing at 9pm. Eastern, then Central, then Mountain, then Pacific.

So when CSI Finishes airing in Eastern, it will begin in Central and when its finished in central, it will begin in Mountain and when its finished in Mountain, it will begin in Pacific (the last zone to air in the US).
Actually, Eastern & Central air at the same time (9pm E/8pm C). Not sure about Mountain time. Pacific normally are the ones that have their own "special" times! ;)
thankyou hon!! :)

yes, im glad i found this thread. shes so adorable. theres just something about her on screen, she has this presence. what a great character for her to play.

i read shes 36. well i think it said 36. she doesnt look that old, i wonder why she hasnt had any kids. does she have a boyfriend? i hope thats ok to discuss, i notice its a thread about the character and the actress. hope thats ok :)
Uhm, well, if you're talking about Sara, yes, you're right. But Jorja is 38 years old. :) Maybe she doesn't want any kids, I don't know. But it's all up to Jorja to decide. And for what I know, she doesn't have a boyfriend.
In all truth, it's possible that Sara was an alchoholic for 3 seasons, starting season 2. People don't realize that even if you still go to work, pay bills and stay healthy, that you're not an alcoholic... But you are, in a sense... I'm glad they got out of that phase, because it was ending up way too cliche... although very true... Gah.
no i was talking about Jorja. she SO doesnt look 38 haha. aw she probably wont have kids if she hasnt by now. i was just interested by that. thats all.

thanks for the welcome catherine. :) looking foward to participating in this thread.
Indeed. And please, call me Alyssa. We're not into "formalities" here.

Whoever said that we'd soon be using CSI eppisode titles in everyday speech was right! I think it was in the GSR thread. Uh, I'm gone of in a tangent. Anyways, back to the program!

Sara & Jorja do not look their ages. My parents both think that Catherine is prettier, and looks younger (compared to her age) than Sara does. I blatantly disagree everytime, saying flat out that they're crazy and get mad every time they say such nonsense. It's true, Catherine/Marg is done up, and she tries her best to look her best, but Sara has a natural beauty. And anywwho, I digress. Sara/Jorja are forever young, on the outside & in. :D
she probably wont have kids if she hasnt by now

Don't think so, either but never say never. After all, women nowadays start having kids in their 40s... Something I don't really think too highly of, but that's me.
Somehow I think the idea of Jorja with a baby is really cute, though that might have something to do with those scenes from "Food for the heart" and the fact that I absolutely adore babies :)
Anyhow. It's up to her.

And, just because I can:

i think the idea of Jorja with a baby is really cute too. she might well though have one, youre right.

ok Alyssa i will call you that from now on. :) thats a really pretty name. i cant believe youre parents think Jorja/Sara looks older than Catherine/Marg. she blatently doesnt. and thats not a bash, i think catherine is pretty, and looks good for her age, but Sara looks way way younger. she just does. Catherine looks in her mid 40's. Sara looks in her early 30's. and if i didnt know her, and saw her walking down the street, id probably think late 20's.

I'm new to the forum...and I just love Jorja Fox playing Sara Sidle on CSI...she is definatly a very tough woman...and do agree she is as tough as nails!! construction nails that is ;)...

I love her independence and her intelligence and her beauty! She is definatly a role model for any woman who wants to be stronger in any respect of their lives!!!!

Sadly I am a Grillows shipper, please don't hurt me! *cowers in corner*..and do not approve of the Sara Grissom relationship...HOWEVER, I think it is great that she has someone in her life now...since the last few seasons for her have been pretty rough...anywho...I just wanted to say that I Love Sara & I Love Jorja & I Love CSI & I Love this place!!!! I just love alot of things! LOL!

Ciao! xoxo

~*~ Br!t~*~
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